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why the hate on BG3


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
. what about the orc nigger and his elf whore that proposition the player for a polyamorous relationship?

Yep. You should be able to kill the orc and enslave the elf. I agree with that.

Except for the gnome you're paired with at the start of the game who can fake his own death, polymorph, teleport etc.

Meeting someone powerful in the beginning of a journey which masquerade as a low level nobody is not the same of low level epicness.
with frost giants smashing their way through and the multi-caster ritual at the end.

Except that you don't fight them. You only watch at distance

You're competing to become the lord of a land, and there is an enemy nation that's trying to sabotage you from the start and yet somehow you think this is a low-key start like a bunch of adventurers meeting in a bar.

A backward noble for a extremely underdeveloped barony. You are just a guy who saw the opportunity to raise your social status and become the lowest of low nobility and wanted to grab this opportunity.
shit ruleset for spreadsheet spergs.

PF1e is perfect? No.

But is far better than 5E. In 5E, an lv 20 ranger is just +15% likely to hit than a lv 1 ranger. But has exponential more hp.

The only reason you like Owlcuck and not Larian is that your autism got offended by Larian


Is because while everyone was bringing ultra balanced and modernized version of 90s RPG's like Pillars and Tyranny, OwlCat was the first one to bring a 90s style RPG.

Is perfect? No.

Now about Larian, do I hate Larian? Also no. do I like their games? No. What I like about Larian is that they re popularized turn based games. Which was dead since 90s. If I can play OwlCat games in Turn Based, including Rogue Trader, is mostly thanks to Larian. The problem is that Larian games are too """modern"" for a Grognard like myself.


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Meeting someone powerful in the beginning of a journey which masquerade as a low level nobody is not the same of low level epicness.
But he was a low level nobody. Otherwise your party wouldn't have been able to defeat him that first time, even if he did only fake his death.
Except that you don't fight them. You only watch at distance
Lol. You do fight the casters. You don't fight the giant. Just like you don't fight the mindflayers or the demons in BG3, unless you want to die.
A backward noble for a extremely underdeveloped barony. You are just a guy who saw the opportunity to raise your social status and become the lowest of low nobility and wanted to grab this opportunity.
Cope. Still not starting as a nobody.
PF1e is perfect? No.
It's literally gay.

Is because while everyone was bringing ultra balanced and modernized version of 90s RPG's like Pillars and Tyranny, OwlCat was the first one to bring a 90s style RPG.
There's little difference between Kingmaker and Obsidian schlock.
Now about Larian, do I hate Larian? Also no. do I like their games? No. What I like about Larian is that they re popularized turn based games. Which was dead since 90s. If I can play OwlCat games in Turn Based, including Rogue Trader, is mostly thanks to Larian. The problem is that Larian games are too """modern"" for a Grognard like myself.
If you don't like a game because it's turn-based, you're on the wrong website.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
There's little difference between Kingmaker and Obsidian schlock.

Yep, no difference between d20 and their wreid systems. The spells, lethality, gameplay, everything is the same /sarcasm

If you don't like a game because it's turn-based, you're on the wrong website.

Read my post again. I'm saying that re popularizing turn based was a good thing made by Larian.

They don't, imo. They're just looking for reasons not to like the game.

Nope. I would hate him even more.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Yep, no difference between d20 and their wreid systems. The spells, lethality, gameplay, everything is the same /sarcasm
Most reddit response yet.
Read my post again. I'm saying that re popularizing turn based was a good thing made by Larian.
Nope. I would hate him even more.
There are plenty of (even more) gay characters in Owlcuck games, but you camp out in this thread to complain about this one.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Most reddit response yet.

No, is not. Both games are VASTLY different in everything. MAinly for a guy who likes magery a lot like myself. Cloud kill in kingmaker is amazing Malignant cloud in PoE is pure trash. Simple as that. I can play as for example a necromancer or cryomancer by picking (greater) spell focus cold, meanwhile, wizards don't even have subclasses in PoE1 and are all except evoker worthless in PoE2.

There are plenty of (even more) gay characters in Owlcuck games, but you camp out in this thread to complain about this one.

Name them.

Also, the worst problem with him is that he is a bastardization of vampires. Vampires before = Alucard(hellsing), Strahd, Maximillian Strauss and so on. Now? Hexxat, Rudi and Astarion.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
No, is not.
Ending your statement with /sarcasm is.
Cloud kill in kingmaker is amazing Malignant cloud in PoE is pure trash.
Blahblahblah more autism. No one cares but you, and it's probably some autistic reasoning behind this, but you don't even bother to say anything but "awesome" and "trash", which means nothing.
Name them.
The orc is bisexual and overtly hits on the player, Woljif is a faggot even though there's no romance for him, Daeran is an elf faggot who looks gayer than Astarion, The Storyteller is an old elf faggot, Sosiel is a total faggot, Nenio is an ugly bisexual furry, which is close enough.




The fact that you can tolerate this faggotry who knows how many hours and complain for YEARS of your life about one character in an RPG you don't even want to play is pathetic.

Also, the worst problem with him is that he is a bastardization of vampires. Vampires before = Alucard(hellsing), Strahd, Maximillian Strauss and so on. Now? Hexxat, Rudi and Astarion.
He's literally a word for word example of a vampire spawn per the lore, sperg. I've posted it in this thread before, so you know that.

The one with the weird ideas about vampires is you. You're bringing up vampires from completely different IPs as if they should all share the same traits, or have anything to do with D&D. And why do you bring up Hexxat as if she's a Larian NPC, or Rudi? Do you even know what game you're whining about?

This is what I'm talking about. You're autistic. You keep repeating the same stupid criticisms over and over no matter how many times people prove you wrong. And you're a hypocrite because you like games that do the very things you claim to hate. There's a vampire bartender you meet an hour or two into Trannyfinder.
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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Years pass and these spergs still spew the same hypocritical arguments.

Here's Meredoth (aka Cryomancer) crying about vampires with the same reasoning and my response.

Immortal blood sucking aristocrat undeads living in castles, doing crazy experiments and feeding upon the blood of peasants. There are a lot of cool and iconic vampires in fiction. Transform such creatures into Astarion is a disrespect towards then. He and Hexxat are teh WORST forms of vampire in all entertainment. Worse than even Edward Cullen and ESO pseudo vampirism.

Astarion isn't a vampire. He's a Vampire Spawn. His personality is also in line with Forgotten Realms lore.

Pride was the true driver of the vampire spawn, since they believed themselves better than others.
Libris_Mortis said:
Forever anchored to their unholy graves, the nocturnal predators known as vampire spawn scheme for power. They tend toward decadence, believing themselves superior to other living (or undead) creatures
Alignment: Vampire spawn are traditionally evil, though a DM may relax this restriction in a campaign that features undead player characters. The innate selfishness of the typical vampire spawn makes a good alignment difficult to uphold.
They are smart, insightful, and charismatic, though their sense of superiority often leads them to take on tasks best left to subordinates.
It's honestly like the writer just read the entry for Vampire Spawn, and designed an archetypical character.
living in castles, doing crazy experiments and feeding upon the blood of peasants.

A vampire spawn is just someone who was slain by a vampire. It could even be an adventurer unlucky enough to die by energy drain.
Libris_Mortis said:
In order to take the class described here, a character must die as a result of a vampire’s energy drain (or as a victim of its blood drain if the character has less than 5 HD). Characters with 5 or more Hit Dice who are killed by a vampire’s blood drain must acquire the vampire template (see page 250 of the Monster Manual), and its +8 level adjustment places that template beyond the scope of the monster classes presented here.
What makes you think a person who's been turned into a vampire spawn would automatically become a mustache twirling aristocrat, acquire castle and start feeding off the local peasants?

Astarion is a slave. He's a self-important lower-vampire.
...who just happened to be (un)lucky enough to find a way to evade most of his curse's downsides, thanks to the parasite in his head.
He's even lower on the pecking order than what the player in Bloodlines was at the start.

I don't know what vision of vampires TV, films or other PnP IPs gave you that made you so butthurt about him, but it's pretty silly at this point.

I don't see you raging about the Dhampir in Wrath of the Tranny, and they're only a step or two below him. Where are their castles, huh?
What makes you think a person who's been turned into a vampire spawn would automatically become a mustache twirling aristocrat, acquire castle and start feeding off the local peasants?

Astarion is a slave. He's a self-important lower-vampire.
You'd only be upset about this if you didn't know D&D and were looking for a reason to spam the thread with whining.
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Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
Woljif is a faggot even though there's no romance for him, Daeran is an elf faggot who looks gayer than Astarion, The Storyteller is an old elf faggot
these people are not gay, Daeran gets more pussy than you ever will.

Edit: Damn, nvm Daeran is bisexual, fucking faggots in my games.


Sep 4, 2015
Woljif is a faggot even though there's no romance for him, Daeran is an elf faggot who looks gayer than Astarion, The Storyteller is an old elf faggot
these people are not gay, Daeran gets more pussy than you ever will.

Edit: Damn, nvm Daeran is bisexual, fucking faggots in my games.
what, you kissed him and now learned he sucked bbc with same mouth just minutes ago?

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