Those are views held by religious nut jobs - I'd be surprised if anyone harbouring these comments was not religious- and then I'd be intrigued as to why they'd hold such views.
I don't believe the majority of people complaining about this are "religious nut jobs" I think they are just people who are tired of all the degeneracy and pandering. Companies already know they have the money or normal people. So they feature degenerates and blacks to get even more money. The pandering is dishonest. If you haven't already, read about ESG and Blackrock.
Are you actually intrigued about how someone who is non religious could hold these views?
Anyway I wasn't talking about that sex scene though, I mean people here always get bent up because there's gay people or black people in video games.
I ask you a question. If you aren't black or gay or both, why doesn't it bother you? Games were doing fine without the overabundance of both for many years. What about having less white people makes games more enjoyable for you? Do you have a feitsh about being black?
Re point 1 - the pandering part is also what I dislike. It's obvious they do it to increase visibility and sales. But that wasn't my point. My point was using slurs in a non sarcastic tone to describe someone's skin colour or sexuality, 2 things you can't control, is disgusting. I don't buy it that most aren't conservative Christians. Or Muslims, but unlikely.
Yes I'm actually intrigued though - but remember my point as to what I don't understand.
And I know a lot about ESG, but purely from a business angle. I'm director level at a big 4 audit firm and it's all the rage right now, there's huge money to be made here. The E part is what I legitimately think is for the greater good. However the ESG stuff itself I'm not involved in directly because the reporting angle (I'm an accountant specialising in financial reporting) is immensely boring.
Re. Point 2. I'm neither gay or black. I'm a beautiful tanned Mediterranean dweller (just kidding on the beautiful part, but my wife seems to think so

Anyway, I'm not sure I was clear before. I find the pandering to small minorities stupid, but it can be included in a game without being so. Maybe in the future.
Having less white people doesn't make it more enjoyable. I never said that (and you know it).
You seem like a decent enough fellow. I doubt anyone is going to change anyones else's mind in this thread though. I have noticed that the people who push back against the anti-woke crowd are usually not from the west. Unless you live in one of these western or western aligned countries, and you have watched the transformation firsthand, you just don't know how much this shit is thrown around.
It happened very quickly, a lot of anti-white sentiment in all forms of media. A few things seemed to be the catalyst. Occupy Wallstreet, Trump being elected, and of course Gamergate. Movies, all forms of advertising (commercials, in store ads, billboards etc) feature significantly less white people. A lot of mixed race couples, always black male, white female. Mexicans in the US make up a sizeable portion of the population. They are featured in almost nothing. It's black people who are being put on a pedestal. The white men in movies are the nerds, the weaklings, the ones to be made fun of. Feminism has also taken a strong hold in the west. A lot of movie roles that once featured male heroes, are now mary sue females who act exactly like males. Strong, independant, never in need of anyone. It's natural for a man to want to protect a woman, and it's been taken away in all media.
There is more. A lot more. Pride Month (parades with dildos being waved around), BLM destroying cities (people actually kissing the boots and bowing down to black mobs), Black History month (rewriting history, teaching white people they were born racist). The list goes on and on.
Gaming wasn't spared. A game like BG3 comes out. It is being heralded as the greatest RPG of all time. The most impactful choice and consequences ever. Part of an absolutely beloved series. What do they feature? Sex with animals. A character creator featuring chicks with dicks. The journalist love it! Twitter loves it! And WTF??? The Codex loves it.... Yeah, it caused some pushback. And no, it wasn't mostly based on religion.