I remember the first game not leaving a particularly great impression on me. I remember it being pretty, and featuring some on rails chase sequences. I also remember the combat being forced, and some backtracking. Now onto the sequel: it's gorgeous as ever, the music fits nicely in the background, it's more on the classical side so not quite my cup of cafe de olla. Combat here is much improved, they essentially give you a freaking sword right of the bat. It has a nice 5 hit combo, you can juggle enemies. Instead of unlocking new moves for most weapons, the game offers you different tools, but really I don't feel like bothering with it as the platforming is the key thing here. The chase sequences make a return here, and more than before they remind me of the God of War QTE sequences. It still annoys me that these are pass/fail sequences, but they add some nice Hollywood drama. It's been interesting playing this alongside The Messenger. I feel like Ori feels like "more of the same" but with better combat, while The Messenger has been a more fresh experience for me. The aesthetics appeal to me more there too (writing and music). Final thoughts to come, but so far, I'd say that this is an improved take than the inaugural title.
Final Thoughts:
It's pretty much what I expected it to be. I don't remember if the story was so forced/hamfisted in the first, but here control of the camera is often taken away, and it pulls the same bullshit of forcing you to walk in certain areas for dramatic effect. As I said before, platforming is the clear focus here. Combat is still a bit flimsy and weightless for it to particularly good, but it is a step up from the first. I would have liked to have seen more platforming elements in the boss fights, most you could mash attack to win. So overall, yeah I had a much better time with The Messenger than this, but this was still a solid experience. Not a classic in my good, but it does have moments of greatness. I loved the sand digging mechanic and comboing that with the "hookshot" ability. I'd be happy to see what Moon Studios does next. I feel like they've done all they could with Ori.