Recap of games I've recently finished: nothing spectacular, mostly solid shit. I'm thankful
Halo Infinite
core combat experience is great, enemy roster has a lot of personality, loved the implementation of the hookshot both for traverseing combat arenas and as an offensive weapon. Disliked the open world structure, as the actual traversal from combat encounter to combat encounter was boring. Didn't bother with little skirmishes between "main" combat encounters, didn't see the point of wasting my resources.
The Gunk
solid 3D platformer/adventure from SteamWorld Dig devs that echoes Okami and Ico. At its best when it focuses on puzzles, weak whenever it dabbles in combat. Gameplay feels like Luigi's Mansion, using a vacuum to clean/suck/shoot projectiles. A lean experience with very little filler, great art direction, and ambient soundtrack reminiscent of Brian Eno.
Serious Sam 4
more of the same, better than 3, uglier than first 2 encounters. I actually dug the humor and stoopid story/writing that the game features. It actually made me care about the NPCs that the game didn't take shit seriously at all. enjoyed the inclusion of dual wielding, though I found that the arsenal could have done with some trimming, especially not that some guns get alternate fire modes. did grow fatiguing toward the end but you know what you're getting with these types of games. RIP Kenny.
Mortal Shell
totally forgot about this. a mostly forgettable experience whose strongest element is its art design. I enjoyed the opening swamp area, but after that the levels were mostly a mess, particularly the god awful "vortex" level. The fire level was alright, featuring some neat shortcuts. It's one of those games where if you accidentally pick the "hard" route first, you could really sour your first playthrough (which was my experience). I restarted, went with the fire/ice levels first, then pretty much stomped my way through the game after that. It features a healing system that you can abuse by just saving up souls and buying 100 healing items. Dark Souls solved this shit, no idea why this idea wasn't used here. I'd be down to see the devs give this genre another crack. If we can get a title with more consistent level design of the caliber of the Fire level, then I'd be more excited.
Metroid Dread
fantastic return to the 2D form. didn't like the over-reliance on the "elevator" traversal. aesthetics are excellent, Samus controls and animates like a dream. the combat is excellent when dueling against the nimble adversaries toward the endgame. Would definitely be excited for another 2D Mercury Steam entry.
currently playing/pondering: Halo series, Yakuza 6, Forgotten City, Devotion