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why the hate on BG3

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Anyone who thinks 6 characters us too much is retartet
I'll just let this stand on its own. :lol:
We all know the resl reason it had 4 not 6. This is dos 3 not bg3.
Of course, a conspiracy, yes. It all makes sense now.
Citation? This thread. It's come up multiple time since the start. Holy fukk.
Then you should have no problem linking to it.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
There is any 5E game which allows parties of 6 members? Solasta is not BG and has 4 party members and the moments where you have "temporary" companions trivialize the little difficulty which the game had. I can understand many critiques towards BG3, but this I never understood. Even 2E, we had some 2E games with very limited parties. Dark Sun : Shattered Lands + Wake of the Ravager had 4 party members. Ravenloft : Strahd possession and Stone prophet + Menzoberranzan too. You create 2 characters and could recruit more 2.


Dec 27, 2016
Writing was pretty weak in Divinity original sin 1 and 2 but from what I`ve seen so far in bg3 I really enjoyed. At least larian is ways ahead of beamdog, thier content writing in bg1 and 2 was one of the worst I`ve seen my whole life in any computer game, luckily siege of dragonspear was a bit better.


Feb 8, 2020
down under
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Dunno, I've played about the first half of BG1 before I got really bored with it and stopped. BG3 makes me a lot more excited in comparison, if for nothing else then the turn based combat and the dice rolls (yes, I like them). Also, it just feels more of an RPG with actual choices than BG1, based on the videos.

I also really like games with a goofy whimsical atmosphere; there should be more of them.

Also, 6 to 8 is the optimum number of characters.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
The IE games were many Codexers' childhoods. Any deviation from their style was going to be met with apoplexy.
Reasons BG3 is good:
  • If it succeeds, it will forever overshadow the Bioware BG games
  • If it fails, it will tarnish the Bioware BG games by association
I prefer to think of BG3 as a win/win situation.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
:cool: The IE games were many Codexers' childhoods. Any deviation from their style was going to be met with apoplexy.
Reasons BG3 is good:
  • If it succeeds, it will forever overshadow the Bioware BG games
  • If it fails, it will tarnish the Bioware BG games by association
I prefer to think of BG3 as a win/win situation.
In life 2 things can be true at the same time, I'm confidant that BG3 will deliver and most people will consider it an excellent and worthy RPG successor to BG1&2

But that doesnt change the significance and success of previous BG games from Bioware :cool:


Sep 18, 2021
The IE games were many Codexers' childhoods. Any deviation from their style was going to be met with apoplexy.
Reasons BG3 is good:
  • If it fails, it will tarnish the Bioware BG games by association
I don't want to put a dent into your outlook but I'm pretty sure that the typical reaction to a failed sequel is stronger appreciation of the classics. Whatever weak points the old games had, you can always point to the disgusting sequel to relativize them.


Sep 27, 2022
Codex Year of the Donut
BG3 will be amazing when it's out in August. I believe. I hope.
Do you know if they've talked at all about expansions? Doing a search didn't bring up anything official from Larian, but I can't remember them doing anything but a definitive edition for Original Sin 1 and 2.


Sep 22, 2016
BG3 will be amazing when it's out in August. I believe. I hope.
Do you know if they've talked at all about expansions? Doing a search didn't bring up anything official from Larian, but I can't remember them doing anything but a definitive edition for Original Sin 1 and 2.

Sven made it clear that he is against the DLC model and prefers giving us stuff for free, and that's a good thing.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
An expansion isn't really DLC though, and this isn't DoS, no matter what the spergs say.

If the game sells well enough, I think an expansion wouldn't be out of the question.


Sep 27, 2022
Codex Year of the Donut
BG3 will be amazing when it's out in August. I believe. I hope.
Do you know if they've talked at all about expansions? Doing a search didn't bring up anything official from Larian, but I can't remember them doing anything but a definitive edition for Original Sin 1 and 2.

Sven made it clear that he is against the DLC model and prefers giving us stuff for free, and that's a good thing.
I think it was pretty good when the Baldur's Gates got expansions. I liked the expansions for both Neverwinters too. DLC now means a lot of money for not much in return (most of the time). Expansions used to mean full games sized new content for less money.

What free stuff, other than patches and the definitive edition, where given to either Original Sin? I can only remember the squirrel mini-DLC. I honestly would love an old-school type expansion, and there's no way I see them given something like that away for free.


Jan 5, 2015
I haven't really followed Larian or the development of BG3 closely (my expectations are very low) but what the fuck is up with these youtube shorts they're posting lately?

Like... what even is this? Some cultural reference I'm not getting? I presume it's a joke? What is the joke? What's going on?

am I too old for this shit?!?!
(and if I am, why ... why call it BG3?!)


Aug 7, 2016
Higher companion limits is always superior because you have the option to use less NPCs for more experience, and get the added challenge of an encounter balanced around a higher party size. A low limit is limiting your options


Apr 1, 2022
I haven't really followed Larian or the development of BG3 closely (my expectations are very low) but what the fuck is up with these youtube shorts they're posting lately?

Like... what even is this? Some cultural reference I'm not getting? I presume it's a joke? What is the joke? What's going on?

am I too old for this shit?!?!
(and if I am, why ... why call it BG3?!)

Be reassured, you're not the only one wondering if you're too old; here I am, below 40, and baffled. The hell is this? I cringed hard enough my face folded in on itself. Are teenagers employed by Larian now? Or is this a marketeering old man's attempt at piercing into the highly-coveted Tik Tok teenage crowd? The game is months away from release, surely they're not trying to manufacture memes by themselves?


Jan 26, 2020
atop a flaming horse
Writing was pretty weak in Divinity original sin 1 and 2 but from what I`ve seen so far in bg3 I really enjoyed. At least larian is ways ahead of beamdog, thier content writing in bg1 and 2 was one of the worst I`ve seen my whole life in any computer game, luckily siege of dragonspear was a bit better.
That wild mage who accosts you right at the start of both games... luckily her and Minsc appear in the same map in BG1 so you can slaughter both in the same map.


Jan 26, 2020
atop a flaming horse
Higher companion limits is always superior because you have the option to use less NPCs for more experience, and get the added challenge of an encounter balanced around a higher party size. A low limit is limiting your options
Spot on, I prefer to be able to choose.


Dec 13, 2019
I haven't really followed Larian or the development of BG3 closely (my expectations are very low) but what the fuck is up with these youtube shorts they're posting lately?

Like... what even is this? Some cultural reference I'm not getting? I presume it's a joke? What is the joke? What's going on?

am I too old for this shit?!?!
(and if I am, why ... why call it BG3?!)

Be reassured, you're not the only one wondering if you're too old; here I am, below 40, and baffled. The hell is this? I cringed hard enough my face folded in on itself. Are teenagers employed by Larian now? Or is this a marketeering old man's attempt at piercing into the highly-coveted Tik Tok teenage crowd? The game is months away from release, surely they're not trying to manufacture memes by themselves?

As far as I can tell it's supposed to be a TikTok parody video of "the helmet stays on" meme. Judging by the YouTube comments people don't find it particularly funny either, so I wouldn't worry about being too old yet.

Unless I am mistaken the meme comes from Destiny 2. In the short story Mara Sov (the queen) summoned Lord Shaxx and "he stayed a long time". The text ends with "And the helmet stayed on" sentence. People joke they had sex and the only thing he was wearing was his helmet (hence the sentence), which is how the meme has been born. It essentially serves as a sexual innuendo. Additionally, some people use the meme in the context of The Mandalorian TV show, because "Mandalorians cannot remove their helmets in front of any other person" so it fits in there perfectly.


Sep 6, 2022
The Mandalorian TV show, because "Mandalorians cannot remove their helmets in front of any other person" so it fits in there perfectly.
That's complete bullshit.
Kotor 1 and 2 did the mandalorians right.
The Mandalore's helmet is an object of great reverence to the mandalorians, hence Canderous nearly always wears it(except in that secret holo recording that T3 shows you). Helmet worshipping is dumb. Mandalorians laid waste to the Outer Rim and kicked the Republic hard in the nuts, until Revan arrived on the scene...


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
I haven't really followed Larian or the development of BG3 closely (my expectations are very low) but what the fuck is up with these youtube shorts they're posting lately?

Like... what even is this? Some cultural reference I'm not getting? I presume it's a joke? What is the joke? What's going on?

am I too old for this shit?!?!
(and if I am, why ... why call it BG3?!)

Be reassured, you're not the only one wondering if you're too old; here I am, below 40, and baffled. The hell is this? I cringed hard enough my face folded in on itself. Are teenagers employed by Larian now? Or is this a marketeering old man's attempt at piercing into the highly-coveted Tik Tok teenage crowd? The game is months away from release, surely they're not trying to manufacture memes by themselves?

I'll tell you exactly what happened.

Marketing manager/vp: We need to create some viral-type content similar to the tiktok for mouthbreathers.

Senior marketing monkey: Should we do something with the dev team, maybe an interview or AMA? Something of substance.

People with actual jobs: Fuck off. I don't want to be on camera.

Graphic designer/animation: Fuck off, I'm busy procrastinating.

Marketing manager/vp: Just get the intern to do something. They're always on their phone anyways.

Senior marketing monkey: That's a great idea. They're young. They'll know what's hip.

Intern: I have no idea what I'm doing.

Source: been around the corpo block


Apr 1, 2022
As far as I can tell it's supposed to be a TikTok parody video of "the helmet stays on" meme. Judging by the YouTube comments people don't find it particularly funny either, so I wouldn't worry about being too old yet.

Unless I am mistaken the meme comes from Destiny 2. In the short story Mara Sov (the queen) summoned Lord Shaxx and "he stayed a long time". The text ends with "And the helmet stayed on" sentence. People joke they had sex and the only thing he was wearing was his helmet (hence the sentence), which is how the meme has been born. It essentially serves as a sexual innuendo. Additionally, some people use the meme in the context of The Mandalorian TV show, because "Mandalorians cannot remove their helmets in front of any other person" so it fits in there perfectly.

Thanks for the explanation. And I had thought about the Mandalorian but couldn't think of a reasonable link between it and Larian's video; the idea seemed too tenuous. But still this is it then, riffing on memes.

I'll tell you exactly what happened.


Source: been around the corpo block

Man, I do not envy you that experience. :lol:
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
But yeah, I had a hard time coming up with even a faux reason for why Fallout 1 would be bad. Same with Deus Ex, is there anyone who can tell me why Deus Ex is shit?
Codexers are way too forgiving of bugs in classic games that have fan patches. This applies more to Troika, but Fallout 1 and Deus Ex are still pretty rough in some areas.
Fallout 1 is my favorite game ever, but a common criticism is that it is way, way too short to the point of being more of a tech demo than a fully fledged game (I consider this a strong positive because I think cRPGs are far too long). Fans of Fallout 2's approach to the world and material also consider it tonally one-note (again, to me another strength).

Deus Ex is harder. Basically people who don't like immersive sims dislike it because it is the genre peak, but even though sales suggest most gamers are lukewarm on or actively dislike immersive sims, immersive sims are rarely criticized comprehensively because it's impossible to do so without sounding like a casual. So, anyone who cares enough to be a Deus Ex detractor (barely anyone anymore) hates it for some fussy or particular reason. I suppose a few people might dislike it because it isn't shooty enough (like a Doom clone) or stealthy enough (like Thief), ergo, the focus on multiple approaches undermines the mechanics of either actually being fun (that's kind of immersive sims though).
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