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Elder Scrolls Why Morrowind is a bad RPG


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
Well there you have it.
They way you like to play the game, which is different from how most of us like to play, is to compulsively search every nook and cranny for anything worth looting.
dude look at every morrowind let's play on youtube if you lack any self awareness and see how much time is wasted looting shit, I'm tired of these roundabout conversations with morrowind simps, just look at the fucking facts and compare morrowind gameplay with gothic gameplay, or even better with a real, isometric, turn based RPG. That this watered down walking sim is in codex top RPGs is just sad.

I just realized that my definition of "compulsion" and "addiction" may describe what is perceived as normal behavior to elder scrolls fans and indeed the modern gamer, so they don't even see a problem here... wow ok pls just continue enjoying your skinner box games but I'm outta here because I'm starting to develop an addiction to that stupid notification icon
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Dec 1, 2019
dude look at every morrowind let's play on youtube if you lack any self awareness and see how much time is wasted looting shit

I don't need to look at let's plays. I play the game.

The fact that I can loot almost every container in the game doesn't mean I have to. I think I can safely assume that a tomb filled with urns will have the remains of the deseased and whatever offerings people have made, just as I can assume an egg mine will likely not have anything besides eggs. Since Morrowind is attempting to emulate an actual world, I can make this assumptions and be correct most of the time.

just look at the fucking facts and compare morrowind gameplay with gothic gameplay, or even better with a real, isometric, turn based RPG

And what am I to compare? I assume you mean their approach to looting. In which case, yeah, they do looting differently. Not sure what point you are trying to make with this.

My point remains: Your argument of Morrowind being designed as a "casino simulator" is based on your own personal experience playing the game and has no actual strength to it.
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Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
dude look at every morrowind let's play on youtube if you lack any self awareness and see how much time is wasted looting shit

I don't need to look at let's plays, I play the game.

The fact that I can loot almost every container in the game doesn't mean I have to. I think I can safely assume that a tomb filled with urns will have the remains of the deseased and whatever offerings people have made, just as I can assume an egg mine will likely not have anything besides eggs. Since Morrowind is attempting to emulate an actual world, I can make this assumptions and be correct most of the time.

just look at the fucking facts and compare morrowind gameplay with gothic gameplay, or even better with a real, isometric, turn based RPG

And what am I to compare? I assume you mean their approach to looting. In which case, yeah, they do looting differently. Not sure what point you are trying to make with this.

My point remains: Your argument of Morrowind being designed as a "casino simulator" is based on your own personal experience playing the game and has no actual strength to it.
yeah dude I'm not literally looting every container it's called hyperbole, I realize we are describing the same gameplay but where I think it's a waste of my time you don't perceive it as such, so I think that's just the issue here in miscommunication. anyway I appreciate all your input but for me this discussion is over


Sep 16, 2021
Lots of games have loot exploration that can be "addictive". I spend like half of every Deus Ex playthrough looking for lockpicks and multitools. I consider the amount of them I've saved by the end of the game my high score. Morrowind does make looting fun because it has an excellent UI that makes it quick and easy.


Sep 6, 2022
Deus Ex even encourages exploration,since it awards you with more XP for doing it.
No random loot bullshit.
Although Morrowind has certain randomness in its loot(levelled loot,to be precise).


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Lots of games have loot exploration that can be "addictive".

Like, if addictive looting is going to be your argument, Morrowind is the last game you should mention, after Diablo and Borderlands and virtually all MMOs

Like loot is not even its design pillar or selling point


Dec 13, 2019
I want to see what Harthwain and luj1 have to say to that, as apparently I was retarded and played the game wrong, lmao such cringe lying fanboys.
You only proved how retarded you are (and lacking reading comprehension skill). Again. My issue never was that you "played the game wrong" (the game lets you play however you want, nobody really cares). My issue was that you kept talking bullshit about loot being designed with gambling in mind. The example with the urn only solidifies this. Good job, I guess... Kinda sad you failed to see this, but I am getting used to how ironic your posts are by now.

I actually wanted to know out of curiosity whether you could find one urn with no bone dust. Since I did not find any it doesn't really fit the Skinner system. Also I had fun doing it, so it wasn't unhealthy from my point of view. You know, I agree it's all artificial and idiotic in the end but that's loot for you.
It is not idiotic though. If you dig out the graves of people who were cremated what will you find in the urns? You guessed it: ASHES. Why did you expect to find an artifact in there? Because it's a fantasy game? You could make a twist with someone hiding something important in there (knowing most people wouldn't bother searching the urn), but that's not the norm. Morrowind aimed at being somewhat realistic.
Dec 5, 2010
Holy shit dude I gave up on that after 4-5 tombs as they had only dust in them.
And that's exactly what you're supposed to figure out early on in Morrowind: the loot matches what its container looks like. Random urns should contain crap like bone dust, random sacks should contain a few plants. So you should soon learn to ignore the sort of containers that contain what is essentially junk to you.

Even if you're completely OCD and there is no such thing as "junk loot" to you, everything having value/being sellable - which is perfectly natural when you're starting out and own nothing you'll grab anything you can make money on/potentially use- you will quickly run into the weight/encumberance limit. Even the most OCD and klepto of players starts thinking of loot in terms of value per weight when they run into the weight limit, categorizing loot into keepers and junk, thus ignoring the least worthwhile types of loot and consequently ignoring the (majority) types of containers that hold that kind of loot. Those containers are mostly there for realism/decoration's sake, not for most players to waste time on.

It's not a bad system, whatever other nonsense argument you guys were on about.
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Sep 6, 2022
Most of the awesome loot comes from dungeons and Daedric ruins and shrines. Really easy to find,depending on your gear and level. You can become incredibly rich quickly.
It's not random loot,by the way,though there are some chests and such that have level dependent treasure.


Jan 21, 2016
Most of the awesome loot comes from dungeons and Daedric ruins and shrines. Really easy to find,depending on your gear and level. You can become incredibly rich quickly.
It's not random loot,by the way,though there are some chests and such that have level dependent treasure.
In fact, most chests and such have level-dependent items inside. Even enchanters' inventory seem to vary depending on what level you are when first interacting with them.


Jan 1, 2011
My favourite loot was some kind of magical but not particularly impressive glass two-handed sword in a flooded cave. It was jammed in a crack on a natural rocky pillar I felt like scaling for no discernible reason, just to see if I could maybe.

I like little fun things like that in games. And it wasn't level scaled because, anything placed outside containers is just as is. As everything should be.


Jan 21, 2016
some kind of magical but not particularly impressive glass two-handed sword in a flooded cave
Magebane, afaik the only one of two glass claymores in the game (outside the rare ones you may loot off the corpse of Golden Saints)


Sep 6, 2022
some kind of magical but not particularly impressive glass two-handed sword in a flooded cave
Magebane, afaik the only one of two glass claymores in the game (outside the rare ones you may loot off the corpse of Golden Saints)
I am a fan of the Daedric Battle Axe with its impressive 1-80 Chop damage.
Put a "Fortify Strength 100 for 3s" enchantment on it for increased carnage.
Other powerful weapons are Sunder, Skull Crusher, Ice Blade of the Monarch, Trueflame, Mace of Aevar Stone Singer.


Mar 12, 2017
Strap Yourselves In
I like Morrowind but let's be honest with ourselves. The last time I played, I found glass armor halfway through and that lasted through to the final boss. That was the only really significant piece of equipment I ever got.

This is also when the economy totally breaks, where money is only limited by Bethesda's classic trick of making it so fucking boring to walk to the store to sell stuff that you just give up on money entirely.


Sep 6, 2022
Morrowind has Creeper and the Talking Mudcrab merchants.
They have high gold for bartering(5000 and 10000 respectively) and do not haggle(you can sell items to them at their base value).
They are the best merchants and you can make insane profit by dealing with them. Why bother with any cheap merchant?


Mar 12, 2017
Strap Yourselves In
I consider those to be easter eggs since there's no chance I wouldn't have found them on my own, and I certainly wouldn't have planned my game around them. And I didn't need them at all. I had all the money I needed pretty much from when I got out of Balmora. That's one of the frustrations. I have so much gold and nothing to buy.

It's not that I dislike the game, I just want all Codexers who like it to admit that they're settingfags.

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