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    "This message is awaiting moderator approval": All new users must pass through our moderation queue before they will be able to post normally. Until your account has "passed" your posts will only be visible to yourself (and moderators) until they are approved. Give us a week to get around to approving / deleting / ignoring your mundane opinion on crap before hassling us about it. Once you have passed the moderation period (think of it as a test), you will be able to post normally, just like all the other retards.

Assassin's Creed Shadows - Yasuke confirmed Samurai, cope and seethe - coming February 14th


Sep 6, 2022
Delayed to Feb. 14th.

Civ VII - Feb. 11
Kingdomu Comu II - Feb. 11
Avowed - Feb. 18
Monster Hunter Wilds - Feb. 25

Good thinking, retards.
I look forward to killing nips as a Samurai Nigga during Black History month to the tune of some hip hop bangas.
Unleash the power of your melanin and show those japs who is the real kang of tha streetz.


Oct 17, 2012
All Abrahamics get the ana-tsurushi until they recant

I'd like to see you try that on most Christians that I know. Including me.

I can guarantee you it wouldn't end well for you.
Shalom, fellow Christians!

Don't you too hate the "white-adjacent" filthy japs? We need to destroy them with globohomo and flood Japan with niggers!

G-d wills it!


Jul 27, 2024
There simply isn't enough time to make any significant changes to the game. At best, they're likely just going to address the concerns regarding clunky animations and cite that as their primary concern even as they pretend that the two protagonists aren't extremely poor choices.

The company may very well have reluctantly written it off as a loss already and deliberately chosen to release it it in a busy month so they can blame Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and Monster Hunter Wilds - which are both likely to sell far better - rather than admit to any blame.


Sep 6, 2022
There simply isn't enough time to make any significant changes to the game. At best, they're likely just going to address the concerns regarding clunky animations and cite that as their primary concern even as they pretend that the two protagonists aren't extremely poor choices.

The company may very well have reluctantly written it off as a loss already and deliberately chosen to release it it in a busy month so they can blame Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and Monster Hunter Wilds - which are both likely to sell far better - rather than admit to any blame.
"Significant changes"?
You cannot salvage a trainwreck.
They must publicly acknowledge that the game was a disaster, but that would further damage the reputation of the company (as if it wasn't already damaged enough, especially considering a company like Ubishit).

H. P. Lovecraft's Cat

Feb 7, 2024
>Ubisoft CEO says "there's no agenda, we just want to make fun games"
>PC Gamer is mad and calls his comments "cowardly and unhelpful", thus confirming the existence of an agenda


Our goal is not to push any specific agenda': Ubisoft CEO tries to mollify gamers who won't stop being mad about a Black samurai in Assassin's Creed Shadows​

By Andy Chalk
published 10 hours ago
Yves Guillemot hopes everyone can just have a good time.

Image for 'Our goal is not to push any specific agenda': Ubisoft CEO tries to mollify gamers who won't stop being mad about a Black samurai in Assassin's Creed Shadows

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Assassin's Creed Shadows is one of the most anticipated games of the year, but it's also been controversial among some groups of gamers due to its inclusion of Yasuke, a Black samurai. In today's surprise announcement of an Assassin's Creed Shadows delay, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot addressed those "polarized comments," as he put it, saying Ubisoft's games are not meant to reflect any specific agenda.
"I want to reaffirm that we are an entertainment-first company, creating games for the broadest possible audience, and our goal is not to push any specific agenda," Guillemot said in today's financial update. "We remain committed to creating games for fans and players that everyone can enjoy."

It's quite a change in tone from Guillemot's words in June, when he called out "malicious and personal online attacks" directed at Ubisoft employees at partners.
"I want to make it clear that we, at Ubisoft, condemn these hateful acts in the strongest possible terms, and I encourage the rest of the industry and players to denounce them, too," Guillemot said at the time. "I am proud to support the amazing work of our teams and partners, and I will always trust in their creative choices."

By contrast, today's statement is unhelpful at best and frankly I think it borders on outright cowardice. The backlash against Assassin's Creed Shadows has been fierce but also emerges from a very narrow slice of the gaming community, a group that is very agenda-driven: It makes zero justifiable sense that traveling through the magic of the Animus to waste the Pope or do a solid for George Washington is normal videogame business, yet a Black samurai—based on a historical figure, like so many others in the series—is beyond the pale. There's no mollifying this disingenuous crowd with hollow statements that it's fun and games, and we should all just get along.

The most vocal contingent of Yasuke critics want nothing less than the outright removal of the character from the game, to be replaced with an "authentic" Japanese character. It's absolutely bananas, and anyone who thinks they can make that group happy with this sort of anodyne nonsense simply needs to take a look at the responses to the delay announcement on X to be quickly dissuaded of such notions.

This isn't Ubisoft first attempt at soothing the perennially aggrieved to poor effect. In July it issued a statement that Assassin's Creed Shadows is not meant to be a "factual representation of history, or historical characters," and that "while Yasuke is depicted as a samurai in Assassin's Creed Shadows, we acknowledge that this is a matter of debate and discussion." As we noted at the time, the new Assassin's Creed has faced some legitimate criticism, but the defense of Yasuke is entirely unnecessary—and worse, it served to embolden the reactionary contingent of gamers who think diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts are somehow ruining games.

Assassin's Creed Shadows executive producer Marc-Alexis Côté did better in June when he called out X owner Elon Musk for "feeding hatred" about the game. Côté also, wisely, did not respond to Musk's tweet about Assassin's Creed Shadows, saying, "By attacking someone like Elon… I will not convince people about our point of view as a team."

I can't speak from the perspective of a videogame executive but to my mind, that's the approach that works. Ubisoft is never going to satisfy its worst, most bad-faith critics and it shouldn't waste time trying: The effort would be far better spent drawing clear lines on where it stands, even if it's on a point as simple as "racist bullshit will not be tolerated." It's certainly doable: Bethesda Softworks made a point of embracing the anti-Nazi politics in Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, saying, "This is what our game is about."|

Alas, Ubisoft doesn't have a great history on that sort of thing. Executives of the company that gave us The Division (anonymous agents of a previously secret Homeland Security unit respond to a devastating pandemic in New York City by killing truckloads of civilians), Ghost Recon Wildlands (American hit team infiltrates Third World nation to topple the government), and Far Cry 5 (Christian fundamentalist cult takes over a slice of backwater Montana and only heavily armed locals can stop them) have insisted multiple times over the years that their games are not political—and if they are, they're politically neutral. In that light, Guillemot's statement is really just more of the same, and will have roughly the same impact—that is, none at all.
Classic case of the snake eating it's self. This is why their ideology will always fail in the end and we're lucky to witness it. Wish death on all of them.



Jul 27, 2024
There simply isn't enough time to make any significant changes to the game. At best, they're likely just going to address the concerns regarding clunky animations and cite that as their primary concern even as they pretend that the two protagonists aren't extremely poor choices.

The company may very well have reluctantly written it off as a loss already and deliberately chosen to release it it in a busy month so they can blame Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and Monster Hunter Wilds - which are both likely to sell far better - rather than admit to any blame.
"Significant changes"?
You cannot salvage a trainwreck.
They must publicly acknowledge that the game was a disaster, but that would further damage the reputation of the company (as if it wasn't already damaged enough, especially considering a company like Ubishit).
Unfortunately narcissists would rather burn a company and society as a whole down rather than admit to any wrongdoing.

Though in many cases such as this, the company is in itself shuffling along hoping to live off of its past success even when most of the competent employees have long since departed.

I was actually surprised to learn that Ubisoft was French given how obsessed many of its employees are with American politics and Far Left ideology but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised given the terrible state of the country in question these days. It's a shame, since I have very fond memories of visiting prior to the 'guests' arriving in large numbers. Furthermore the Olympics revealed just how deep the rot goes.


Aug 31, 2024
Deep underground
America massively influences everything to the point that you know more about what's going on over there than in your own country. My neighbors don't know a single word of english and I hear them talk about how evil Trump is every other day. Same thing with Ubisoft.


Jun 18, 2024
America massively influences everything to the point that you know more about what's going on over there than in your own country. My neighbors don't know a single word of english and I hear them talk about how evil Trump is every other day. Same thing with Ubisoft.
This is also why Dustborn was the way it was. The Norwegian developers read Twitter every morning, and kept reading it through the day.

It's not as though Norwegistan is problem free, but they (think they) can "do something" and "make a difference" about US politics.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Leftists will blame anything and everything but the core issue: the elevation to knighthood of a guy that was a joke and treated as such by actual Samurai.
No, its the fact that he's a nigger.

Nobody would give a shit if the protagonist was a Japanese peasant who was treated as a joke by most samurai but then through hard work managed to get to the top. That would be considered a cool underdog story.
Yasuke as a character is shit because he's not Japanese. He doesn't belong there.


Jan 10, 2023
There simply isn't enough time to make any significant changes to the game. At best, they're likely just going to address the concerns regarding clunky animations and cite that as their primary concern even as they pretend that the two protagonists aren't extremely poor choices.

The company may very well have reluctantly written it off as a loss already and deliberately chosen to release it it in a busy month so they can blame Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and Monster Hunter Wilds - which are both likely to sell far better - rather than admit to any blame.
"Significant changes"?
You cannot salvage a trainwreck.
They must publicly acknowledge that the game was a disaster, but that would further damage the reputation of the company (as if it wasn't already damaged enough, especially considering a company like Ubishit).
Unfortunately narcissists would rather burn a company and society as a whole down rather than admit to any wrongdoing.

Though in many cases such as this, the company is in itself shuffling along hoping to live off of its past success even when most of the competent employees have long since departed.

I was actually surprised to learn that Ubisoft was French given how obsessed many of its employees are with American politics and Far Left ideology but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised given the terrible state of the country in question these days. It's a shame, since I have very fond memories of visiting prior to the 'guests' arriving in large numbers. Furthermore the Olympics revealed just how deep the rot goes.
Regarding your last point, Ubisoft has lots of studios on Canada, this game itself is being developed by Ubisoft Quebec.

The Nameless One

Sep 19, 2024
Sigilville, California
>Ubisoft CEO says "there's no agenda, we just want to make fun games"
>PC Gamer is mad and calls his comments "cowardly and unhelpful", thus confirming the existence of an agenda


Our goal is not to push any specific agenda': Ubisoft CEO tries to mollify gamers who won't stop being mad about a Black samurai in Assassin's Creed Shadows​

By Andy Chalk
published 10 hours ago
Yves Guillemot hopes everyone can just have a good time.

Image for 'Our goal is not to push any specific agenda': Ubisoft CEO tries to mollify gamers who won't stop being mad about a Black samurai in Assassin's Creed Shadows

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Assassin's Creed Shadows is one of the most anticipated games of the year, but it's also been controversial among some groups of gamers due to its inclusion of Yasuke, a Black samurai. In today's surprise announcement of an Assassin's Creed Shadows delay, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot addressed those "polarized comments," as he put it, saying Ubisoft's games are not meant to reflect any specific agenda.
"I want to reaffirm that we are an entertainment-first company, creating games for the broadest possible audience, and our goal is not to push any specific agenda," Guillemot said in today's financial update. "We remain committed to creating games for fans and players that everyone can enjoy."

It's quite a change in tone from Guillemot's words in June, when he called out "malicious and personal online attacks" directed at Ubisoft employees at partners.
"I want to make it clear that we, at Ubisoft, condemn these hateful acts in the strongest possible terms, and I encourage the rest of the industry and players to denounce them, too," Guillemot said at the time. "I am proud to support the amazing work of our teams and partners, and I will always trust in their creative choices."

By contrast, today's statement is unhelpful at best and frankly I think it borders on outright cowardice. The backlash against Assassin's Creed Shadows has been fierce but also emerges from a very narrow slice of the gaming community, a group that is very agenda-driven: It makes zero justifiable sense that traveling through the magic of the Animus to waste the Pope or do a solid for George Washington is normal videogame business, yet a Black samurai—based on a historical figure, like so many others in the series—is beyond the pale. There's no mollifying this disingenuous crowd with hollow statements that it's fun and games, and we should all just get along.

The most vocal contingent of Yasuke critics want nothing less than the outright removal of the character from the game, to be replaced with an "authentic" Japanese character. It's absolutely bananas, and anyone who thinks they can make that group happy with this sort of anodyne nonsense simply needs to take a look at the responses to the delay announcement on X to be quickly dissuaded of such notions.

This isn't Ubisoft first attempt at soothing the perennially aggrieved to poor effect. In July it issued a statement that Assassin's Creed Shadows is not meant to be a "factual representation of history, or historical characters," and that "while Yasuke is depicted as a samurai in Assassin's Creed Shadows, we acknowledge that this is a matter of debate and discussion." As we noted at the time, the new Assassin's Creed has faced some legitimate criticism, but the defense of Yasuke is entirely unnecessary—and worse, it served to embolden the reactionary contingent of gamers who think diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts are somehow ruining games.

Assassin's Creed Shadows executive producer Marc-Alexis Côté did better in June when he called out X owner Elon Musk for "feeding hatred" about the game. Côté also, wisely, did not respond to Musk's tweet about Assassin's Creed Shadows, saying, "By attacking someone like Elon… I will not convince people about our point of view as a team."

I can't speak from the perspective of a videogame executive but to my mind, that's the approach that works. Ubisoft is never going to satisfy its worst, most bad-faith critics and it shouldn't waste time trying: The effort would be far better spent drawing clear lines on where it stands, even if it's on a point as simple as "racist bullshit will not be tolerated." It's certainly doable: Bethesda Softworks made a point of embracing the anti-Nazi politics in Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, saying, "This is what our game is about."|

Alas, Ubisoft doesn't have a great history on that sort of thing. Executives of the company that gave us The Division (anonymous agents of a previously secret Homeland Security unit respond to a devastating pandemic in New York City by killing truckloads of civilians), Ghost Recon Wildlands (American hit team infiltrates Third World nation to topple the government), and Far Cry 5 (Christian fundamentalist cult takes over a slice of backwater Montana and only heavily armed locals can stop them) have insisted multiple times over the years that their games are not political—and if they are, they're politically neutral. In that light, Guillemot's statement is really just more of the same, and will have roughly the same impact—that is, none at all.
Ahh, the good ole PCG getting a senior editor to go for the damage control shilling with the logic of "It's political only and when I say so".


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Yeah I don't think a few months are enough to change Yasuke to an actual Japanese samurai.
It's more to prevent yet another flop damaging their share price in 2024. Ubi is hoping to let their share price stabilize first before tanking another hit.
Y'know, this is actually the best explanation. No de-nigrifying, sadly.


Jul 4, 2023
I've said it before, Ubisoft knows what it's doing: thanks to the black samurai, this thread is constantly pushed to the top of the forum, and even if 90% of readers decide to not buy the game, the remaining 10% buyers are still more than zero. Obviously a great game would have sold even better, but when you can't milk anything more from your franchise a black samurai becomes the next logical step.


Dec 31, 2011
Haliask, North Ambria
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Delayed to Feb. 14th.

Civ VII - Feb. 11
Kingdomu Comu II - Feb. 11
Avowed - Feb. 18
Monster Hunter Wilds - Feb. 25

Good thinking, retards.
I look forward to killing nips as a Samurai Nigga during Black History month to the tune of some hip hop bangas.
Unleash the power of your melanin and show those japs who is the real kang of tha streetz.
I'm already showing them nippas who the true nigga of the streetz is IRL. I want to do it in a video game too.



A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
I hope Ubisoft is dissolved and no Ass Creed games are ever made again.

Everyone should wish for the destruction of soulless megacorps. It's good for the environment.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
Delayed to Feb. 14th.

Civ VII - Feb. 11
Kingdomu Comu II - Feb. 11
Avowed - Feb. 18
Monster Hunter Wilds - Feb. 25

Good thinking, retards.
I look forward to killing nips as a Samurai Nigga during Black History month to the tune of some hip hop bangas.
Unleash the power of your melanin and show those japs who is the real kang of tha streetz.
I'm already showing them nippas who the true nigga of the streetz is IRL. I want to do it in a video game too.

That's downright polite by nigger standards

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
The supposed frat boy culture got results. This feminine hellscape does not. Just more proof that it was never about "the money".


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I see, this must be the toxic positivity thing again.

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