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Alan Wake 2 - new survival horror experience from Remedy


Oct 28, 2019
Wolne Wilno
Game is looking neat, even on mid-high settings with FSR on. Story, and especially the town has some nice vibe, I actually enjoyed the first hour. Hope it can deliver.



Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.

And this is why I refuse to give money to people that hate me. It is my sincere hope that every woke game dev race swapping characters so we have str0nk empowered nigresses as lead characters decides to sit at a sidewalk cafe so one of their pets can "enrich" them. It is the only solution to this problem. You must be physically adjacent to your own poor decision making so you can receive maximum diversity.

Like this fine fellow:

May soyboy and shitlib blood run in the streets, Inshallah.

A Finnish game company could have given the lead role to an actual FINNISH female actress along the Finnish male actor, but they chose to throw women of their own nationality under a bus and put some current-day niggress there. Oh well, fuck 'em.

I wonder if some based modder can make a de-negrification mod like Starfield and put the Finnish chick back in?
Aug 10, 2012
They seem to have been inspired by the investigation elements in the recent Sherlock Holmes games (the most recent I played was Crimes and Punishments), but it's like a baby version where you can't miss anything. It's fucking pathetic.

Walking simulator with automatic "investigation" aided by supramajistic wamblyn detective powerz. The guy partner is just there to prop her up, within the first five minutes of the game we already hear him, a senior investigator, tell the woman that he's making her the lead because she's a better detective than him. All he does during the first scene of the game is comment on how awesome she is.

Beyond parody. This is, as expected, a non-game for joooornalists, consoomers and doritos pod people. Awful in every way.


Dec 27, 2008
Walking simulator with automatic "investigation" aided by supramajistic wamblyn detective powerz. The guy partner is just there to prop her up, within the first five minutes of the game we already hear him, a senior investigator, tell the woman that he's making her the lead because she's a better detective than him. All he does during the first scene of the game is comment on how awesome she is.
What happens to Alan? Is he murdered and replaced by the she-nigress?

I can't see how they justify those system requirements, it looks like every other third person game released in last 6 years.
I wonder if the graphics look like shit because of the black woman, or the environments not being that great, or both.


Feb 20, 2021
"Best looking game released so far this generation"

I can't see how they justify those system requirements, it looks like every other third person game released in last 6 years.
Funny thing you mention it because this is exactly the same thing that happened with Control in 2019. When it came out it got completely panned for utterly retarded HW requirements, even digital foundry was running damage control for them claiming that its the most graphically impressive game to date(while running it with DLSS 1.0) just like with Alan Wake now. Except nobody was buying it so wonder of all wonders Remedy suddenly figured out how to make the game run sensibly on lower end HW within a couple of weeks.

This is most likely the exact same thing. A unoptimized game being shilled as graphically impressive to retards with too much money and too little sense.


Nov 15, 2015
Unlike all other previous cases (where Epic just bought exclusivity of almost finished games because original devs/publishers had no confidence), Alan Wake 2 was funded by Epic from the ground up. Basically the same situation as with Bayonetta 2.

Looks like no one wanted to finance the game after the first one flopped.


It is said that Aussie Men are highly valued in these parts, so here's one such specimen weighing in on AW: The Return.

Pretty sure this guy is universally considered a retard shill around here, for good reason.

He's rather lowbrow and prone to shilling alright. But he's p lukewarm about this game at best.

Actually tho, his complaints make me a bit more interested. I never hid that I don't think much of the first game but what he complained about AW2's writing and tone compared to the first one make it sound like a possible improvement? Of course, it might be the case that the game is indeed just being obscure and weird for the sake of it, simulating depth and sophistication while having no more of it than the first game. (or it might be that what seems cryptic and meaningless to him won't be so for most players, again he's shall we say a p simple fellow)
And even the combat seems like a bit of an improvement over the first one, even if he doesn't take it as such, and even if it again ends up feeling repetitive, or the weapon upgrades feeling just tacked on bc that is what you are expected to have and bc they had to have some practical pay-off for the exploration within the game this time around. I expected about as much. Prominent, glowing weak spots are a bit too gamey and out of place tho (and not too useful from the sound of it?). The enemy design and variety also appears to be a bit of an improvement.


Feb 20, 2021
Unlike all other previous cases (where Epic just bought exclusivity of almost finished games because original devs/publishers had no confidence), Alan Wake 2 was funded by Epic from the ground up. Basically the same situation as with Bayonetta 2.

Looks like no one wanted to finance the game after the first one flopped.
I am not too sure about it being a flop. It did pretty OK from what I recall but the game had spent too much time in development hell(going from open world PC game to linear Xbox360 exclusive and all that) that there was simply no way for it to recoup all the cash poured into it. Considering the broadly positive reception it got a sequel was more or less a guaranteed slam dunk.

The problem is that it would have been a "guaranteed slam dunk" during the 2010s. After that it was too late, the IP was mostly forgotten and remedy started pushing one overpriced stinker after another. Both Control and Quantum Break are at best slightly above average titles and even then both knee-caped themselves by tethering themselves to already failing entities such as Epic game store or Xbone. Plus neither really got much of a critical reception.

So really at this point Remedy has nothing to sell the sequel on. The IP is too old, their portfolio is filled with expensive failures and their engine is more smokes and mirrors than an actual engine. They simply have too much baggage for anyone who wants to make money off of them.


May 21, 2011
I've seen arguments online where people pointing out obvious stuff were shutdown with "DF crew has tons of experience and is beyond reproach so it must be as they say". Then everyone gets wet at some orange sunset.


If you want to go there, could it be that Epic "encouraged" them to hype the PC version since this is a major exclusive for their storefront. Epic is sure willing to spend, and DF was accused of such things in the past.


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
What happens to Alan? Is he murdered and replaced by the she-nigress?

They are characters in a novel written by Alan. You know, the same stuff as in the first game.

He is still stuck in the thing, but now he is writing a new novel. The second protagonist is a character he wrote into his story. The whole reality bending thing.


Dec 27, 2008
He is still stuck in the thing, but now he is writing a new novel. The second protagonist is a character he wrote into his story. The whole reality bending thing.
That doesn't mean anything. It wouldn't be the first time that a former main protagonist is ridiculized, murdered, and the girlboss takes over. See Star Wars for one example of many.
As for Alan... He wrote her as being white. Is her blacknening referenced ingame?

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