Holy FUCK, the second expansion is impossible. There's one mission where you have to fight through like 6 waves of dralthis and jalthis, often led by the drakhai who have a shit ton more health. I can get through most of the waves just fine but at the last nav point you have to destroy a snakeir defended by like 5 grathas or jalthis, one of the heavy ships, and they will rape you hard. This is AFTER you already had to take out another capital ship defended by 2 waves at the previous nav point, which was hard enough, and Hunter usually retreats at this point so you can't even rely on him to take out the capital ship while you deal with the escorts, which was my usual strategy. And it's at this point where the game's framerate problems become really apparent. As you take out more ships, the framerate increases, and so the game's speed increases, so it's always a pain in the fucking ass to take out the last ship. My last attempt ended with me leaving one ship alive (so as to avoid the second wave of enemies) as I dealt with the snakeir, but as I was shooting the snakeir the ship I left behind immediately penetrated my rear shields and killed me and instantly. It's really easy to die like this to the last enemy left in a wave, because the game's speed is higher and you can't react as quickly. This is WITH DOSBox capped at 3000 cycles, by the way. I tried ejecting to skip this mission but I got put on the losing path after beating the next mission anyway, so apparently I need to properly beat this one to get enough points to pass.