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Alan Wake 2 - new survival horror experience from Remedy


Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
He is still stuck in the thing, but now he is writing a new novel. The second protagonist is a character he wrote into his story. The whole reality bending thing.
That doesn't mean anything. It wouldn't be the first time that a former main protagonist is ridiculized, murdered, and the girlboss takes over. See Star Wars for one example of many.
As for Alan... He wrote her as being white. Is her blacknening referenced ingame?

The hall of famer for ridiculized, murdered, "girl" boss take over is Joel from The Last of Us 2. Except maybe he doesn't count because he was murdered by a linebacker tranny LARPing as a 'girl' in the form of Abby.




This looks like another underpromise, overdeliver effort from Remedy. I'll probably make the leap of faith and buy it, despite the fucking Epic store.

I certainly went from not really caring to planing to actually play this at some point.
It seems to be a definite step up in the gameplay department and, possibly, a major step up in terms of writing.
I expected neither tbh.


May 3, 2017
If they wanna be David Lynch so badly, why is the character modelled after Sam Lake voiced by James McCaffrey and not Sam Lake? I'm of course comparing with the hearing-impaired character of Gordon Cole in Twin Peaks. I assumed the Sam Lake character was voiced by Sam Lake when I first saw him yesterday.


Dec 27, 2008
It's also available on Fitgirl (soon).

he hall of famer for ridiculized, murdered, "girl" boss take over is Joel from The Last of Us 2. Except maybe he doesn't count because he was murdered by a linebacker tranny LARPing as a 'girl' in the form of Abby.
Yeah, that one doesn't count as it's not even a real woman, but a double self-insert tranny horror that pretends to be a woman AND a space marine, judging from these muscles. Extra points because Abby originally was meant to be Mexican, look like a darkie with the mandatory afro thing, plus a machete.


Jun 15, 2009
Wait, this garbage is exclusive to EPIC on PC?

Fuck that shit.
Also the shaders they used make it so my 5700 xt cant run it.
I will assume that you mean the RX 5700 XT and not some weird chinese fake card. That is a GPU from 2019, so 4 years after release and Remedy cannot be fucked to support even that.
Actually it could launch the game but the performances are subpar according some youtube video.


Jul 23, 2015
The Khanate
I'm digging it so far, about an hour in it really hooks you if you were apprehensive before. I don't really mind Saga, obviously I would prefer the original white character but it may just be I play so little diversity slop that this doesn't really bother me that much.

Gameplay is a bit passive so far, mostly looking at things and putting stuff on the clue board. It's really biding its time with actual combat which I think is fine, a long buildup can work. It has "jumpscares", and well they got me. End of chapter 1 scene sure took me by surprise. I really dig the small town vibe and spending time in the wilderness. Nice atmosphere.

Regarding the graphics, I think a lot of the detractors here should see the game with their own eyes on a good screen, because the requirements are warranted and it is a legitimate contender for the best looking game so far on a technical level. It has excellent lighting, material work and very detailed characters. The forest area in particular may be my favorite forest in a game so far, I've spent a long while just walking around on multiple occasions just looking at stuff. This has been a year of atrocious PC ports and the initial specs made the game look like it might be another one, but that turned out to be entirely unfounded. My tuned 6800XT handles 1440p high upscaled to 4K at 45-50 fps in the forest. The framerate is remarkably stable. The only technical hiccup so far is a very rare freeze, I think I've come across a couple. Nice HDR, and my OLED tonemaps it just right. I didn't have to go endlessly tweaking colors and levels like I often do.


Mar 24, 2023
What happens to Alan? Is he murdered and replaced by the she-nigress?

They are characters in a novel written by Alan. You know, the same stuff as in the first game.

He is still stuck in the thing, but now he is writing a new novel. The second protagonist is a character he wrote into his story. The whole reality bending thing.
Was the story of the first one always this dumb and confusing?


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
The first game was basically a Stephen King fanfic with semi-decent writing and bland gameplay.

I don't think I'm the only one surprised that the IP because a cult hit, but apparently some people really liked it. Enough to justify a sequel ~13 years later.


Aug 30, 2023
Started playing Alan Wake 2 for an hour. The investigation part drags on like a slow dick wanting to insert into the pussy. I almost slept off until the Fatman came back alive for no reason. Not a good beginning.


Mar 24, 2023
The first game was basically a Stephen King fanfic with semi-decent writing and bland gameplay.

I don't think I'm the only one surprised that the IP because a cult hit, but apparently some people really liked it. Enough to justify a sequel ~13 years later.
What's the deal with American Nightmare?


What happens to Alan? Is he murdered and replaced by the she-nigress?

They are characters in a novel written by Alan. You know, the same stuff as in the first game.

He is still stuck in the thing, but now he is writing a new novel. The second protagonist is a character he wrote into his story. The whole reality bending thing.
Was the story of the first one always this dumb and confusing?
Neither dumb nor confusing, it was p simple and consciously derrivative.
It is however possible that the sequel recontextualises the first game so that it is given depth retroactively. The consensus so far is that the writting in AW2 is a fair bit more adventurous and complex. I haven't tried to look into it deeper tho, for obvious reasons, since I intend to play it myself at some point.


Oct 10, 2018
I think her being black in the game actually has a reason, other than woke shit. I could be wrong since it's not been confirmed, but I've played the game and (possible spoiler)

I'm pretty sure Saga's dad is Mr. Door, played by David Harewood. A character that in itself is probably a variant of Mr. Hatch (who was played by the late Lance Reddick in Quantum Break), but since Microsoft has the rights to Quantum Break they changed his name etcetera I guess. Doubt they had planned that much back in 2015 or whatever, so her appearance was retconned rather than Lance Reddick's much more established character.

Then again, maybe it is all pozzed and I'm just coping.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Remember this trailer?

Something feels off...

The thing that gets me with this, is that the Remedy universe is supposed to be connected, and apparently Alan Wake 2 is taking it to another level. But then they switch out an already-established character for a black one. Having her as black isn't the issue in itself for me, it's everything surrounding it since it seems to undermine their own intention. Unless, this has some in-game lore thing, which I doubt.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Tried the "demo", and with ray tracing, even with setting on low absolutely rapes my 3070. Runs fine without it, but it looks pretty damn bad, and of course, since it's a modern game, everything is blurry as fuck.


Care to post some screenies? Even the folks playing on lower settings praise the visuals, so there might be something wrong with your setup that the other folks here who are currently playing the game could recognize and help you with.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Yeah, it looks fine now actually (except the blur), I must have messed with up the setting. Still can't run the game with ray tracing though. 60+ FPS without.

Here is a dead man's penis for you guys.

However, the woke stuff. I was questioning two black witnesses from New York, and suddenly they implied they were treated badly, because of who they are. Saying something like White Falls is just Alabama with tall trees. Then, Saga replies something like - I'm here now to protect you. What is funny the town seems pretty "diverse", as even having a black cop.

It's all so tiresome.

Otherwise, the game so far feels like 90% slick presentation, and 10% gameplay.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
The controls, in combination with all the visual effects, make it awkward as hell controlling your character, as in to see where to go, and who to shoot and dodge attacks. Gave up at the first boss (for now at least), it's just so visually messy. Just not feeling the game overall. Saga is some kind of psychic detective. Not sure how she comes to the conclusions she does through her detective skills. And she is very cheerful and calm for witnessing some truly screwed-up stuff. She also finds it very easy to go along with everything occult. Shooting shadow zombie dudes has no effect on her either.

I got the feeling from the marketing material that she was supposed to go into something well above her head, but she is kinda happy about everything so far. Takes me out of it a bit.

Ah, and yeah, the jump scares are a bit cheap. Deformed faces just randomly appear with loud sounds, like it's a Youtube scare video from 2009.

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