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X-COM XCOM 2 + War of the Chosen Expansion Thread


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Somebody forgot this is a game with ALIENS, HUMANOID VIPERS, PSI POWERS, not Swat real life tactical simulator. Lmao
Eh, it's natural to examine logistical concerns in a game about guerrilla warfare. Just because there is some goofy shit doesn't mean we have to suspend our disbelief about everything in the setting.

The main thing is to be aware of when you've crossed the line asking questions/explaining things in a way that supports the setting, into territory of stuff that should absolutely not be explained. Otherwise you end up with midichlorians and Highlander II.


Dec 3, 2009


Jan 23, 2016
Republic of Kongou
Also, the game cheats in your favour if you are doing bad on a mission. Check the hit chance modifiers:

Yea, the built-in cheat is amusing... however, keep in mind that most of the cheats only apply to rookie and veteran. (the numbers are in parentheses are for rookie diff). On Commander you "only" get a +15% hit chance after a miss streak, and it goes away after you hit, iirc.

At least this time around the cheating is configurable via ini instead of hardcoded. Check XComGameCore.ini's XComGame.X2AbilityToHitCalc_StandardAim section:
AimAssistDifficulties[0]=(      BaseXComHitChanceModifier=1.2,      MissStreakChanceAdjustment=10,      HitStreakChanceAdjustment=-10,      SoldiersLostXComHitChanceAdjustment=15,      SoldiersLostAlienHitChanceAdjustment=-10 )
AimAssistDifficulties[1]=(      BaseXComHitChanceModifier=1.1,      MissStreakChanceAdjustment=10,      HitStreakChanceAdjustment=0,      SoldiersLostXComHitChanceAdjustment=10,      SoldiersLostAlienHitChanceAdjustment=-10 )
AimAssistDifficulties[2]=(      BaseXComHitChanceModifier=1.0,      MissStreakChanceAdjustment=15,      HitStreakChanceAdjustment=0,      SoldiersLostXComHitChanceAdjustment=0,      SoldiersLostAlienHitChanceAdjustment=0 )
AimAssistDifficulties[3]=(      BaseXComHitChanceModifier=1.0,      MissStreakChanceAdjustment=0,      HitStreakChanceAdjustment=0,      SoldiersLostXComHitChanceAdjustment=0,      SoldiersLostAlienHitChanceAdjustment=0 )

wait hold up, they give you better miss streak cheats on commander than on normal?


May 14, 2008
Have mixed feelings about this one. It was ok, but I felt like the last XCOM had better atmosphere and enemies. Almost every time you encounter a new enemy in XCOM 2 a talking head appears to tell you how they are pretty mundane because they used to be bigger or more dangerous.

Just like the last one I had my most important character glitch into the geometry on the last mission. This resulted in one of my soldiers dying, but technically he came home safely as a psi-zombie. :lol:

Still don't like the way enemies can't see or hear you until you walk into sight range and then ambush. It encourages degenerate behavior.

Hopefully the next one will be entirely about new and interesting deep sea creatures with previously unseen capabilities. Maybe some underwater missions where ranged weapons are ineffective?
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Apr 14, 2009
Have mixed feelings about this one. It was ok, but I felt like the last XCOM had better atmosphere and enemies. Almost every time you encounter a new enemy in XCOM 2 a talking head appears to tell you how they are pretty mundane because they used to be bigger or more dangerous.

Just like the last one I had my most important character glitch into the geometry on the last mission. This resulted in one of my soldiers dying, but technically he came home safely as a psi-zombie. :lol:

Still don't like the way enemies can't see or hear you until you walk into sight range and then ambush. It encourages degenerate behavior.

Hopefully the next one will be entirely about new and interesting deep sea creatures with previously unseen capabilities. Maybe some underwater missions where ranged weapons are ineffective?

The bigger problem is that once some enemies see you then all enemies see you even if they are on the other side of the map.

Also got some bug I think when the incoming enemies were announced and they landed in the same turn. I had to reload.


Feb 14, 2014
The bigger problem is that once some enemies see you then all enemies see you even if they are on the other side of the map.

Uh, no they don't. They probably patrolled into sight or you used a Gremlin which activates pods from stupid ranges for some reason. I just raped a Gatekeeper pod with shit exploding everywhere for 3 turns while another Gatekeeper pod 10 tiles away jerked off.

Is there a mod that removes Bradford from speaking at all yet? Fucking hell is he annoying and worthless.


Apr 21, 2013
No, you don't understand. Why use primitive weapons when you clearly have access to modern technology?

Weapons and armor that Advent mooks carry don't seem to be that powerful either, at least initially.

And as self-destructing-in-three-turns drops demonstrate, aliens are quite paranoid about their technology getting into wrong hands and use safeguards.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I guess you guys don't think ADVENT had radios to tell their friends xcom is here. Or neural links.



Bro the first thing any army or cop does when spotting the enemy on the ground is to report the locatio . Why shouldn't the aliens?
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Apr 14, 2009
The bigger problem is that once some enemies see you then all enemies see you even if they are on the other side of the map.

Uh, no they don't. They probably patrolled into sight or you used a Gremlin which activates pods from stupid ranges for some reason. I just raped a Gatekeeper pod with shit exploding everywhere for 3 turns while another Gatekeeper pod 10 tiles away jerked off.

Is there a mod that removes Bradford from speaking at all yet? Fucking hell is he annoying and worthless.

Sorry for my miss-communication but I'm talking about concealment and the field of view.

Problem 1: You have two groups of enemies which are close one to the other. You shoot some enemy, you exit concealment: the visible group will rush you and the not-visible group will simply wait to enter your field of view even if they are basically around the same position.

It means that the enemies actions are controlled/triggered by your field of view.

Problem 2: When you are out of concealment, some enemies are dropped on the map - they automatically know where you are even if you are situated on the other end of the map.

It means that the game doesn't implement a proper field of view and is equivalent to say that the AI is wall-hacking.

I don't know about you but I find these things very disappointing.

Edit: The field of view is basically the most important thing from a tactical point of view. This is my first XCOM, was it the same before?


Feb 14, 2014
Sorry for my miss-communication but I'm talking about concealment and the field of view.

Problem 1: You have two groups of enemies which are close one to the other. You shoot some enemy, you exit concealment: the visible group will rush you and the not-visible group will simply wait to enter your field of view even if they are basically around the same position.

It means that the enemies actions are controlled/triggered by your field of view.

Problem 2: When you are out of concealment, some enemies are dropped on the map - they automatically know where you are even if you are situated on the other end of the map.

It means that the game doesn't implement a proper field of view and is equivalent to say that the AI is wall-hacking.

I don't know about you but I find these things very disappointing.

Edit: The field of view is basically the most important thing from a tactical point of view. This is my first XCOM, was it the same before?

I'm not disagreeing with you and it makes concealment Rangers very strong. Drop ship reinforcements are basically overwatch fodder in most cases.

Overall the game is only really difficult early on when you're limited to 4-5 scrubs. Once you rank up hackers/rangers/grens/psy and you know how to meta-game pods it becomes a complete joke.

Psyops in particular are completely brokenly OP.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Bro the first thing any army or cop does when spotting the enemy on the ground is to report the locatio . Why shouldn't the aliens?
Any human army or cop.

Turns out humanity is the one species in the galaxy that can innovate beyond some stupid pod activation tactical scheme. It's our special power.

Jick Magger

Dec 7, 2010
New Zealand
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria
The game does demonstrate that ballistic weapons work adequately well against your average Advent trooper, who make up a majority of the occupation forces. Trying to make a transition from ballistic weapons to the magnetic ones that Advent uses would probably require a lot of the following:

1. Getting hold of the weapons without causing them to self-destruct (Something that not even the best scientists at XCOM are capable of doing, since all you get from supply raids are materials and never weapons or equipment. This makes stockpiling them nonviable.)
2. Reverse engineering them so that they're usable (Which the XCOM staff are capable of, but probably don't have the infrastructure to mass produce them. If they had the time to, they probably would arm their resistance cells with more modern weaponry, but the game takes place over the course of a few months to a year, so they have to make do with arming their best troops with the three or so dozen prototypes they can hand out. Remember that it's pretty much stated that there've been no organized attempts at resistance until a few years before Bradford awakens the Commander, and XCOM spends most of the game just trying to unite all the resistance cells together, just so they have something relatively organized to throw at the aliens. To radically re-arm them in such a short period of time would be impractical).
3. Supply the cells with the materials and know-how to mass-produce and maintain the weapons. This would require a steady stream of the materials necessary to create the guns and presumably the ammunition (Only possible through raiding ADVENT supplies), personnel to train resistance cells in how to create them (impractical, as the few scientists and engineers who have that knowledge are too busy helping XCOM with their research into the Alien technology), and the setting up of the specialized machinery in each resistance cell so that they can continue to manufacture and maintain their weapons (once again, impractical. XCOM are working with months at best to stop the Avatar project, they just don't have the time or manpower to do that).

Your stock Advent trooper, despite all their biological enhancements, are still mostly human. They'll die if you put enough regular old bullets in them. There're probably a couple hundred people in the world who know how the ADVENT weaponry works on an intricate level, and chances are they are either brainwashed into subservience or are securely under ADVENT's thumb to ensure their continued loyalty. By contrast, there're probably thousands of people who know how to make AK-47's with nothing but a few bits of wood, a box of scrap metal, and the right equipment, and even more who know how to hand-load bullets, make IED's, etc with nothing but what they have on hand. Not even going in to the potential stockpiles of pre-invasion weaponry that was potentially stockpiled when shit started getting hairy.

And if it's any consolation, Bradford does confirm during the final mission that when they resistance actually do make their move, ADVENT kicks their shit in pretty much immediately, and this is with support of the population of the civilians of ADVENT controlled areas who decided to rebel. It's only when The Comannder and their team actively start raising hell in ADVENT's home base and distract the Ethereals from properly coordinating their forces that the situation begins to tip in the resistance's favor.
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May 18, 2015
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Man I love the Codex. Two pages of full-on discussion about realism in a game that takes part in a futuristic alternate earth with humans fighting alien conquerors.



Mar 16, 2015
Somebody forgot this is a game with ALIENS, HUMANOID VIPERS, PSI POWERS, not Swat real life tactical simulator. Lmao
That is same stupid logic people try to use in fantasy games because those games have Fireballs. Sorry but it does not fly there and it does not fly here. But you retards can keep thinking you can use your faulty logic... lol


Mar 16, 2015
So you ran out of arguments and are now also using old Codex trick.
Don't skip to the end. I didn't reference the tag because I had nothing else to say. The arguments are there and I responded directly to your point. I spelled out exactly why the train mission makes sense, exactly why kidnap missions make sense, exactly why retaliation missions make sense. The insult was just frosting.

Seems to me you're using the old Codex trick of ignoring the substance because the tag gives you an excuse to play victim. That's also
by the way.
Let me use same level of quality and ignorance you used in this post to answer it: Fanboys gonna fanboy!

P.S. You are just proving my previous point of how this place is only good for trolling others.


Jul 16, 2009
Man I love the Codex. Two pages of full-on discussion about realism in a game that takes part in a futuristic alternate earth with humans fighting alien conquerors.
It's only two pages. And they still not using the term "gorila warfare".

Sheep don't be a coward, you know you want to play this buggy mess.
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typical user

Nov 30, 2015
Man I love the Codex. Two pages of full-on discussion about realism in a game that takes part in a futuristic alternate earth with humans fighting alien conquerors.


Because we all should be like Bethesda story-writter who doesn't want to discuss how ghouls can survive 200 years in fridges because game they were featured in has wacky setting therfore everything illogical should be handwaved. We don't want to have believeable worlds and stories.


Mar 8, 2015
Rome, IT
We got a serious budget turn based game after years when all producers go easy fps\action rpg way...and people complain about realism...u deserve Ubisoft


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
What people don't get is how ridiculous the notion of realism in this is. It's not a simulation. It's a Michael Bay does G.I. Joe vs The Aliens; The Boardgame gone pc. Just enjoy the ride and don't try to think too hard about it.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Either that or the fact that the simulationist arguments they do propose are flat out wrong.

It's already been explained why you start in concealment even though they know about Firebrand (Demon's Crest reference?)

Now people are complaining about how 'unrealistic' it is that you lose all concealment once you engage one pod, as if aliens were somehow incapable of using radios, head-sets or bluetooth.

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