Completed the game on day 135.
Explored every square of the overland. Found only two things of interest: the White Rabbits and a second, unmarked Inn. Except for the three dungeons, a couple of sanctuaries (only good for passing time and recover spell points), and a couple of enchanters, none of the squares in the Ruins that looked interesting contained anything of interest. But I assume two of the light coloured squares were supposed to be the two temples that you hear rumours about.
Apart from that the only "story" element on the overland was how monsters tend to aggregate in certain areas, like groves/parks with Gnarled Trees, Assassins' world convention in the NW corner, Dragons in the mid eastern section, Golems outside the second dungeon, Demons outside the third dungeon, and the toughest monster groups (a combo of Golems, sorcerors and high level fighers) in the SW and SE corners.
I never did any night exploring; just mapping the whole overland made my party rather too OP, and I beat Tarmon and his demons using quick fight. In the end I was just sick and tired of this game, that made me backtrack all the time. I think it's probably the worst grind I've played, and I felt I had seen what the game had to offer when I had explored about half of the overland.
So a game with some good elements (combat system, praying, skill system, items), but just too badly paced.
Never bothered with alchemy, due to the inventory limit and having to equip the potions. Never bothered with training either. In the end my guys were almost maxed out in most of the relevant skills. So I spent all money on enchanting items.
I will be interesting to see how Eternal Dagger compares, and how powerful my party will be.