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why the hate on BG3


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Astarion + Pronouns in character creation justifies the hate.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Astarion + Pronouns in character creation justifies the hate.
Pronouns and romancing Astarion are OPTIONS, not forced on you.

Can I transform him into a squirrel and use imprisonment on him while at abyss? I did it with hexxat in BG2 ""EE""

Jokes aside, most of my criticisms towards BG3 like the UI and slowness got solved. Other problems are from 5E and not from Larian.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
It's gotten worse. BG3 is basically Critical Role: The Game. (Minus the Tiefling porn that CC gave us.)
What's Critical Role? Is that some new tranny shit?


Jul 16, 2005
Small but great planet of Potatohole
not that I care about BG3, I am more of a WOTR fan, but what makes BG3 give negative feels on codex?
umm, there's not a game without negative feels on the codex. despite being my favorite game ever, the baldur's gate games are also shit cause rtwp. Planescape Torment is shit cause its a bland visual novel, Arcanum is shit cause Chris can't play it, Fallout is shit because uhh... well, uhh, it's... not similar to Wasteland, so massive decline. Fallout 2 is shit because too many pop references, Vampire Bloodlines is shit cause combat sucks ass, Deus Ex sucks because uhhh... geez, uhh, ... well, there's man-sized ventilation shafts everywhere, totally unrealistic, Gothic II is fucking janky, Morrowind is boring as fuck, Age of Decadence isn't even a video game, Dark souls is weeaboo jRPG crap, Owlcat's Pathfinder games make the dialogue in Larian games seem like its written by james joyce. Jagged Alliance 2 is a strategy game, not a RPG. Witcher 3 is basically Gears of War 3 but with less steroids, Underrail is worse than Sword Coast Legends because of the deep caverns, etc.

(all from the first row of the best 101 RPGs)

everything is shit
There is not a game without negative feels. Period. Maybe with one exception: forums of specific games or studios that immediately ban all critics. You know why all has its critics and rightfully so? Because no game is perfect and some are flawed more than others.

BG are not criticised only "because rtwp". There a lot of other valid criticizm, especially about BG1. Also these days they are liked on the Dex, the positions in Codex' top lists show it. It used to be seriously disliked, but that was long ago.
Arcanum is not shit - but its combat IS. There is no way around this. I liked Arcanum as a lot of people here. Many think combat is shit despite liking the game.
Fallout is probably the single most revered game on the Codex, for better or worse. Very few people criticise it. I can't even think of ONE person who thinks Fallout is decline of Wasteland. Perhaps there is. One or two. Literally - one or two.

Etc, etc... In short, what you wrote is garbage.


Jul 16, 2005
Small but great planet of Potatohole
Astarion + Pronouns in character creation justifies the hate.
Pronouns and romancing Astarion are OPTIONS, not forced on you.
So are a lot of things in life that are nonetheless disliked or even considered unacceptable. Being "optional" is not a magic word that makes every issue go away. And you would know this if you thought for even a moment about all "optional" things that you dislike.


Jan 5, 2015
not that I care about BG3, I am more of a WOTR fan, but what makes BG3 give negative feels on codex?
umm, there's not a game without negative feels on the codex. despite being my favorite game ever, the baldur's gate games are also shit cause rtwp. Planescape Torment is shit cause its a bland visual novel, Arcanum is shit cause Chris can't play it, Fallout is shit because uhh... well, uhh, it's... not similar to Wasteland, so massive decline. Fallout 2 is shit because too many pop references, Vampire Bloodlines is shit cause combat sucks ass, Deus Ex sucks because uhhh... geez, uhh, ... well, there's man-sized ventilation shafts everywhere, totally unrealistic, Gothic II is fucking janky, Morrowind is boring as fuck, Age of Decadence isn't even a video game, Dark souls is weeaboo jRPG crap, Owlcat's Pathfinder games make the dialogue in Larian games seem like its written by james joyce. Jagged Alliance 2 is a strategy game, not a RPG. Witcher 3 is basically Gears of War 3 but with less steroids, Underrail is worse than Sword Coast Legends because of the deep caverns, etc.

(all from the first row of the best 101 RPGs)

everything is shit
There is not a game without negative feels. Period. Maybe with one exception: forums of specific games or studios that immediately ban all critics. You know why all has its critics and rightfully so? Because no game is perfect and some are flawed more than others.

BG are not criticised only "because rtwp". There a lot of other valid criticizm, especially about BG1. Also these days they are liked on the Dex, the positions in Codex' top lists show it. It used to be seriously disliked, but that was long ago.
Arcanum is not shit - but its combat IS. There is no way around this. I liked Arcanum as a lot of people here. Many think combat is shit despite liking the game.
Fallout is probably the single most revered game on the Codex, for better or worse. Very few people criticise it. I can't even think of ONE person who thinks Fallout is decline of Wasteland. Perhaps there is. One or two. Literally - one or two.

Etc, etc... In short, what you wrote is garbage.
I was obviously only making a mockery of the fact that one can't be enthusiastic about a game on the codex without anyone jumping in to tell you why the game is shit and you are a faggot.

But yeah, I had a hard time coming up with even a faux reason for why Fallout 1 would be bad. Same with Deus Ex, is there anyone who can tell me why Deus Ex is shit?


Oct 1, 2018
But yeah, I had a hard time coming up with even a faux reason for why Fallout 1 would be bad. Same with Deus Ex, is there anyone who can tell me why Deus Ex is shit?
Codexers are way too forgiving of bugs in classic games that have fan patches. This applies more to Troika, but Fallout 1 and Deus Ex are still pretty rough in some areas.


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I think you can poke holes in all the great RPGs, but they all had one thing in common; they had a standard of writing. That standard hasn't been seen in over a decade. And now we get to see games with modern writing 'standards' called a sequel, when they lack that basic thing we always took for granted.

I know there's a difference between the writing of BG2 and PST. That's not the comparison. What I mean is the writing standard we took for granted in a game like IWD is so much better than what I've seen in BG3, that it's like comparing the LOTR films to Amazon's LOTR series.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
According to the anti-Larian spergs, BG1 was the standard we must measure all future games against. Especially in regard to narrative, since Larian began their game with too flashy an intro.

Of course, beginning Wrath of the Tranny with a level 1 character surviving an encounter with a demon lord is just fine to many of them, so I guess this only applies to games with Baldur's Gate in the title.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
No, is not. Kingmaker is quite interesting. You start as someone who gets a quest "go kill bandits and if you succeed, I will make you a noble" and you start to ascend from nothing from a poor backward noble into a high noble, into a king and explore dangerous mysterious ancient curses in the way.
  • No Astarion/Hexxat tier companions
  • No lv 4 archdruids
  • No necronomicon for lv 1~4 PCs
  • No game starting with a dragon army vs mindflayer spelljammer fleet
  • No lv 1 wizards with Elminster tier epic backgrounds(gale)
  • No motion captured Ogre sex scenes
  • Better ruleset(pf1e > 5e)
  • (...)
I have over 1k hours in kingmaker and less than 20 in BG3.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
No Astarion/Hexxat tier companions
lol. what about the orc nigger and his elf whore that proposition the player for a polyamorous relationship?

And while you can kill them, doing so will gimp your game because of the advisor system.
No lv 1 wizards with Elminster tier epic backgrounds(gale)
Except for the gnome you're paired with at the start of the game who can fake his own death, polymorph, teleport etc.
No game starting with a dragon army vs mindflayer spelljammer fleet
Are you still crying about this after all these years? Yes, you are.

I guess you forgot about the bandit army invasion during Kingmaker's tutorial, with frost giants smashing their way through and the multi-caster ritual at the end. You're competing to become the lord of a land, and there is an enemy nation that's trying to sabotage you from the start and yet somehow you think this is a low-key start like a bunch of adventurers meeting in a bar.
No motion captured Ogre sex scenes
If they could afford it, they would. Owlcuck fills their games with fetish crap. It wouldn't be a joke if they did it either.
Better ruleset(pf1e > 5e)
Trannyfinder is a shit ruleset for spreadsheet spergs.
I have over 1k hours in kingmaker and less than 20 in BG3.
Get a life, dude.

All of your criticisms of BG3 are meaningless bullshit, and/or things Owlcuck is guilty of x10. The only reason you like Owlcuck and not Larian is that your autism got offended by Larian at some point or another and you can't let it go.
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