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why the hate on BG3

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Yeah there is "current year agenda" shit, nowadays it's fucking everywhere, and in Wrath there's not nearly as much of it or so in your face, as one might believe after reading the cringefinder thread.
Yeah, hardly noticeable. Just a tranny, a bunch of fags, orgies, a poop succubus that offers to feed you shit, post-murder sex with the only seemingly normal female, furry sex, and on and on. The main campaign is written by a fat woman who openly calls herself an SJW, but you think there's not TOO much current year stuff in the game. Ok.

You really have to bury your head in the sand not to notice it, and it sounds like that's exactly what you did.


Sep 5, 2017
Pathfinder: Wrath
Yeah there is "current year agenda" shit, nowadays it's fucking everywhere, and in Wrath there's not nearly as much of it or so in your face, as one might believe after reading the cringefinder thread.
Yeah, hardly noticeable. Just a tranny, a bunch of fags, orgies, a poop succubus that offers to feed you shit, post-murder sex with the only seemingly normal female, furry sex, and on and on. The main campaign is written by a fat woman who openly calls herself an SJW, but you think there's not TOO much current year stuff in the game. Ok.

Do you remember what I told you about pigs and dirt? But lets do one more round.

- Tranny.
When you finally learn Anevia is a tranny you're no longer saddled with her.

- Fags. Fags are everywhere.
Sadly, it's the sign of the times we're living in.
Who of them in Wrath is unavoidable or annyoing?
Storyteller with 1 fag sentence in the walls of text?
Daeran, who is more of a decadant pervert than a plain cocksucker?
The negro cleric?
It took 2 dialog lines, 1 for each, to stop all their advances and bench them forver.

- Orgies.
I guess I missed something. But since when orgies are bad?

- Poop succubus.
I never undertood what people have against it.
Is it the word "poop" that makes you giggle?
It's a fucking demon, is it too unbeliavable for such a creature to be created of the very filth and excrements?
Should it be made of gingerbread, candies and smell of roses instead?

- Seemingly normal female.
One has to be retarded to think Camelia normal.
By the time you get the "post-murder sex" option you know exactly how fucked up she is.
And if you go through instead of ending her miserable life then and there, well who's your doctor?
The only normal female suitable for prestigious copulation is the ever youthful queen.

- Furry sex.
There is no furry sex I know about, except that one tongue-in-cheek scene with the autistic mage.
Or do you mean that MC can be a furry? That's on player's concience then.

- SJW writer.
There is gay shit even in games written by MCA, so what's you point?

You really have to bury your head in the sand not to notice it, and it sounds like that's exactly what you did.
Oh I do notice it, but I choose to focus my attention on the things I like, instead of savoring shit I don't.
I have over 100 hours in Wrath, reading/seeing all the SJW shit combined took about 5 minutes and that me being generous.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
It is way too epic to my liking.

Yep. This and the bloat are the greatest problems with WotR. And is not as if Kingmaker was a low or mid level adventure. You can kill Spawn of Rovagug and an fey deity in the game. In therms of bloat, chapter 4 hobo demons has higher stats than dragons. That is extremely bloated.

There are lots of things to criticize in WoTR. Yet, owlcat haters criticize only the most irrelevant thing. And BTW, as an evil character, you get to put this sjw guys in their places

PS : After playing some SSI and DI games, I learned to appreciate more mid level. Mainly Menzoberranzan. Loved that game.
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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
When you finally learn Anevia is a tranny you're no longer saddled with her.
You can learn this after the tutorial, yes, but *HE and *his orc wife are still part of the game, just not a party member.
- Fags. Fags are everywhere.
Sadly, it's the sign of the times we're living in.
But only so long as Larian isn't the developer.

Otherwise, even a single obvious faggot is the end of the world and worthy of years of bawling.
But since when orgies are bad?
Poop succubus.
I never undertood what people have against it.
Starting to see how it is you can tolerate Wrath of the Tranny.
One has to be retarded to think Camelia normal.

I said "seemingly". And mainly because your other options are demon possessed elf, literal demon or furry.


Oh I do notice it, but I choose to focus my attention on the things I like, instead of savoring shit I don't.
Again, which is fine, so long as you preach the same in regards to BG3. Which, you don't. (I realize that's not serious, but it also looks nothing like your multipage defense of Pathfinder.)
- SJW writer.
There is gay shit even in games written by MCA, so what's you point?
You specifically referenced agendas. MCA doesn't prioritize political agendas in his characters. Amber Scott said she does.

I consciously add as much diversity as I can to my writing and I don't care if people think that's "forced" or fake. I'm happy to be an SJW and I hope to write many Social Justice Games in the future
My point is that there is a political agenda in the writing. Owlcuck made no discernible attempt to tone it down, and added their own libshit writing to the mix.

You can say it's not obvious in your opinion, but it's definitely there.

I have over 100 hours in Wrath, reading/seeing all the SJW shit combined took about 5 minutes and that me being generous.
Must be fun to play a game with blinders on. But again, let's see you remind Cryomancer of that when he's spamming about Astarion for the hundredth time.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Yet, owlcat haters criticize only the most irrelevant thing.
Nigger, this isn't the Pathfinder thread. We're talking about it specifically because it's a game you tolerate from a dev you tolerate and they're doing everything you're butthurt at Larian for in regards to Astarion and more.

There's no point to talking about any other aspect of the game right now.

Though, I guess we could talk about its epicness and how you bought (or torrented) a game that's specifically about epic gameplay and starts with a demon lord flying in and chopping a dragon's head off, yet claim to be surprised that it's epic or that you're turned off by epic gameplay or stories in general.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
they're doing everything you're butthurt

Yep. Lv 4 archdruids, lv 4 nobodies with necronomicon, barrelmancy doing enough fire damage to kill a fire dragon, /s

Yep. The 4 options of romance in wotr are atrocious
  • Crazy psyco bitch
  • Insane witch
  • Succubus which had hordes of demons, humans, azatas, devils and who knows what eldritch horror inside her but demands serious commitment from the PC
  • Autistic Furry
But again, you are not forced to date anyone.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
they're doing everything you're butthurt
Yep. Lv 4 archdruids, lv 4 nobodies with necronomicon, barrelmancy doing enough fire damage to kill a fire dragon, /s
Might try reading the whole sentence next time.

they're doing everything you're butthurt at Larian for in regards to Astarion
There's no point in replying to me if you're not going to respond to what I'm actually talking about.

Your archdruid complaints mean nothing to me. It's just autism when you consider the cheese in BG1&2, or the fact that this is 5E and the rules are dumbed down anyway. Barrelmancy is a dead meme since several patches ago btw.
But again, you are not forced to date anyone.
And you're not forced to take Astarion along in the party, or to "date" any of the NPCs in BG3.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"As evil you can put the sjw characters in their place"

That's the issue. Did you not read what you wrote? If you oppose the sjw crowd, you are considered evil. Lmao


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
There is a bit of wokism in wotr? Yes. Is as bad as Larian cultists portrait? No.

But lets be real, OwlCat was the UNIQUE company which din't trowed Avellone under the buss due allegations with zero evidence. Larian which worries a lot about game journos would throw him under the buss in a single second.

Also, there are more woke companions in wotr because there are more companions in wotr than in bg3. Hell, only lich mythic path has more companions than BG3 in early access. Lastly, I will repeat. If your unique defense of BG3 is comparing with wotr, is because BG3 sucks.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
There is a bit of wokism in wotr? Yes. Is as bad as Larian cultists portrait? No.

And I've only posted real examples of what's in the game.
But lets be real, OwlCat was the UNIQUE company
din't trowed Avellone under the buss due allegations with zero evidence.
*didn't throw Avellone under the bus

And Avellone has nothing to do with anything we're talking bout.

Once again, you're grasping at straws to try to find something to spam the thread with.
Also, there are more woke companions in wotr because there are more companions in wotr than in bg3.
The game isn't out yet. There are rumored to be upwards of 10 companions for BG3. There were 12 in Wrath of the Tranny.

But it's not an issue of more, it's an issue of you hypocritically defending one and criticizing the other.
Lastly, I will repeat. If your unique defense of BG3 is comparing with wotr, is because BG3 sucks.
It's not my *only defense. But it's the only defense I need for a hypocrite 3rd-worlder who keeps spamming the same dumb criticisms year after year.
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Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
It's 2022. They are both super woke. The difference is one tried yo make rhrur own thing while another is fake calling their game a sequel.to a series and a system they hate. Thst is why BG3 gets hate. And, I say that even though I'll probably like DOS3. But, it's not BG3.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
The difference is one tried yo make rhrur own thing
Nigger, they made a game based on an existing campaign. :lol:
calling their game a sequel.to a series and a system they hate.
What system does Larian hate? What series do they hate? What evidence do you have of this hatred?

But, it's not BG3.
I don't like that it uses Wizard of the Coast's canon ending of BG 1&2 instead of whatever players' version. But it is still a sequel to that ending.

If you want to say it isn't, you need to say that 5E isn't real D&D (which I would agree with), but that's not really a criticism of this game.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
hypocritically defending one and criticizing the other.

Nope. I'm not defending wotr. I wrote a lot of criticism towards wotr. Pointed out bugs(most notably with ice prison spell), posted some cringe stuff in cringefinder thread, said that it has lots of problems and so on. I said for many people here that wotr is only good as a power fantasy. That is everything which PF:WoTR offers. Not a great story, nor great tactical combat, nor good choices and consequences.

You in other hands needs to make a strawman of anyone who criticizes BG3 as someone who loves all flaws present in wotr to attack that strawman cuz you have no arguments against his points.

There were 12 in Wrath of the Tranny.

Wrong. 13 BASE companions + 1 Azata companion + 5 Lich companions + 2 hidden companions + 2 DLC companions


And before responding, check Volorun answer. He nailed it. If the game was named "Divinity 5E", the game would't have received as much hate.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Nope. I'm not defending wotr.
You are, and it's stupid that you'd deny it. But then most of your arguments are stupid, so it comes as no surprise.
I wrote a lot of criticism towards wotr.
Doesn't change that you've defended it itt, or that you played it and enjoyed it.
Wrong. 13 BASE companions
Wrong. One of them is a gimmick sword, so it doesn't count.
And before responding, check Volorun answer. He nailed it.
Nailing the low-IQ BG fanboy take isn't something to be proud of.
If the game was named "Divinity 5E", the game would't have received as much hate.
How would it be a Divinity game if it's set in Forgotten Realms? :roll:

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Once again, this thread proves that BG3 haters are simply DERANGED.


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Oct 1, 2018
The IE games were many Codexers' childhoods. Any deviation from their style was going to be met with apoplexy.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
The IE games were many Codexers' childhoods. Any deviation from their style was going to be met with apoplexy.
I get that in Volourn's case, but it's not like they made it an FPS. They made it *more* like PnP, not less. And it sucks that Wizards of the Coast screwed with the lore, but that's hardly Larian's fault.

It's tryhards like Cryo spamming for the fun of it while playing games that are far worse examples of what they complain about that annoy me more.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
t, or that you played it and enjoyed it.

Yes. I enjoyed. So what? I also enjoyed some moments in BG3. The difference is that when I criticize WoTr, no one gets butthurt. When I criticize BG3, Larian cultists do get butthurt. Doubt? Criticize any companion, even the most loved one in WoTR thread and see the reaction. Them do the same in BG3 thread and see the butthurt.

BG3 hater : "I don't like the ruleset, the game fells more divinity and less like baldur's gate, don't like the companions, don't like the story and gameplay but seems like they have some good ideas, like the swarm AI"
Larian cultist : "you only hate because is turn based!!! you must like <<<insert a awful companion in wotr>>>"

it while playing games that are far worse examples of what they complain about.

Like what? I don't touch PF:WoTR in 2 years and din't even brought the DLCs cuz they seems awful. The first DLC was a puzzlefest, the second, low level adventure and the third, a rogue mode for a bloated game. My position is not that BG3 sucks. Is that it has lots of problems but I can see it becoming a great game after modders fixes some problems.

In the same tier of NwN2, unplayable without spell fixes and great with spell fixes.

When people make at least spells more 3E and less 5E and implement more classes via modding, BG3 will be great.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
I don't mind the fact they made it turn base. I love tb combat more than I like rt combat despite how much I love the bg series. The issue is that the entire game reeks of dos not bg despite the dnd rules.

The bg name and dnd rules are just camouflage fir dos. I Saud this a few pages back but the fact that they wet with 4 characters and not 6 is rather telling. I like the Dos series, FYI, I'm not a hater. But, if I want play dos I'll play dos. Don't try to gaslight me otherwise. Like I said, I'll enjoy the game fir what it is not gir what it pretends to be. Just like transgender people. You can cutting iff your dick all youveant, and pretend you are a woman bur don't try to gaslight or bully me into pretending your issue us something I should just to ho along with.

As for them hating bg and dnd. They flat out attacked bg and dnd multiple times especially early on. You call yourself a fanboy if 'bg3' yet domehow missed thise comments? Lmao
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Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Volorun said:
characters and not 6 is rather telling

TBH action economy and encounters in 5E breaks with more than 4 PC's. 5E is vastly different. With the 3 death saves and increased hp, with 6 party members, everyone would feel immortal or the encounters would last forever 4E style.

Volorun said:
They flat out attacked bg and dnd multiple times especially early on.

Well said. And see how Larian fans reacted to BG1/2 in my thread > https://rpgcodex.net/forums/threads...-now-with-iwd-ee-reviews.141531/#post-7686435
Dec 17, 2013
Ah, I come to this thread to shit on Feline Gate 3, but instead, people are shitting on Shitmaker 2. Perhaps the Codex is inclining after all...

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Yes. I enjoyed. So what? I also enjoyed some moments in BG3. The difference is that when I criticize WoTr, no one gets butthurt. When I criticize BG3, Larian cultists do get butthurt. Doubt? Criticize any companion, even the most loved one in WoTR thread and see the reaction. Them do the same in BG3 thread and see the butthurt.
I don't have to go there. I've generated enough butthurt from you and Notar just by calling you out on your hypocrisy.
I don't like the ruleset, the game fells more divinity and less like baldur's gate, don't like the companions, don't like the story and gameplay but seems like they have some good ideas, like the swarm AI
I notice how you don't mention Astarion or muh unrealistic vampires. What about the fact that it's a different protagonist? Or that Jaheira's nose isn't busted like in her BG2 portrait?

These are your team's criticisms, be proud of them. :lol:
Larian cultist : "you only hate because is turn based!!! you must like <<<insert a awful companion in wotr>>>"
I never said that. I said you tolerate SJW companions in Wrath of the Tranny, but can't stand a single elf faggot in BG3 and post rants about him for YEARS.
Like what? I don't touch PF:WoTR in 2 years and din't even brought the DLCs cuz they seems awful. The first DLC was a puzzlefest, the second, low level adventure and the third, a rogue mode for a bloated game. My position is not that BG3 sucks. Is that it has lots of problems but I can see it becoming a great game after modders fixes some problems.
Sure, sure. I'll remind you of this the next time you go on a rant and claim that Larian wants to throw Avellone under a kiss or whatever.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
The bg name and dnd rules are just camouflage fir dos. I Saud this a few pages back but the fact that they wet with 4 characters and not 6 is rather telling.
6 characters was too much even for 2.5E in the original series, let alone 5E today. It made the game a cakewalk and most people just window selected their party and clicked until the enemy died.

The camp system gives you a "best of both worlds" where you can take as many companions as you like on, but can only enter combat with a smaller team. You can return to camp at any point and swap out NPCs. It's something like the pocket plane of ToB.

They flat out attacked bg and dnd multiple times especially early on.
Citation needed.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Bullshit. Anyone who thinks 6 characters us too much is retartet and can't be taken seriously and is auto considered a troll and weaksauce.

If you can't balance your 6 characters you suck at rpgs. But, it doesnt matter.
We all know the resl reason it had 4 not 6. This is dos 3 not bg3.

Citation? This thread. It's come up multiple time since the start. Holy fukk.

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