Oblivion is the most iconic example, on normal, at lv 40+, with maxed STR, magically enchanted daedric warhammer, maxed blunt weapon, some mobs like Xivilais can soak 50 hits. Each lv up of the player gives + 12 hp to a Xivilai but each lv up from the player hardly gives +1 damage and has a hard cap. Believe or not, this ultra powerful spell which deals dozens of times more damage than any spell that exists without spellmaking can't kill certain creatures at high level. It deals 28x more damage than a fireball.
Daggerfall had a spell capable of OHKilling the enemy.
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On many modern games with disintegrate spells, it only deals damage in a beam. On Arcanum it was right. It could be used even to disintegrate objects in the world, like doors, windows and safes. Imagine if in a Star Trek or any SCI FI series, they develop a weapon who launches a "disintegration beam" and that weapon is said that can disintegrate steel like it is nothing, only to hit multiple times the MC or a villain without disintegrating him with no explanation. Silly right? Why people accept this on video games? 2E also did it right. Or the target resisted the spell or is dust. Ghosts and other incorporeal creatures has no "matter" to be disintegrated hence are immune to the spell. If cloudkill insta kill weaklings on D&D novels, it should OHK on D&D games(computer or not). Before the balancegs say "it is op", no it is not. Enemies use it against the player. For eg, players on M&M can do shit like cast meteor shower, fly and cast finger of death to OHK enemies? Yes, but enemies uses this spells against the player. Every "non worker" demon is a master of fire magic and can cast meteor shower and similar high level fire spells in the player while he is immune to his damage; I OHKilled my own party by misjudging the distance when casting Dragon's Breath and it was cool. There are a dungeon full of undead cyclops and with traps that casts cloudkill and finger of death on kingmaker. Every spell, weapon, superpower or wathever that a PC can cast, a NPC can cast.
Low lethality just takes out all of the tension of the game. Believe or not, I had a fight on BG3 which took 1 hour and 13 minutes. It is slow as Wizardry 8, another turn based game with low lethality and very slow animations. Watching the same animation over and over and seeing over and over the same animation is just boring. 90s RPG's like Dark Sun : Wake of The Ravager has a way better turn combat. The animations are fast and can be skipped, not mentioning that few creatures can survive a hit by a buffed half giant gladiator. Some games are great DESPITE the low lethality like Fallout New Vegas, but FNV would be better with 4~5x more lethality. If a securitron with 25mm grenade launchers was actually dangerous. The low lethality also makes slow to reload weapons with few capacity like the double barrel shotgun worthless. At least FNV made armor absorbing by a flat amount, contrary to BUGthesda's games, so repeating high caliber guns like the Brush gun(.45-70) is good VS larger animals and the anti materiel rifle can outDPS a 9mm SMG vs heavily armored enemies. You don't have fast firing weapons being the best in any situation. Sadly the game has a minimum damage, when hitting a securitron with a .22 LR pistol should deal 0 damage.
Daggerfall had a spell capable of OHKilling the enemy.
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On many modern games with disintegrate spells, it only deals damage in a beam. On Arcanum it was right. It could be used even to disintegrate objects in the world, like doors, windows and safes. Imagine if in a Star Trek or any SCI FI series, they develop a weapon who launches a "disintegration beam" and that weapon is said that can disintegrate steel like it is nothing, only to hit multiple times the MC or a villain without disintegrating him with no explanation. Silly right? Why people accept this on video games? 2E also did it right. Or the target resisted the spell or is dust. Ghosts and other incorporeal creatures has no "matter" to be disintegrated hence are immune to the spell. If cloudkill insta kill weaklings on D&D novels, it should OHK on D&D games(computer or not). Before the balancegs say "it is op", no it is not. Enemies use it against the player. For eg, players on M&M can do shit like cast meteor shower, fly and cast finger of death to OHK enemies? Yes, but enemies uses this spells against the player. Every "non worker" demon is a master of fire magic and can cast meteor shower and similar high level fire spells in the player while he is immune to his damage; I OHKilled my own party by misjudging the distance when casting Dragon's Breath and it was cool. There are a dungeon full of undead cyclops and with traps that casts cloudkill and finger of death on kingmaker. Every spell, weapon, superpower or wathever that a PC can cast, a NPC can cast.
Low lethality just takes out all of the tension of the game. Believe or not, I had a fight on BG3 which took 1 hour and 13 minutes. It is slow as Wizardry 8, another turn based game with low lethality and very slow animations. Watching the same animation over and over and seeing over and over the same animation is just boring. 90s RPG's like Dark Sun : Wake of The Ravager has a way better turn combat. The animations are fast and can be skipped, not mentioning that few creatures can survive a hit by a buffed half giant gladiator. Some games are great DESPITE the low lethality like Fallout New Vegas, but FNV would be better with 4~5x more lethality. If a securitron with 25mm grenade launchers was actually dangerous. The low lethality also makes slow to reload weapons with few capacity like the double barrel shotgun worthless. At least FNV made armor absorbing by a flat amount, contrary to BUGthesda's games, so repeating high caliber guns like the Brush gun(.45-70) is good VS larger animals and the anti materiel rifle can outDPS a 9mm SMG vs heavily armored enemies. You don't have fast firing weapons being the best in any situation. Sadly the game has a minimum damage, when hitting a securitron with a .22 LR pistol should deal 0 damage.
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