It's a matter of whether the companies hosting the servers want to bother fending off a legal attack by Blizzard in court. Nostralius was shut down with a simple demand letter from Blizz-attorneys. Financially it's not worth it to them (OVH, the server hosts) because it's not as if their profit hinges on how people use their servers. So if you have a client that's going to attract legal troubles, just ditch them.I was under the impression that the EU servers were pretty well sheltered from this sort of thing.It's groundbreaking because this is first time that a EU server was targeted and first time that a server which accepted no donations and had no cash shop was targeted. Previously only US servers making money have been shut down by Blizz lawyers. This means that every private server in Europe is in danger.
You're Rebirth fag, no? I can't remember which fag I was anymore.
Literally every time I went on rebirth it was completely empty. That shit is no fun.
There was some drama queening within Feenix awhile back that IIRC killed their population. In other news, this god damned touchapd is fucking PISSING ME OFFI tried to connect to the previous huge server, Emerald Dream, but it's not even listed in the WoW-Feenix server list anymore. WTF.
And yes, AoE farming with bard on P99 is p. gud.
You do realize that you're defending the server where the previous owner scammed all of you fucks, took the money and ran? What kind of asshole gets scammed, yet keeps playing on the shitty server in the hope that "it'll get better". None of the people on Nost I've talked to who used to play on Rebirth had anything good to say about it.Only third time for Nostralius now.
Feeling pretty smug, almoust like digging up warning message from year back that it'll be happening again.
Yeah, but the people who believed that were retarded. Spending any time at all on Nost would show that the population was real. Even on the PVE which only had a fraction of the population of the PVP server every zone I visited while leveling had plenty of other people questing at the same time, except during the few hours of the night where it's too late for most americans and too early for most euros. Finding a group even as a DPS didn't take more than 20 minutes during peak hours.Rabid anti-Nost folks were always claiming that our numbers were made up of bots and gold sellers - so I guess that finally proves them wrong.