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Are You Going To Play Baldur's Gate 3?

Are you going to play Baldur's Gate 3?

  • Total voters


Aug 20, 2008

I've always wondered why there are many racists homophobic bigots congregating on this forum. Perhaps because of conservative views on cRPGs (which I hold too, but that's where the similarities start and end). Anyway, no point in arguing, you'll just get tons of cuck smilies, which is a fucking stupid forum mechanic which results in an echo chamber, but whatever.
There are a lot of people who don't care for the "woke" in games like BG3 who aren't any of those things, FYI. You probably misinterpret a good number of posters' views due to reading unfiltered thoughts where none of us care to put disclaimers on them (not that some don't have such views). Many have no issue with a lot of that type of stuff in BG3 in itself, it's the way it's done that bothers most people.

This could be true, too. I just see the same comments and derogatory terms by the same posters in similar threads and I made up my mind about what their real views are, based on their posts. I think it's a valid take.
Mar 3, 2018
Explains what, that if you cut a sentence in half it means something other than what it said? I said I enjoyed it more than BG3, that's not a high bar to set for me.
Explains the shit taste.

You're an idiot who obviously never played tabletop 5e, yet thinks you understand it better than someone who has, then wants to tell me something from tabletop is in when it's not because you don't understand what it is or what separates it from something else that sounds identical to you (because you don't know what you're talking about). Opinion discarded.
No I fully understand that a video game adaptation of a game implements mechanics differently than the source material. No fucking shit. Your original complaint wasn't that it wasn't a faithful implementation but that extra action disarm wasn't in at all.

Obviously I don't care about 5e tabletop. I'm not a homosexual or 'marginalized' minority so I'm not the target audience for Wizards of the Coast. You seem to enjoy it though.

Interesting how out of everything I criticised about the game, you chose this teensy weensy tidbit about how the DMG action options weren't included and the disarm weapon attack option specifically to focus on.
Wow what a gotcha that is. Was I supposed to argue a point I don't actually believe or care about and say that Larian has great writing and set design?

I visit Reddit
Yeah I know from the cringe radiating from you.
Mar 3, 2018
Obviously I don't care about 5e tabletop. I'm not a homosexual or 'marginalized' minority so I'm not the target audience for Wizards of the Coast. You seem to enjoy it though.
I have some bad news for you about the target audience of BG3 and who licensed it.
You are clearly retarded if you think I'm defending baldurs gate or Larian simply for saying that obviously BG3 from what anybody can see has a combat system better than DoS2.


Aug 20, 2008
Explains what, that if you cut a sentence in half it means something other than what it said? I said I enjoyed it more than BG3, that's not a high bar to set for me.
Explains the shit taste.

You're an idiot who obviously never played tabletop 5e, yet thinks you understand it better than someone who has, then wants to tell me something from tabletop is in when it's not because you don't understand what it is or what separates it from something else that sounds identical to you (because you don't know what you're talking about). Opinion discarded.
No I fully understand that a video game adaptation of a game implements mechanics differently than the source material. No fucking shit. Your original complaint wasn't that it wasn't a faithful implementation but that extra action disarm wasn't in at all.

Obviously I don't care about 5e tabletop. I'm not a homosexual or 'marginalized' minority so I'm not the target audience for Wizards of the Coast. You seem to enjoy it though.

Interesting how out of everything I criticised about the game, you chose this teensy weensy tidbit about how the DMG action options weren't included and the disarm weapon attack option specifically to focus on.
Wow what a gotcha that is. Was I supposed to argue a point I don't actually believe or care about and say that Larian has great writing and set design?

I visit Reddit
Yeah I know from the cringe radiating from you.
Fuck off, I said which subreddits I visit, don't miquote me. You radiate something much worse - you seem like a terrible person from the views you hold, which you regurgitate every time a similar topic surfaces. Enjoy.
Mar 3, 2018
Explains what, that if you cut a sentence in half it means something other than what it said? I said I enjoyed it more than BG3, that's not a high bar to set for me.
Explains the shit taste.

You're an idiot who obviously never played tabletop 5e, yet thinks you understand it better than someone who has, then wants to tell me something from tabletop is in when it's not because you don't understand what it is or what separates it from something else that sounds identical to you (because you don't know what you're talking about). Opinion discarded.
No I fully understand that a video game adaptation of a game implements mechanics differently than the source material. No fucking shit. Your original complaint wasn't that it wasn't a faithful implementation but that extra action disarm wasn't in at all.

Obviously I don't care about 5e tabletop. I'm not a homosexual or 'marginalized' minority so I'm not the target audience for Wizards of the Coast. You seem to enjoy it though.

Interesting how out of everything I criticised about the game, you chose this teensy weensy tidbit about how the DMG action options weren't included and the disarm weapon attack option specifically to focus on.
Wow what a gotcha that is. Was I supposed to argue a point I don't actually believe or care about and say that Larian has great writing and set design?

I visit Reddit
Yeah I know from the cringe radiating from you.
Fuck off, I said which subreddits I visit, don't miquote me. You radiate something much worse - you seem like a terrible person from the views you hold, which you regurgitate every time a similar topic surfaces. Enjoy.
Yes redditor I will enjoy your butthurt. The best part of not having an echo chamber.

Enjoy complaining about posts on the internet.


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
I've made a point of never buying games that remove female from character creation or otherwise fuck with character creation to appeal to trannies. Never felt I missed out on anything as a result.


Jul 16, 2020
The First Gloom
You are clearly retarded if you think I'm defending baldurs gate or Larian simply for saying that obviously BG3 from what anybody can see has a combat system better than DoS2.
Personally, I prefer to avoid shit in general which is why I never even stated either one as being better than the other, just that I enjoyed shit shitting upon something superior even less than shit by itself. I suppose you are a true connoisseur in shit-tasting, my bad for confusing your comparisons of crap flavours for a defense of said shit.


Jun 5, 2013
Vita umbratilis
Shitty writing?? You're about to look *real* fucking stupid pal. Let me introduce you to Sir Fuzzalump...

"Sir Fuzzalump was much mocked amongst his playful kind for his dour demeanour and single-minded devotion to the magical investigation of cave moss. He claims not to have giggled in over a decade, and has never frolicked."

You should apologize for insulting this masterpiece game
What if, hypothetically
What the fuck are you talking about?
My point is that I'll play Starfield, and judge it based on how compelling it is to play, and not based on how many gays there are in it. I wouldn't deny myself a fun game, in order to pretend my consooooomption of media in any way influences people I disagree with on politics. Which is what retards ITT are doing, for the most part.
Not playing a good game only hurts you, and nobody else. It pushes no political project, accomplishes no social goals, achieves no progress towards gassing the kikes or whatever you dream of.
There are two rpgs out there with heavy gay themes nobody is up in arms about. I’m thinking Bastard Bonds and Fear & Hunger. Nobody is complaining about these games because they aren’t being heralded as the greatest rpgs ever. BG3 might as well be the CRPG Antichrist showing that all people want are dragon age esque production values in D&D.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
Those are views held by religious nut jobs - I'd be surprised if anyone harbouring these comments was not religious- and then I'd be intrigued as to why they'd hold such views.

I don't believe the majority of people complaining about this are "religious nut jobs" I think they are just people who are tired of all the degeneracy and pandering. Companies already know they have the money or normal people. So they feature degenerates and blacks to get even more money. The pandering is dishonest. If you haven't already, read about ESG and Blackrock.

Are you actually intrigued about how someone who is non religious could hold these views?

Anyway I wasn't talking about that sex scene though, I mean people here always get bent up because there's gay people or black people in video games.

I ask you a question. If you aren't black or gay or both, why doesn't it bother you? Games were doing fine without the overabundance of both for many years. What about having less white people makes games more enjoyable for you? Do you have a feitsh about being black?
Mar 3, 2018
You are clearly retarded if you think I'm defending baldurs gate or Larian simply for saying that obviously BG3 from what anybody can see has a combat system better than DoS2.
Personally, I prefer to avoid shit in general which is why I never even stated either one as being better than the other, just that I enjoyed shit shitting upon something superior even less than shit by itself. I suppose you are a true connoisseur in shit-tasting, my bad for confusing your comparisons of crap flavours for a defense of said shit.
That's a lot of feces posting but I'm not shocked, you enjoy 5e after all.


Aug 20, 2008
Those are views held by religious nut jobs - I'd be surprised if anyone harbouring these comments was not religious- and then I'd be intrigued as to why they'd hold such views.

I don't believe the majority of people complaining about this are "religious nut jobs" I think they are just people who are tired of all the degeneracy and pandering. Companies already know they have the money or normal people. So they feature degenerates and blacks to get even more money. The pandering is dishonest. If you haven't already, read about ESG and Blackrock.

Are you actually intrigued about how someone who is non religious could hold these views?

Anyway I wasn't talking about that sex scene though, I mean people here always get bent up because there's gay people or black people in video games.

I ask you a question. If you aren't black or gay or both, why doesn't it bother you? Games were doing fine without the overabundance of both for many years. What about having less white people makes games more enjoyable for you? Do you have a feitsh about being black?
Re point 1 - the pandering part is also what I dislike. It's obvious they do it to increase visibility and sales. But that wasn't my point. My point was using slurs in a non sarcastic tone to describe someone's skin colour or sexuality, 2 things you can't control, is disgusting. I don't buy it that most aren't conservative Christians. Or Muslims, but unlikely.

Yes I'm actually intrigued though - but remember my point as to what I don't understand.

And I know a lot about ESG, but purely from a business angle. I'm director level at a big 4 audit firm and it's all the rage right now, there's huge money to be made here. The E part is what I legitimately think is for the greater good. However the ESG stuff itself I'm not involved in directly because the reporting angle (I'm an accountant specialising in financial reporting) is immensely boring.

Re. Point 2. I'm neither gay or black. I'm a beautiful tanned Mediterranean dweller (just kidding on the beautiful part, but my wife seems to think so :lol: ).

Anyway, I'm not sure I was clear before. I find the pandering to small minorities stupid, but it can be included in a game without being so. Maybe in the future.

Having less white people doesn't make it more enjoyable. I never said that (and you know it).


the irascible
Jan 10, 2023
fuck you
Codex+ Now Streaming!
all y'all funny as shit. bitching at each other about woke consumerism and whatnots. you can bash your head against a wall sayin' that 'anti-woke' is a majority when then numbers show that a mass majority of humans prefer the opposite. you all understand that ultimately, it's your child that carries your morals/beliefs if you actually raise them instead of letting the fuckin' telly tell them that mental derangement and bodily mutilation is cool and you'll never regret the decisions you make as a teen! but i'm just some fucking crazy person raising my kids with my own morals. i can only guide them to make the right decisions when they are adults. after that, they're flying solo and making decisions themselves.

game's already bought, might as well get my monies worth. i actually see a penis every single day (i'm skinny enough to see my own unlike the forty percent of humans who are too fat to), so they don't frighten me.


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Not playing a good game only hurts you

It doesn't hurt anyone. If people fucking animals in a game is not something a person wants to support/spend time on, then that is a good decision for them. This place is one of the last places, that has a sizeable userbase, where people can talk about these issues without getting banned. It seems like you would understand this by now. You seem like an ok guy to me. I am not sure if you are a homo or a zoophiliac or have a black fetish or something to defend this so emphatically. Are you english second language perhaps? I think something is missing though. If you are defending your own sexual preference without actually stating that, then I could somewhat understand why you are on such a crusade in various threads. Otherwise, something must be missing in translation.

Also, you seem to be fixating on homosexuality as the base concern people are upset about. But that tweet, posted above is not referenecing just homosexuality. The persons nickname "fiddlecub" is certainly not just about being gay.

This whole concern, for a good many people, is a lot more than just gay guys sucking on a dick. It's about being denied good looking straight girls, being denied games that don't have a wide range of degeneracy (zoophilia, lesibans, homosexuals, fetishizing minorities, pegging etc) No games featuring just normal bro type companions. No bro paladin on a crusade, who doesn't want fuck you. Why is there no male dwarf companion in BG3? One who has your back, who doesn't want to fuck you? How about having more than one normal, good looking girl, who is straight?

Anyways, I hope you can find sense in some of this.

I haven't followed anything about this game in ages, so thank you for summarizing where this game is. People have been wondering what the next great degeneracy was going to be and most thought it would be incest. If this is "BG3" and it's what's popular with the cool kids these days, then I think we know.

Lock up your cats and dogs at night people.


Jun 5, 2013
Vita umbratilis
There’s only one thing BG3 is good for: macking on Josh Sawyer.

Guy goes full shill on vaccines…gets blood clots despite being a life long bicyclist.

Completely assimilates into globohomo Cali-culture: gets humiliated by Larianslop.


Aug 18, 2018
There are two rpgs out there with heavy gay themes nobody is up in arms about. I’m thinking Bastard Bonds and Fear & Hunger. Nobody is complaining about these games because they aren’t being heralded as the greatest rpgs ever. BG3 might as well be the CRPG Antichrist showing that all people want are dragon age esque production values in D&D.
There is also the fact these games are upfront about their intentions regarding the mature content. Meanwhile 'BG3' shoves this type of degenerate content in close accordance with current social and political ideas down the throats of everyone playing this game, saying it's there just for shits and giggles.


Jun 5, 2013
Vita umbratilis
There are two rpgs out there with heavy gay themes nobody is up in arms about. I’m thinking Bastard Bonds and Fear & Hunger. Nobody is complaining about these games because they aren’t being heralded as the greatest rpgs ever. BG3 might as well be the CRPG Antichrist showing that all people want are dragon age esque production values in D&D.
There is also the fact these games are upfront about their intentions regarding the mature content. Meanwhile 'BG3' shoves this type of degenerate content in close accordance with current social and political ideas down the throats of everyone playing this game, saying it's there just for shits and giggles.
There’s another thing going on with BG3: Hasbro shillbux.


Oct 17, 2012
all y'all funny as shit. bitching at each other about woke consumerism and whatnots. you can bash your head against a wall sayin' that 'anti-woke' is a majority when then numbers show that a mass majority of humans prefer the opposite. you all understand that ultimately, it's your child that carries your morals/beliefs if you actually raise them instead of letting the fuckin' telly tell them that mental derangement and bodily mutilation is cool and you'll never regret the decisions you make as a teen! but i'm just some fucking crazy person raising my kids with my own morals. i can only guide them to make the right decisions when they are adults. after that, they're flying solo and making decisions themselves.

game's already bought, might as well get my monies worth. i actually see a penis every single day (i'm skinny enough to see my own unlike the forty percent of humans who are too fat to), so they don't frighten me.
You could've stopped at "y'all".


the irascible
Jan 10, 2023
fuck you
Codex+ Now Streaming!
all y'all funny as shit. bitching at each other about woke consumerism and whatnots. you can bash your head against a wall sayin' that 'anti-woke' is a majority when then numbers show that a mass majority of humans prefer the opposite. you all understand that ultimately, it's your child that carries your morals/beliefs if you actually raise them instead of letting the fuckin' telly tell them that mental derangement and bodily mutilation is cool and you'll never regret the decisions you make as a teen! but i'm just some fucking crazy person raising my kids with my own morals. i can only guide them to make the right decisions when they are adults. after that, they're flying solo and making decisions themselves.

game's already bought, might as well get my monies worth. i actually see a penis every single day (i'm skinny enough to see my own unlike the forty percent of humans who are too fat to), so they don't frighten me.
You could've stopped at "y'all".
Aww, did my colloquialism offend thy faggy eyes?

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