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Baldur's Gate Why do YOU hate Baldur's Gate 3?

Why do YOU hate Baldur's Gate 3

  • It looks like a D:OS 2 mod

    Votes: 234 63.2%
  • It bears no resemblance to the original series

    Votes: 201 54.3%
  • TB combat (fags vote here)

    Votes: 50 13.5%
  • Dumb dialogue

    Votes: 176 47.6%
  • Ugly waifus

    Votes: 106 28.6%
  • Corridor maps

    Votes: 92 24.9%
  • Ugly aesthetic

    Votes: 135 36.5%
  • I hate belgians

    Votes: 91 24.6%
  • other (please specify)

    Votes: 50 13.5%

  • Total voters


Jul 23, 2009
Down by the riverside
RPG Wokedex
Well, the #1 reason has to be Larian trying to snooker people into spending 60 bucks into a glorified demo. It's shady, it's scummy, please don't support early access, please just WAIT!

But I was skeptical from the get go mainly because I never really liked D:OS 1 & 2's 'theme park' design. Liked the games! Had a lot of fun with them! But it took an effort, really. Just don't dig the whole 'something crazy around every corner' thing. Clearly a bunch of RPGs do that, they gotta, but it's at least hidden better. You spread that stuff around, over dozens of smaller maps. Feels less 'game-y.' I'm assuming if BG was done like the D:OS games, then the Gnoll Stronghold, those goddamn basilisks, Nashkel, Nashkel mines, the Xvart village and who knows what else would just be stuffed into ONE map. And, yeah.

Hated the way Arx was done. Like 10 buildings, 300 NPCs and 7 beds between them. Thinking about Baldur's Gate, the city, being done like that. I don't know, don't really wanna see it?
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
Hated the way Arx was done. Like 10 buildings, 300 NPCs and 7 beds between them. Thinking about Baldur's Gate, the city, being done like that. I don't know, don't really wanna see it?
I don't particularly agree with the post, in general, but I suddenly imagined the amount of crates that must be on every corner of Baldur's Gate (the city) and I started to cry.


May 8, 2007
There's too much DOS, I don't care about it being like the original BGs but I want something other than DOS.
The UI is a clusterfuck and AIs break easily. The camera has the problems as it did in DOS, too close, can't zoom out far enough. Combined with the exploration it means you'll have to rotate, zoom in and zoom out constantly to make sure you don't miss anything.
Oh yeah, the surfaces, give it a fucking rest already. In game terms it basically translates to "you're good enough to dodge the Firebolt itself but the fire it creates does x damage and now you're on fire. Don't even bother moving away because it's a cantrip so we can do this all day long."
And one thing I noticed, companions rarely help outside of combat. Say you have an arcana check to pass and Gale is just standing there like the faggot he is. Couldn't he aid in some way for at least a pity +1?
Also, as a hobby, I hate things recreationally.
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May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I haven't been paying attention to this game, but I watched that sex scene in the BG3 thread. So (not to get into the whole debate of whether the game is shit) but just to mention that the 'accent' the black guy has isn't an accent.

It's pigeon English. More specifically: its a manner of speaking among multicultural lower class Londoners, and especially blacks. The point is that everyone under 35 who has grown up in London (in a working class shithole melting pot) knows that manner of speaking. I worked with that age group and older for 5 years, and they all chose to speak that way with each other, but could switch back to a 'normal tone of voice' at the drop of a hat.

So woke publishers of series like The Witcher (with its London-based black elf bruvs) and games like this need to do their homework, because for anyone that grew up in London like me - it's just irritating and 4th wall breaking.

But I suppose they don't give a damn, because it seems to come across as trendy and woke.

Wehn da fing iz yeh? Da fing iz dat dey iz just spastics bruv. Quos wee juzt talq lyke diz to qeep out da feds ya no. Not juzt to dose skank fairy drow elv bitchz. :retarded:


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Camera is worse than Neverwinter Nights 2, that is something.
racofer approves.

The memories.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Camera is worse than Neverwinter Nights 2, that is something.
Let's not go into hyperbole territory.

That said, party controls give it arun for its money in terms of sucking badly.

I don't know man, played some Neverwinter Nights 2 recently and compared to BG3 the issues I'm having with the camera is very similar if not worse, thanks to all the different heights in the game. Indoors you can at least control your dude with WASD for close ups, but you can't do that in BG3 for some unknown reason. I mean the graphics is really good and it would work well as a third person game. Then switch to top down for combat, but I guess it's Larian being Larian.

I agree with the party controls though. Been watching a guy play and the chain-link thing is driving him mad, it's hilarious. He moves one guy over some obstacle, and then the rest tries to follow but takes the long route and walks into combat :)


May 8, 2007
Another thing, you should absolutely not be able to freely pass items during combat, casually teleporting dozens of potions, weapons and other junk mid fight to a character that's on the other side of the map is just wrong.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
Another thing, you should absolutely not be able to freely pass items during combat, casually teleporting dozens of potions, weapons and other junk mid fight to a character that's on the other side of the map is just wrong.
It may not be realistic but the absolute last thing the game needs currently is to make party/inventory management even more cumbersome than it is already. Especially given how much Larian loves to flood your bags with a tsunami of garbage.
May 26, 2020
I haven't been paying attention to this game, but I watched that sex scene in the BG3 thread. So (not to get into the whole debate of whether the game is shit) but just to mention that the 'accent' the black guy has isn't an accent.

It's pigeon English. More specifically: its a manner of speaking among multicultural lower class Londoners, and especially blacks. The point is that everyone under 35 who has grown up in London (in a working class shithole melting pot) knows that manner of speaking. I worked with that age group and older for 5 years, and they all chose to speak that way with each other, but could switch back to a 'normal tone of voice' at the drop of a hat.

So woke publishers of series like The Witcher (with its London-based black elf bruvs) and games like this need to do their homework, because for anyone that grew up in London like me - it's just irritating and 4th wall breaking.

But I suppose they don't give a damn, because it seems to come across as trendy and woke.
Wehn da fing iz yeh? Da fing iz dat dey iz just spastics bruv. Quos wee juzt talq lyke diz to qeep out da feds ya no. Not juzt to dose skank fairy drow elv bitchz. :retarded:

Black elves is like the most offensive thing in fantasy settings, a giant middle finger to Tolkien who described the elves as fair skinned. Also, why would black and white people intermingle at such a level in a medieval setting? Both peoples have their natural points of origin that were supposedly very far apart, and traveling long distances back then was EXTREMELY hard. These PC retards have rotten brains.


May 8, 2007
But wait, there's more!
Dual wielding is very limited, for some reason two short swords is fine but a rapier and a dagger is a no no. Don't know if it's by design or part of the EA charm.
Sneak attack is fucked, fucking rogues even harder (that other fuck is everyone being able to disengage freely). Simply being behind someone, having an advantage etc doesn't make you sneak attack, you have to choose sneak attack, which is its own special attack instead of a mechanic. Also you can't sneak attack while dual wielding. The best you can do is sneak attack and then attack with your off-hand as a bonus action but those won't be sneak attacks even if they should be per rules.

This thing needs at least 2 years in development more but I doubt that'll happen. Instead what I think will happen is that they'll release it after ~1 year, missing a lot of features and then down the line release bg3 enhanced goty premium director's cut edition which may or may not improve things.
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Oct 5, 2018
But wait, there's more!
Dual wielding is very limited, for some reason two short swords is fine but a rapier and a dagger is a no no. Don't know if it's by design or part of the EA charm.
That's 5e. When you're dual-wielding both weapons have to be Light (unless you get a feat), and a rapier isn't.

Simply being behind someone, having an advantage etc doesn't make you sneak attack, you have to choose sneak attack, which is its own special attack instead of a mechanic. Also you can't sneak attack while dual wielding. The best you can do is sneak attack and then attack with your off-hand as a bonus action but those won't be sneak attacks even if they should be per rules.
This is retarded, it definitely should be triggered automatically when you qualify and should work with dual-wielding. You can only apply Sneak damage once per turn but dual-wield should let you make 2 attacks, if you hit with the first one you apply your Sneak damage and the second attack is just normal, and if you miss with the first but hit with the second then the second should apply Sneak damage.
May 26, 2020
But wait, there's more!
Dual wielding is very limited, for some reason two short swords is fine but a rapier and a dagger is a no no. Don't know if it's by design or part of the EA charm.

I thought that was fucked up too. I wasted like 10 minutes just to test what works with what, when in fact, they should've just let you dual wield ALL single handed weapons like a normal person. Also, there's no massive penalty to unskilled dual wielding in 5e now? If so, it's pretty retarded. Just another thing that proves 5e really sucks.
May 26, 2020
But wait, there's more!
Dual wielding is very limited, for some reason two short swords is fine but a rapier and a dagger is a no no. Don't know if it's by design or part of the EA charm.
That's 5e. When you're dual-wielding both weapons have to be Light (unless you get a feat), and a rapier isn't.

But then they don't tell you whether it's a light weapon you're holding. Also, it's nonsensical. I can hold and fight with a longsword and a dagger/short sword just fine in real life.


Oct 5, 2018
I thought that was fucked up too. I wasted like 10 minutes just to test what works with what, when in fact, they should've just let you dual wield ALL single handed weapons like a normal person. Also, there's no massive penalty to unskilled dual wielding in 5e now? If so, it's pretty retarded. Just another thing that proves 5e really sucks.
You can dual-wield Light weapons without penalty, or any single-handed weapons if you take the feat.
Dual-wielding only lets you make one off-hand attack per turn, you have to use your bonus action to make the attack, and you don't apply your +Str/Dex to damage unless you take the Two-Weapon Fighting style (as a Fighter or Ranger), so 5e nerfed it a lot despite removing any penalty for "unskilled dual wielding."

But then they don't tell you whether it's a light weapon you're holding. Also, it's nonsensical. I can hold and fight with a longsword and a dagger/short sword just fine in real life.
Rapier + Dagger should logically work but doesn't by the rules, yeah. Like I said it will still work if you take the feat for it though.
The main reason to dual-wield at all in 5e is to get an extra chance to apply special effects like Sneak Attack or Paladin's Smite. For normal martials, 2-handed weapons or archery are way better for pure damage output.
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