Jack Of Owls
Finally getting around to Dying Light after having it sit on my ssd since it first came out practically. Wow, this game is giving me major motion sickness, and I've played tons of FPS over the years with nary an issue. Must be all the mantling and parkouring, yet I have no problem with the Thief classics. I must be getting old. The nausea becomes so acute I've temporarily stopped playing and ordered some ginger chews (ginger root soft candy) to see if that remedies the problem. Really want to play this. Any other tips for fighting motion sickness in first person shooters in case the ginger chews don't work?
Did you turn off motion blur? I, too, get motion sickness, turning off MB usually helps.
I had all options turned on and now unticked Motion Blur. Thanks for the tip. I'll see if it helps. Another tip someone suggested for motion sickness in first person shooters was to make sure weapon bobbing was disabled. I can eliminate that potential issue from Dying Light since I don't think it has it. It's just funny how I almost never had motion sickness with FPS games until now, and I've been playing them since Doom came out. Weirdly enough, I did get violently sick playing Silent Service on my Commodore 64 many years ago, but it might have been that hideous pastel pink sky palette. Hehe.