No CRPG reached 90+ critical score like DOS2. Pathfinder failed and flopped
Correction. Only Larian managed to please game journalists that can't play IWD:EE on Story mode.
"buh..buh only the opinion of mongoloids on the codex matter"...
Wrong. There are a lot of Larian cultists here. In the list of the best RPG of all time, DOS2 appears above Temple of Elemental Evil. ToEE is the most faithful 3rd edition adaptation into a CRPG, with even stuff like 5 foot step which I only saw in KoTC1/2. DOS2 is far better htan other modern AAA games, but still far behind from ToEE.
Pathfinder wrath of the cuck will flop l
""The reason for this growth is THQ's acquisition of Koch Media and Deep Silver earlier this year, effectively doubling the publisher's potential revenues. Titles by this segment saw sales of $27.6 million, with the release of Dakar 18 and Pathfinder Kingmaker cited as key performers - even though the latter launched less than a week before the end of the quarter.""
A Boomer RPG, launched in a broken state with a lot of bugs, was a success. And Wrath already got more money than DOS2 on KS. Game journalists will hate it? Sure. But for game journalists, even shit like Diablo 3 is good. Gothic 3 and ArcaniA has the same "critic" score in metacritic. Dragon Age Inquisition, Diablo 3, game journalists loves """RPG's""" like this and they can't even play IWD:EE on story mode.
I don't think that DOS2 is bad as D3 and DA:I, in fact,
compared to other modern AAA games is a masterpiece. But still not great as old school RPG's. Simple as that.
You're not really "trying" though bro. You posted a random message on a semi-relevant topic, with 0 information about how you plan to run it. Might have more success if you followed my advice and laid out a separate thread for it with the details.
Yep. But if I will DM, I need to known the character sheet. For example, if I get a highly charismatic bard, a magic user with only illusion/charming spells and a rogue, I know that I need to make NPC's and adventures focused in social aspects and stealth. If I get a half giant barbarian, a mage which only knows offensive spells and a war cleric, I know that I need to focus on hack & slash and focus more in making dungeons and monsters and less in NPC's. If I get a lawful good paladin which hates undead in his bakcground and a chaotic evil necromancer, I need to think in a way to make this two PCs work together. I need character sheets to prepare adventures.
DMing is not easy. When I had my 3rd edition group, nobody wanted to DM, so how we solved that problem? Each week one of our guys will DM. The adventure was very sandbox with little to no story overlap and was very chaotic as result. Was extremely fun and interesting.
I should stop reading this subreddit, it only makes me feel sad.
LOL. IS Reeedit, what you expect? Anyway, I discussed a lot about how companions on BG3 are too epic to be lv 1. After this video bellow,
I need to admit that my critique was wrong. There are reasons which why each companion is extremely weak despite the epic backgrounds. Even Gale which has the epicest background of a lv 1 wizard has a reason to be lv 1.