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Alan Wake 2 - new survival horror experience from Remedy


Saga is some kind of psychic detective. Not sure how she comes to the conclusions she does through her detective skills. And she is very cheerful and calm for witnessing some truly screwed-up stuff. She also finds it very easy to go along with everything occult. Shooting shadow zombie dudes has no effect on her either.

I got the feeling from the marketing material that she was supposed to go into something well above her head, but she is kinda happy about everything so far. Takes me out of it a bit.
Honesty, from the way you describe her I get the impression that they were p much going for female agent Cooper.
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Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
It is a pile of shit walking simulator made worse by the egregious cuck DEI worship race swap. But BECAUSE it is a pile of shit walking simulator and has a str0nk empowered nigress as the lead character in a game called "Alan Wake" not Laqueesha Johnson its like a crack hit for soy saturated Game Journos hence all the 8/10, 9/10, 10/10 reviews.


Even Plebbit thinks its shit so that says a LOT by itself since they generally are all in on anything derivative, woke, etc. (Some plebbit thoughts below)

"this game sucks, its a walking simulator & point and click adventure in 3D FPV

a bit of looting stuff and a bit of shooting and waving around with a flashlight, what a load of shit you can give shit on the crazy reviews that all give 10 out of 10, it's like a Scrapfield"

"I'm 5 hours in and so far its been nothing but a walking/talking sim.It's also hilarious to me how some reviewers praise this game saying it is a technical marvel and that it has the best graphics ever,I'm playing it on the PS5 and the graphics seem just like any other game(tried Quality mode also...its still meh,switched back to Performance for 60fps),I remember being waaaaay more impressed with TLOU 2,Tsushima,Uncharted 4,Days Gone,Horizon's graphics etc. when they came out."

"5 hours in. Incredibly bored and not particularly hooked by the story or characters. The graphics are amazing, but runs like crap on quality mode on the PS5 but doesn't really matter to me as I typically play on performance anyway. But so far the gameplay just feels really tedious and slow."

"Hey! Don't buy this game unless you want to get bored, whole game is you walking and rarely shooting and solving boring puzzles, this game barely runs in my pc, the story is really BAD despite what youtubers say. I liked alan wake 1 because of its environment but despite setting in the same area the 2nd game is shallow from inside, it looks great but has nothing to say, no innovation, no purpose."


Oct 10, 2018
Thought the point of a site like this was to not have to deal with what """people""" on reddit et al. think.
Aug 10, 2012
Not sure how she comes to the conclusions she does through her detective skills.
Well, that's because she's got the magical black wahmyn juice, get on with the times.

As soon as they revealed that she solves cases simply by existing her special existence I instantly dropped the game. Eyes rolled so far back into my skull that they made a sound.
Aug 10, 2012
Saga is some kind of psychic detective. Not sure how she comes to the conclusions she does through her detective skills. And she is very cheerful and calm for witnessing some truly screwed-up stuff. She also finds it very easy to go along with everything occult. Shooting shadow zombie dudes has no effect on her either.

I got the feeling from the marketing material that she was supposed to go into something well above her head, but she is kinda happy about everything so far. Takes me out of it a bit.
Honesty, from the way you describe her I get the impression that they were p much going for female agent Cooper.
Agent Cooper had to do the work, he had supernatural insights but he didn't pull shit out of his ass for the most part, he still had to confirm it in the actual palpable world, it felt way more organic than whatever the fuck is going on in this piece of shit.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Agent Cooper had to do the work, he had supernatural insights but he didn't pull shit out of his ass for the most part, he still had to confirm it in the actual palpable world.
Yeah, and the supernatural took a while to manifest. Here it is "Oh shit supernatural stuff, this is exciting, let's go kill some hillbillies in the forest".


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Played for 2h today. It's all shit.

- Damn good graphics
- Music is quite nice as well

- The gameplay is so far 90% walking sim
- The setting is a small American town, where the main character is recognized wrongly by people as being Finnish so she has to explain she's originally and natively Swedish (black African face should be obvious!)
- The gameplay is so railroaded that if you click on things in wrong order you might wonder what the fuck, because apparently the story doesn't progress unless you use the right order
- Same goes for map exploration... and everything. *Anything* you click in the "wrong" order doesn't count, you are supposed to click it right! Even though the game doesn't tell you which is right most of the time!
- Fuck your own conclusions, your characters comes to her own! Not just that, she uses some black (heh) voodoo shambajimba magicks that makes her hear voices what happened and what to do
- It all just makes no sense and is 100% supernatural mumbojumbo


May 13, 2007
Castle Rock
- The setting is a small American town, where the main character is recognized wrongly by people as being Finnish so she has to explain she's originally and natively Swedish (black African face should be obvious!)
They changed the actress for black but didn't change the dialog :lol: What's even more retarded, probably on purpose.


Aug 17, 2006
Let's summarize:

- Fancy graphics
- Walking Simulator
- Barely there gameplay
- Braindead "detective" work
- Raceswapping
- Mary Sue action

No wonder game "journalists" love it. People need to make notes on which youtubers end up shilling for this, for future reference.


Jan 10, 2023
Reminder that the first game was never that good. I don't see why anyone would be excited about this.
I am surprised by the ammount of hype/shilling I am seeing for this game, even among some of my friends. I personally thought that the first game was utterly mediocre. I can understand if this was a great game and people got interested in it after it released but I see people talking about Alan Wake as it was an incredible masterpiece and that they were waiting anxiously for more than a decade for a second game.


Aug 17, 2006
Reminder that the first game was never that good. I don't see why anyone would be excited about this.
I am surprised by the ammount of hype/shilling I am seeing for this game, even among some of my friends. I personally thought that the first game was utterly mediocre. I can understand if this was a great game and people got interested in it after it released but I see people talking about Alan Wake as it was an incredible masterpiece and that they were waiting anxiously for more than a decade for a second game.

Yeah, it's weird. I played the remastered version of Alan Wake only a few months ago, and the game was nothing special. Combat felt like a complete afterthought, enemy variety was abyssmal, and the level design was basic as fuck. And the story was just ok and doesn't really warrant a playthrough just to see it through. The best aspect of the game is the look and atmosphere of the small town the game takes place in, but you spend most of the time running around in the samey looking forrest corridors.


Care to elaborate your disagreement with my take on the first game's writing? I genuinely don't remember any depth or complexity to it but I didn't necessarily take that as a knock against it. It was a pretty simple and even "homey" homage to certain sort of place and mood moreso than to story or themes.
I'd be open to hearing what you saw in it.


Nov 15, 2013
Control already was barely playable, it was saved with is nice atmosphere and decent story, but whole "gameplay" was barebones as fuck. It felt like playing Warframe while being stuck on level 1 with basic boring gun.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
Saga is some kind of psychic detective. Not sure how she comes to the conclusions she does through her detective skills. And she is very cheerful and calm for witnessing some truly screwed-up stuff. She also finds it very easy to go along with everything occult. Shooting shadow zombie dudes has no effect on her either.
The part I'm at now she's starting to question if there's something more to her mind. To me the conclusions also felt like ass pulls, but it might be intentional.
I think she might end up being a fictional hero written by Alan Wake, which could explain why she isn't phased by the Taken.


Oct 28, 2019
Wolne Wilno
Well. It's over. Finally.
The beginning was great, then the game became more and more tiring. Story is like "we'll do VERY DEEP STORY, then slow down every few chapters to explain everything to players because they are just some idiots that bought our game" It is repeated few times. The ending is filled with scripts and cinematics. Gameplay is not fun, but you guys figured it out already.
The good? Well, probably live action moments, actors played it very well. And one "concert mission"



A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Sequel to game known for being mediocre is medicore. Quelle surprise.

To be fair, this game sounds exactly like something that Alan Wake, basically your bog standard edgy novelist (who lives in New York, ofc) would write.

Control already was barely playable, it was saved with is nice atmosphere and decent story, but whole "gameplay" was barebones as fuck. It felt like playing Warframe while being stuck on level 1 with basic boring gun.

Best part of control was throwing shit at the enemies. Ripping chunks out of the cement floors and nailing people with it was fun.

Was it worth plodding through a 7/10 SCP-lite game? Eh.... your mileage may vary.


Mar 19, 2015
So this is another Deathloop where a painfully mediocre game gets promoted by the journos as 10/10 because of black protagonist?


Nov 29, 2018
Been playing the game for 5 hours, and while it's certainly much better than Control, I was just wishing the entire time I was playing Deadly Premonition with these production values.

I mean it's the exact same premise only in this game the FBI agent you are playing doesn't have even a fraction of charisma Francis York Morgan had and the other characters aren't near as entertaining and interesting as DP.
Mar 18, 2009
Been playing the game for 5 hours, and while it's certainly much better than Control

Not a single thing I've seen of it makes me think this is in any way better than Control. Or even as good as it. At least Control was mostly gameplay oriented while this looks like a "cinematic" game first and foremost. How exactly is it better?


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Typed down my impressions in a blog post. You can read it here, or down below if interested.

I got the chance to try out Alan Wake 2, and what can I say? Already from the start, I feel once again we have a game hyped up by the gaming press to be the second coming of Jesus, but as a game, it leaves much to desire. At least to me. I’m not saying it’s bad per se, but so far it’s been incredibly bland on the gameplay department, mixed with technical issues and performance woes.

Tech & visuals
Let’s start with the performance. On my 3070 GPU and Intel 11th Gen CPU, it runs fine on my native 1920×1080 screen resolution. However, if I turn on any form of ray tracing, even the low setting, it absolutely devastates my frames, taking it down to 30 or worse. The game seemed to stutter with ray-tracing activated too, if the low frames weren’t enough to suffer. I have seen this setting work in other games, so I can only assume the ray tracing in Alan Wake 2 must be more technically advanced or something.

Somebody, quickly start the Twin Tweaks theme

Thankfully, the game looks good without it, but it’s very blurry, like most modern titles. Everything is just a bit muddled, making it hard to make out details – especially in combination with the aggressive LOD (level of detail). Sometimes it takes a moment for the game to catch up when looking at something closer up – for a second or two it’s just an untextured mess, but then it clears up. What gets me in all this, is that the game looks much like their earlier titles, like Quantum Break. I honestly don’t see the difference that would cause the massively increased performance requirement. And that is without ray tracing. While the game runs fine without it, there is still a noticeable increase in how much the computer has to work to run it. Not too impressed here, but I guess the lighting is good, walking around in the dark spooky forest is pretty effective and tense. However, with that comes some other problems…

Walking simulator
The gameplay so far has been an endless long walking simulator, with a detective mode that does everything for you. You see, Saga (one of the main characters) has this detective safe space in her head where she retreats when she needs to figure something out through the collected clues. That is all fine, and while it looks very slick, it requires zero input. It’s also surprising how often you have to jump back and forth to this place, as doing these “puzzles” is required to continue the narrative. It interrupts the gameplay constantly, the little there is.

Deerfest, also known as copious-amount-of-beer fest

When you finally get to fight, it’s very disappointing. The camera is way too zoomed in behind the character, making your view extremely narrow. Saga also moves very sluggish, making it hard to dodge enemy attacks. If that wasn’t enough of a problem, the flashlight doesn’t align correctly with the mouse crosshair, which will make you miss your light beam to weaken the bad guys. So what about that problem I mentioned in the visual section? Well, all the effects (while pretty), in combination with the general character movement and aiming, make the fighting damn awkward. On the first boss, I found it incredibly hard to make out where to go, what to shoot, and when to dodge. It’s a night scene with your flashlight as the only source of light, and on top of that, it has tons of effects on the screen, like some kind of weird spooky temporal warp thingy that makes making anything out very difficult, especially in the panic of being chased. Then you are trapped in a very small area, where every rock and tree branch gets you stuck when trying to flee. The boss is also a big boy who can take a lot of punishment, which irks me. Health-bloated sponge enemies, oh so much fun, not something I have complained about multiple times before… I gave up at this point. I have not yet decided if I want to play more or not.

The big elephant
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Saga Anderson is black, and I would not have a problem with that if it wasn’t for that this character has been shown connected to Alan Wake before – depicted as a white woman. Oh boy. It’s clear they changed her character for some cheap woke points, and it’s especially grating since she is supposed to have Swedish heritage. If that wasn’t enough, early in the game you run across two black murder witnesses who complain that Bright Falls is just Alabama with tall trees, insinuating that the two white cops who arrived on the scene were racist. It’s all so tiresome, you just can’t escape it. What is funny here too, while walking around the small town, I noticed at least two black cops on the Bright Falls police force. So, what gives? Even when the town is incredibly “diverse”, it’s still racist somehow.

Fascinating. But when do I get to do something?

Story & characters
I have not played much at all to come to any kind of conclusion, but Saga’s character does not impress me, nor make much sense, not narratively or gameplay-wise. First off, she is just too good at her work, coming up with solutions from thin air – something maybe a psychic could and would do, not a crime detective. And secondly, from a gameplay perspective (as mentioned) she does all the work for you! There is no real detective work here expected from you, making it a dull but slick experience. Now, this will probably get explained through the overall META narrative (that Remedy Entertainment is so famous for), but you get the impression that Saga and her FBI partner are not exactly Mulder & Scully. So going by the localized story segment it comes off as pretty bad. Particularly how these two react to the supernatural stuff, and the upcoming shootout sections – it’s all just too hand-wavy for being something serious. It does not feel very plausible for the setting it tries to convey. The original Alan Wake, even for being an action game made much more sense and had better character writing and reactions.

These are very early impressions, and while Alan Wake 2 has pretty nice visuals, a cool atmosphere, and a pleasant sound design, it feels dull when it comes to the gaming segments – you know, the important parts of any game. This makes it feel more like a polished music video, than an actual interactive medium. That would be fine in some ways if the story grabbed me, but so far it has this walking sim/meandering feeling to it. It just kinda drags along, pulling you with it, until your first boss – where it goes from nothing to do to a spastic colorful mess of terrible gameplay choices. Now to decide to continue playing. Regardless, having these thoughts this early is never a good sign. Until next time.

Thanks for reading

It's mostly what has been said already. And I have played some more after this was written, as in actually controlling Alan, but my thoughts remain the same. It's a "movie game" through and through with minimal gameplay. At least in say Uncharted, you have stealth, puzzles, and fun combat arenas... in this, you get nothing, except a very fancy presentation.

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