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Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon


May 1, 2023
^ Weird that hearts went out of fashion for warriors; it was a common design feature on medieval weapons.

Girls made them gay, like they did with rpgs


Dec 16, 2013
I've been putting along in the game, fuck that spider guy. After that, it started getting fun again.

Are there any real advantages to staying bipedal? I haven't tried anything else, and what made it worse is that I was insisting on having a sword and shield, which made it feel like hard mode with a light build. Am I handicapping myself by using an oldschool build? lol. Shield seems pretty good in AC fights, but it seems totally useless in boss fights to the point where I don't even use it. Why use shield when I can just hit a button and evade death ray. It feels like dead weight. Reverse legs seem to have little point.

Laser seems really good against ACs, except for when they have shields, and then it's literally useless.

Once I switched to dual gun and dual missile, I was much happier. I was scoping out the wheelchair legs, and what gives? It looks like they have better stats in every way compared to my biped legs, including better boost, despite weighing 14k more. Is there honestly any good reason not to just use the wheelchair legs? I just don't want to be a rolly boy, this is a mech game. So I settled with the 10x missile pod since it does good stagger damage with no self root.

Tanky boi legs used to be slow as shit, of course because they were heavy as fuck. Weight seems to actually have very little impact on your movement. Back in the day, I think it had more of a linear relationship with your....well, attachment to gravity. It seems to me that tanky legs or quad legs are kinda the way to go in this game based on what everyone is saying, since you don't get any knockback from your laser/grenade spam when pounding boss stagger bars, and it doesn't seem to affect your mobility much at all, in fact there are benefits with the big stagger resist.
I used the sword heavily on AC1, so for me this is just the same old mechanic lul:

Literally completed all the arena fights in AC1 and its expansions like this, so this for me feels like the most natural thing in the world.

BTW don't mind me trying to hit his front shield with the sword, i was checking out to see if any damage could go through at all, but guess he is just invulnerable from the front. This boss was just has easy as the Helicopter. Still waiting for the Sekiro-like stuff.

The sword didn't have auto tracking and there wasn't any of this boosty shit, shields/breakbars/etc.

I actually had to take it off, it was just straight up ruining the gameplay for me. It also seems to be sort of trash in AC fights, since they can just...keep moving. And you end up standing there, stunlocked if you whiff. I used it on Balteus, had to ditch it on the sea spider.

I hate that autotrack shit. You end up spinning all around. Gives me hand cramps. It's funny how easy Balteus looks with a full tank build.
Mar 3, 2018
Reverse legs seem to have little point.
They have the highest jump rate and good bonus to qb(dodge).

On most fights I couldn't get missiles to reliably hit enough to stagger to ever be able to use the massively heavy weapons that you'd put on a tetrapod from their ability to ignore animation locks, and I never found a situation where the hover ability justified the loss of maneuverability. So I just used reverse legs for the vast majority of the game.


Aug 7, 2020
I haven't touched much of this game but is it possible to make a cool looking mech that's also efficient or am I going to be stuck with very specific builds? You can paint stuff right?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
The sword didn't have auto tracking and there wasn't any of this boosty shit, shields/breakbars/etc.

True but it still feels second nature to me and i'm just addicted to using it.

Plenty of opportunities to redo bosses with different builds and set ups later on, but for now i'm having too much fun slicing and dicing.

For ACs, i usually just wait until i stagger them before going in for a swipe, or try to get a swipe when i figure out how their movement patterns work. Works with AI so far, likely won't against people in PvP.
Last edited:


Jun 26, 2020
Time for fashion my dudes:
witness the glory of the KFC* machine

* Kool Fucking Chainguns

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I haven't touched much of this game but is it possible to make a cool looking mech that's also efficient or am I going to be stuck with very specific builds? You can paint stuff right?

Visual customization options appear to be very extensive, with some kind of editor build into the game that allows you to make your own decals and shit like that. Here's one you can use, courtesy of a fine gentleman in this thread:




Feb 12, 2017
Because i'm really struggling to believe anyone would take 7 hours to beat the tutorial boss.
Colleague of mine refunded because he couldn't get past it within the 2 hour mark; They are out there :lol:

Haven't played a lot yet myself but spent an embarassing amount of time on that Balteus guy trying to figure out the second phase, turns out the winning strat was not to "play", just hug him keep blasting and poof he was dead. Not sure yet what to think of that one.


Jun 13, 2019
I just got my first ending the Fires of Raven.

It's funny but my favorite part of the game was Story and Character. I was more motivated to play to see whats going to happen to Walter, Carla, Ayre , Rusty ,etc than because of the gameplay.. Which is really fucking amazing and the bosses got a lot better , but the narrative got me by the balls.

I think is solid 9/10 game. I started having a lot more fun since i stopped trying and just starting using Double Zimmer , Songbird and Laser Lance or just Quad Shotguns in a Light Weight build.

Ibis , Ayre , Rusty and all other ACs bosses are fucking amazing. I gonna say tho, Ibis ''falcon'' attack is fucking bullshit.. Rusty was not that hard but MAN the music, the visuals , THE FUCKING DIALOGUE uhh And Ayre was just Peak..

But man this end hits like a brick..
"you just flew out of reach... buddy"'


Dec 16, 2013
Okay, having fun again in Chapter 4 but I'm not done grousing about certain mechanics.

Dual laser rifle is super fun, feels outstanding, especially against chaff units and it's fun against ACs in the arena.

I think I may have made a mistake buying this on PS5 for nostalgia factor. Fully maxed out camera speed isn't enough, lol. "Target lock" is horse shit.

I need to get this off my chest.

My BIGGEST complaint about this game is the roadie run boost. There is a reason that the original roadie run in Queers of Whore by the late great Cliffy B on the greatest console of all time, the Xbox 360, was basically a cinematic feature that only increased your movement speed by around 10% while changing the camera angle. Clicking the analog stick to sprint is a mess, especially in a game requiring precise timing and movement like this. This 360 era shit shouldn't be in an otherwise fabulous game like this.

Regarding the thrust meter - why doesn't it deplete from using energy weapons? This was a great mechanic that balanced the power of energy weapons and their lack of reloads. It forced you to balance your AC's weight, generator, and energy usage for energy efficiency, to allow you to remain airborne. Most importantly - oldschool AC didn't have you gliding around on the floor like an iceskating rink without using any thrust. You had to walk. Therefore, tank tracks were slow as shit. Hover legs had an appeal. Lighter weight builds obviously meant greater energy efficiency, allowing for consistent use of boost and energy weapons, more air time and verticality, and usually faster on the ground movement.

Why do I regenerate boost faster when on the ground? You know, as opposed to turning off my thrusters while plummeting toward the earth? Figure 8 patterns used to work peachy to manage your thrust meter. Now, the game wants you to touch earth and ice skate. Anyway, thrust meter might as well be a dodge meter.

The iceskating slide mechanic doesn't make sense unless friction doesn't exist in this fake universe, but of course there are literally sparks coming off my feet when I am gliding on the surface. This makes no sense. It only exists for people who want muh high speed gliding. It also makes no sense that all the vernier thrusters constantly spitting fire off my shoulders and shins have no effect on my thrust meter despite being used to counter the motion of my massive mech. Mechs are supposed to have gravity, god damn it. They're supposed to walk around on their dope ass bipedal legs. Boosting should be for short boosts and create huge energy strain because you basically weigh as much as an M1 Abrams tank. Obviously, this is why in Gundam, they have base jabbers and gliders when in gravity. Mechs are inherently not aerodynamic. Tomino said when he created the first Gundam show that obviously mechs are stupid, hence why it had to occur in space, where there is no gravity.

Done bitching, about to go play some more.


Jun 13, 2019
- why doesn't it deplete from using energy weapons?
For some reason they removed.. My favorite build in AC1 to Arena was Tetra legs with Energy Cost Reduction Expansion and a shit load of AOE Energy weapon. In this game Tetra feels like shit.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Heh, just had to do this:

I still have no idea how S ranks are calculated but i really, really don't like the concept of just skipping everything except the objectives. Never been a fan of speed running either. So on this attempt i basically tried to hit as many enemies as i could while still moving as fast as possible (which cramped my style as it made me mess up the flow several times but i guess it be what it be).

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Crap, i actually missed one of those log things. I thought there was only one, now i gotta redo it and explore all the nooks and crannies. Shiiiet.


Aug 3, 2017
Is there any penalty if you restart from a checpoint? Is there a reason why you would want to restart the whole level or not?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Is there any penalty if you restart from a checpoint? Is there a reason why you would want to restart the whole level or not?
Only for ranking as far as I am aware. You can't S rank a mission by restarting at checkpoints.

Are the "hard" bosses tied to the mission like the one i just did?

That would make S ranking those missions actually a challenge. This one wasn't super hard but i still had to make several attempts just because that tank at the end kept spazzing around and made me lose a lot of time so i just restarted it but then i got bored so i rolled with it. Ultimately it seems i was being over zealous since i still got my S rank.


Dec 16, 2013
Here I was, having an absolute blast with my laser spam mech and enjoying the wonderful level design, and fucking Balteus shows up again with his pulse shield.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Here I was, having an absolute blast with my laser spam mech and enjoying the wonderful level design, and fucking Balteus shows up again with his pulse shield.
Nice laser mech. It'd be a shame if someone had to fire ALL the missiles at you. A damn shame.

Seriously, every time I've fought that thing I'm like, how much ammo could possibly be in there!?


Dec 16, 2013
Okay, just finished.

Seriously, quite good. Extremely polished. The level design is fabulous. Great mission variety and set pieces. Draw distances are enormous, high polygon counts out kilometers into the distance even outside of the invisible walls. Framerate was very smooth on console. Particle density was impressive. Didn't notice any bugs.

One of my favorite levels was the one where you get a junker mech and have to break your way out of a compound. The defense missions were fun too. I honestly had a shit ton of fun. Killing trash mobs and zooming around the map was very satisfying.

AC on AC battles are very, very good. I enjoyed every one of them. Arena battles weren't at all as hard as I was expecting, though, and there were just enough to get the flavor without letting me sink my teeth into it. I really would have loved to see a 50 rank arena tower. I oneshot every arena match on S rank, that's unusual.

I was playing medium biped build by the end of the game, with those dank laser drone shoulders, and dual laser rifles.

Anyway, I don't care for a few of the boss fights, notably Balteus because of his pulse shield requiring specific weapons/tactics to break it, or just by cheesing it with a full tank, the shield on tank treads, and the spider. The rest of it was good. I think more people would have gotten into this game if these fights weren't gating half of the fun shit in the game. The last boss was great, as was the one with the wacky drones. The big tank one was alright, I guess.

Surprisingly, there actually was a metric shit ton of weapons by the end of the game, with quite a lot of variety. But I really don't like how the game wants you to pick certain ones for certain fights. Also, where's the Karasawa?

I should probably try making a full tank herkaderk build with dual gatling guns and boomsticks so I can faceroll new game+.


Aug 30, 2023
Lol I refused to kill a guy and someone tried to kill me saying that I was an oathbreaker. It was interesting and mind you this was a side mission. This is related to the mission -
  1. Eliminate V.VII


Aug 30, 2023
There are 14 new missions available to play during NG++

New mission in Armored Core 6 New Game++​

  1. Escort the Weaponized Mining Ship
  2. Prisoner Rescue
  3. Obstruct the Mandatory Inspection
  4. Attack the Watchpoint
  5. Stop the Secret Data Breach
  6. Survey the Uninhabited Floating City
  7. Coral Export Denial
  8. Underground Exploration – Depth 2
  9. Eliminate V.III
  10. Unknown Territory Survey
  11. Reach the Coral Convergence
  12. MIA
  13. Regain Control of the Xylem
  14. Coral Release

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