I just finished Cyberpunk 2077.
I bought it on winter sale for ~20 Eur. I've never been hyped on it (just a few months ago I got a new deck, so...) and got relatively low expectations. I never played MGS5 nor RDR2 which were commonly used in some other thread to compare CP77, so I don't know if this game is that much worse than them. I'd instead compare it to FNV (futuristic FPS-RPG with guns, story-focused), Bloodlines (urban fantasy, also FPS with RPG elements) and Deus Ex (cyber-augmentation, dystopian future etc).
It turned out quite good, a solid 7.5/10 game. I liked some characters (Johny, Panam), a few quests were fun, and the city is just great, same as the music and graphics.
There are plenty of minor quirks that can be improved via patches or mods:
- enemy netrunners using TWO FUCKING HACKS ON YOU! TWO! JUST TWO - there is a mod for this, but it's still insane.
- enemies are, all the same, you will encounter gangsters, corps, policemen, gangsters, other gangsters oh, and some other gangsters. And literally no difference between them - yeah, Militech will use some drones but it's literally all difference between enemy groups I could find. And if you built your character, all encounters will be the same - you will slow time and hack them with katana, or sneaky-kill all of them or just head-shoot them all. It's still fun, but god, this game begs for more encounter variety.
- driving still feels weird, especially on the keyboard and mouse
- exploration is rather disappointing - yeah, there are some hidden, good items, but still not much and - according to my knowledge - there are literally 2-3 hidden quests that can be found via exploring. Just fast-travel everywhere!
And there are some big problems that no mod will fix:
- game system. I hate this /all items can be levelled to your level/ system. There is no point in looking for legendary items before the 50th (max) level - imagine finding the best legendary gun at 1 level and raising its level to 50 at the end of the game. Horror. When I played AssCreed Odyssey I had the same feeling - just give me max level, drop the RPG stuff already and maybe leave a perk system.
- FACTIONS - there are none... Seriously, just think about this. You can work for plenty of fixers and gangs, sometimes against corps, sometimes on their side, sometimes you are fighting cops, other times co-operate... and... NOTHING! No rep system, no decisions, nothing. You can brofist some gang member in one location and a few seconds later, just two blocks away, slaughter the whole band of the same gang and feel no consequences.
- lack of 1st act - I mean there is a point in the game, just after you finish your origin quest when it's shown as a clip how you and Jackie are rising in NC merc hierarchy - this should be a game itself! It really feels like they butchered that from the game due to lack of time.
- the main story is just... short. It has 5 quests in total! (Heist, Kidnapping Hellman, Helping Takamura, Voodoo Boys, end-game) . I know that if you look at the list on the wiki, there are like 20 quests, but believe me, most of those are just parts of those 5. Even if I spend 50 hours in this game, the main quest took like 5-10 of that.
- again - open-world design should not be followed with a time-urgent main quest! How can you feel immersed in exploring and doing side quests, when every few seconds you hear - OMG! V! YOU ARE DYING! DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS ASAP!
Overall in my opinion game is much worse than FNV, Bloodlines and Deus Ex, but still a good eye-candy shooter with dozens of cut-scenes. Worth a play, not worth the full price, and definitely not some kind of messiah of RPGs. I like it more than W3 but I always had a soft spot for dystopian, futuristic settings.