gothic 2 is an amazing game because it was the first immersive turnip picking simulator
I understand some folks like to start the game by fighting dragon with ultra-mega-legendary-mithril balde +12 to light radius, but in Gothic, even those early minor quests serve a purpose: to show MC's place in the world and his position in social hierarchy AS WELL as establish certain socioeconomic facets of the setting (farmer's rebellion being one of the main plotpoints - yes, farming is important shit in G2). Also, that turnip quest takes what, two minutes to complete?
Funny that one the one hand you criticize Gothics as 'TPP action games', and then lash on one of the quests that has no action whatsoever.
BTW both Third Person Perspective AND action also serve putposes of 'immersion'. It would be much harder to immerse player into the game if it was presented f.e. from isometric perspective (too impersonal), or if he didn't directly control action of the main character.