why do so many people here hate modern games ?
Modern technology is great, but the modern mentality of game design is mostly shit—especially with modern RPGs.
*With an understandable bent towards pop-a-mole marketability. They do know their audience; generally.
My own take & preference —some of anyway...
Sequels tend to reflect inappropriate modern gameplay trends—even when contradictory to the previous games. Instead building upon the series foundation, they more often than not replace the game mechanics with something stupid that defeats the purpose of the previous mechanic they replaced. Just look at the Bard's Tale 4. IMO Krome's BT remaster outclassed InXile's BT4—which to me seemed like a Frayed Knight's clone.
The new games are simplified (to suit a simple audience, for mass sales). Look at the Witcher series. The first one was superb, the second had nearly everything (I'd appreciated) in W1 stripped out of it; including Geralt's pragmatic personality, his combat styles—even the alternate camera rigs, and they even got rid of his own facial likeness. Geralt does not look like the same person after W1; doesn't behave like him either; not in conversation, or combat.
They some how screwed up the dice game after W1, and they replaced the bar fights with quicktime events.
They stupefied the alchemy system.
Studios do this and in their own hubris believe they have —fixed— it, when they never understood it to begin with; or believed that nobody else [who matter to them] would.
Some of the Bethesada Devs admitted that they had never played Fallout, others had never even heard of Fallout, and yet they shipped FO3, and derided the fanbase as unpleasable, and said they were okay with it. As above, they ignored the foundation of the franchise, and reskinned Oblivion—which is all they ever intended. Why indeed hate the modern games...
This parody is funny as hell because to an extent it is more or less true, and the situation is getting worse every year.