Alright, I'm playing it now with a very minimal modlist. I'm having some fun - the Mages' Guild reccomendation quests are as fun as I remembered, and I've now stumbled into this quest where you go looking for a woman's husband and end up marooned on an island hunted by debased rich people who've paid good money to hunt human prey.
It's a point that's been made many times over the years but the ideas for many quests in this game are actually very good and far outclass anything in Daggerfall (ten generic guild quests over and over), Morrowind (ultra-linear fetch/kill quests with boring concepts and absolutely no reactivity or player choice) and Skyrim ("cinematic" high-stakes bullshit that's universally underwhelming).
As always though, the dullness of the setting and the fact that nothing quite works properly constantly threaten to undermine everything and render it boring. I'm not 100% sure why this game doesn't come off properly - you can point to lots of individual elements that are good, the gameplay mechanics aren't good but aren't significantly worse than Morrowind or Skyrim (probably about equally as bad in different ways), and yet it doesn't quite click in the same way that other TES games can do.
It's a point that's been made many times over the years but the ideas for many quests in this game are actually very good and far outclass anything in Daggerfall (ten generic guild quests over and over), Morrowind (ultra-linear fetch/kill quests with boring concepts and absolutely no reactivity or player choice) and Skyrim ("cinematic" high-stakes bullshit that's universally underwhelming).
As always though, the dullness of the setting and the fact that nothing quite works properly constantly threaten to undermine everything and render it boring. I'm not 100% sure why this game doesn't come off properly - you can point to lots of individual elements that are good, the gameplay mechanics aren't good but aren't significantly worse than Morrowind or Skyrim (probably about equally as bad in different ways), and yet it doesn't quite click in the same way that other TES games can do.