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why the hate on BG3


Jan 5, 2015
Woljif is a faggot even though there's no romance for him, Daeran is an elf faggot who looks gayer than Astarion, The Storyteller is an old elf faggot
these people are not gay, Daeran gets more pussy than you ever will.

Edit: Damn, nvm Daeran is bisexual, fucking faggots in my games.
yeah hate to break it to you, but in my current playthrough, Daeran has been on his knees at every resting spot, sucking off the entire party. I hadn't expected this much homosexuality before the release of the next dragon age game, but I ain't complaining.


Sep 5, 2017
Pathfinder: Wrath
There are plenty of (even more) gay characters in Owlcuck games, but you camp out in this thread to complain about this one.

You know the saying - a pig will find it's dirt.
I'm boggled how people inflate amount of gay shit in Wrath.

To the fact that Storyteller is a faggot (he's an elf, so no surprise there anyway) was devoted like 2 sentences in his quest worth 30-pages of text.
The shocking discovery of "zomg that orc negro sold family sword for trans potion!" is hidden behind fucking 50 (fifty!) diplomacy check that your MC
has to do on his own.

What else is there, Daeran and Sosiel?
Never partied with either of them.
I was stomping out demonic corruption with my bros Greybor and Regil; and I also fucked the queen.
And if you keep looking for gays and partying with gays, just admit already that you secretly enjoy it.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
You know the saying - a pig will find it's dirt.
Nigger, the first character you talk to in the game is a tranny. None of this is hard to find.

The only pig finding dirt is you, you're just ashamed to be called out wallowing in it.

The question is, why are anti-BG3 spergs so supportive of that dirt, but can't shut up about Astarion? A single character.
To the fact that Storyteller is a faggot (he's an elf, so no surprise there anyway) was devoted like 2 sentences in his quest worth 30-pages of text.
He asked for the names. I provided them. You're free to be as asshurt about that as you like, but it doesn't change the fact that it's in the game.

What else is there, Daeran and Sosiel?
Never partied with either of them.
Oh, so it's ok if you don't "party" with them. (Interesting choice of words from you...)

Well then, why not simply not take Astarion along in your party? That's my point.
And if you keep looking for gays and partying with gays, just admit already that you secretly enjoy it.

Nice try, faggot. All of this info is posted on the first few pages of the Cringefinder thread.

I guess all the Astarion-obsessed haters here secretly love him according to you?
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Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
The fact that you can tolerate this faggotry who knows how many hours and complain for YEARS of your life about one character in an RPG you don't even want to play is pathetic.

Wrong. I just played as an lich and putted this guys in their places. Evil path in WotR is amazing. In cringefinder thread, there aren't a single screenshot from your Lich master and lich companions.

Simple as that.
nd why do you bring up Hexxat as if she's a Larian NPC, or Rudi? Do you even know what game you're whining about?

I din't brought them as Larian NPC's, but as MODERN iterations of vampire

Everything that sucks in modern gaming sucks in Larian. Simple as that.


May 19, 2022
not that I care about BG3, I am more of a WOTR fan, but what makes BG3 give negative feels on codex?
umm, there's not a game without negative feels on the codex. despite being my favorite game ever, the baldur's gate games are also shit cause rtwp. Planescape Torment is shit cause its a bland visual novel, Arcanum is shit cause Chris can't play it, Fallout is shit because uhh... well, uhh, it's... not similar to Wasteland, so massive decline. Fallout 2 is shit because too many pop references, Vampire Bloodlines is shit cause combat sucks ass, Deus Ex sucks because uhhh... geez, uhh, ... well, there's man-sized ventilation shafts everywhere, totally unrealistic, Gothic II is fucking janky, Morrowind is boring as fuck, Age of Decadence isn't even a video game, Dark souls is weeaboo jRPG crap, Owlcat's Pathfinder games make the dialogue in Larian games seem like its written by james joyce. Jagged Alliance 2 is a strategy game, not a RPG. Witcher 3 is basically Gears of War 3 but with less steroids, Underrail is worse than Sword Coast Legends because of the deep caverns, etc.

(all from the first row of the best 101 RPGs)

everything is shit
Can't forget how terrified everyone is of trannies and faggots, too.

"Trannies and fags exist irl, but i dont want em in my vidya, waaaaah"


Sep 4, 2015
not that I care about BG3, I am more of a WOTR fan, but what makes BG3 give negative feels on codex?
umm, there's not a game without negative feels on the codex. despite being my favorite game ever, the baldur's gate games are also shit cause rtwp. Planescape Torment is shit cause its a bland visual novel, Arcanum is shit cause Chris can't play it, Fallout is shit because uhh... well, uhh, it's... not similar to Wasteland, so massive decline. Fallout 2 is shit because too many pop references, Vampire Bloodlines is shit cause combat sucks ass, Deus Ex sucks because uhhh... geez, uhh, ... well, there's man-sized ventilation shafts everywhere, totally unrealistic, Gothic II is fucking janky, Morrowind is boring as fuck, Age of Decadence isn't even a video game, Dark souls is weeaboo jRPG crap, Owlcat's Pathfinder games make the dialogue in Larian games seem like its written by james joyce. Jagged Alliance 2 is a strategy game, not a RPG. Witcher 3 is basically Gears of War 3 but with less steroids, Underrail is worse than Sword Coast Legends because of the deep caverns, etc.

(all from the first row of the best 101 RPGs)

everything is shit
Can't forget how terrified everyone is of trannies and faggots, too.

"Trannies and fags exist irl, but i dont want em in my vidya, waaaaah"
you will never be real woman


May 19, 2022
not that I care about BG3, I am more of a WOTR fan, but what makes BG3 give negative feels on codex?
umm, there's not a game without negative feels on the codex. despite being my favorite game ever, the baldur's gate games are also shit cause rtwp. Planescape Torment is shit cause its a bland visual novel, Arcanum is shit cause Chris can't play it, Fallout is shit because uhh... well, uhh, it's... not similar to Wasteland, so massive decline. Fallout 2 is shit because too many pop references, Vampire Bloodlines is shit cause combat sucks ass, Deus Ex sucks because uhhh... geez, uhh, ... well, there's man-sized ventilation shafts everywhere, totally unrealistic, Gothic II is fucking janky, Morrowind is boring as fuck, Age of Decadence isn't even a video game, Dark souls is weeaboo jRPG crap, Owlcat's Pathfinder games make the dialogue in Larian games seem like its written by james joyce. Jagged Alliance 2 is a strategy game, not a RPG. Witcher 3 is basically Gears of War 3 but with less steroids, Underrail is worse than Sword Coast Legends because of the deep caverns, etc.

(all from the first row of the best 101 RPGs)

everything is shit
Can't forget how terrified everyone is of trannies and faggots, too.

"Trannies and fags exist irl, but i dont want em in my vidya, waaaaah"
you will never be real woman
Yeah, because I was born with a cock and balls.

Quit being a dumb faggot.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
"Trannies and fags exist irl, but i dont want em in my vidya, waaaaah"

That depends on the video game. For eg, if I'm playing Verdun, I wanna historical accuracy. Now, fortine or other shitty cartoon game with trannies, who cares? That said, all of this "gender neo marxism" could't exist in most of dark fantasy settings. In Warhammer, when the empire is worried about greenskins, chaos cultists, hedge wizards and so on, people would't care about this gender BS.

Look to Argentina at the beginning, their lefitist president was wanting affirmative action for trans people in the army. Now people are more worried about food and survival. All of this BS is peak "first world problem" and would't exist in a world where people are worried about a Abyssal invasion like in PF:WotR.

Now, in Cyberbug, the whole point of the setting is that the human body is nothing hence I see no problems with it.

TL;DR - It should just make sense in the universe.
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May 19, 2022
"Trannies and fags exist irl, but i dont want em in my vidya, waaaaah"

That depends on the video game. For eg, if I'm playing Verdun, I wanna historical accuracy. Now, fortine or other shitty cartoon game with trannies, who cares? That said, all of this "gender neo marxism" could't exist in most of dark fantasy settings. In Warhammer, when the empire is worried about greenskins, chaos cultists, hedge wizards and so on, people would't care about this gender BS.

Look to Argentina at the beginning, their lefitist president was wanting affirmative action for trans people in the army. Now people are more worried about food and survival. All of this BS is peak "first world problem" and would't exist in a world where people are worried about a Abyssal invasion like in PF:WotR.

Now, in Cyberbug, the whole point of the setting is that the human body is nothing hence I see no problems with it.

TL;DR - It should just make sense in the universe.
Well said. In a FANTASY game, I don't see an issue with letting people live out their gender/sexuality FANTASIES.

This isn't fucking medieval combat simulator 9000 or whatever.


Sep 5, 2017
Pathfinder: Wrath
You know the saying - a pig will find it's dirt.
Nigger, the first character you talk to in the game is a tranny. None of this is hard to find.

The first character you talk to in Wrath is prelate Hulrun.
This guy:

You'd know that if you had actually played the game instead of regurgitating the same old complied pile of shit that is barely noticeable in normal playthrough as it's spread out through dozens of hours of content.

Well then, why not simply not take Astarion along in your party? That's my point.

And that's a good point. I won't take him, my party has no room for gays/elves if I can help it.
Although I don't really hate BG3, just dissapointed it looks like Critical Role mixed with Divinity 3, instead of being a true successor to the original duology.

And if you keep looking for gays and partying with gays, just admit already that you secretly enjoy it.
View attachment 32289

Oh, and congrats on getting the meme refference.
I didn't think it was obscure, but whatever floats your boat, good job and all that.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Well said. In a FANTASY game, I don't see an issue with letting people live out their gender/sexuality FANTASIES.
The fantasy elements must be consistent with the setting.

Magic in The Call of Cthulhu must be far different than in Baldur's Gate for eg. That said, Gods in some settings are very present and doing stuff like creating new species, changing someone's gender can incur a deity's wrath or could't. Depend on the setting.


I never thought that I would see Nortar defending WotR. WotR is too epic even for me...


Sep 1, 2021
I'd rather deal with one or two single faggots that I can ignore (or better yet kill) over the Dragon Age 2 approach that Larian is taking and making everyone a faggot. Granted you can still kill all your companions in BG3 and I intend to but still it's pandering of the worst kind.

That said people who don't think Owlcat is on a similar or even higher level of faggotry are coping pretty hard, especially when they have guys like this writing for them




Sep 6, 2022
Ah, yes.
The real issues of a D&D game:
Polyamorous romances, ogre fucking, tranny dwarfs...


Oct 1, 2018
How can there be trannies in Pathfinder if there are no jews in Pathfinder?

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
The first character you talk to in Wrath is prelate Hulrun.
That's not a dialog window. You could have shown the actual screen. He's the first character you respond to, but the tranny is the first character to say something in a dialog window.
You'd know that if you had actually played the game
I did play it, just not all of it before refunding. But I certainly played the start.

And anyone can look up a youtube let's play.


First dialog window in the game and it's a tranny.

You can split hairs all you want, but this is the game you like so much.
the same old complied pile of shit that is barely noticeable in normal playthrough as it's spread out through dozens of hours of content.
"Barely noticeable", unless you pick the wrong characters as companions. Unless you actually talk to the NPCs and read their dialog. Unless you're not BLIND and don't miss the cutscene where the tranny and his orc wife kiss at the end of the tutorial.

The whole game is filled with this crap. But it's my fault for noticing it. It's my fault for reading a thread laughing about it.

There's a shit succubus in the game for coprophiliacs to get their rocks off to, but that's not the devs' fault, that's your fault for noticing it. :roll:
And that's a good point. I won't take him, my party has no room for gays/elves if I can help it.
Well, he's certainly easy to avoid. He's not an unkillable Mary Sue main character that you're forced to drag around like the tranny in Wrath.

But if that's really the attitude most people here were taking, I wouldn't see people bawling about Astarion on every other page. He's an elf, you niggers. Of course he's a faggot. But you really only have to have a single conversation with him, the same as all the other companions.
Oh, and congrats on getting the meme refference.
I didn't think it was obscure, but whatever floats your boat, good job and all that.
Speaking of old memes. I guess the joke's on me, since you were only pretending. :lol:
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Dec 4, 2019
"Trannies and fags exist irl, but i dont want em in my vidya, waaaaah"

Precisely. It doesn't make sense to have a disproportionate number of lgbt people in video games, particularly in fantasy settings, because there's no Hollywood and no widespread pornography industry.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Precisely. It doesn't make sense to have a disproportionate number of lgbt people in video games, particularly in fantasy settings, because there's no Hollywood and no widespread pornography industry.
What if it was a game about Greece? :M

I agree that any homos in games is an objective decline, but it's hypocritical to like one game that's packed with homos and then cry about homos in another game because you don't like the developer and want something to complain about, which is what several people itt have been doing for years now.


Aug 20, 2022
"Trannies and fags exist irl, but i dont want em in my vidya, waaaaah"

Precisely. It doesn't make sense to have a disproportionate number of lgbt people in video games, particularly in fantasy settings, because there's no Hollywood and no widespread pornography industry.
It makes sense if most of their customers want gay stuff in the game.


Sep 5, 2017
Pathfinder: Wrath
I never thought that I would see Nortar defending WotR. WotR is too epic even for me...

It is way too epic to my liking.
And it's far from perfect, but people seem to be dissing it for all the wrong reasons.
Yeah there is "current year agenda" shit, nowadays it's fucking everywhere, and in Wrath there's not nearly as much of it or so in your face, as one might believe after reading the cringefinder thread.

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