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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Mar 2, 2017
Stop projecting your problems, bro.
1- That's not what "projecting" means.
2- This is not about me.
It's about how we keep letting these porn-addicted autistics dictate the design of every game to come, according to standards tuned for the mentally disabled.
It's a quote from that link you sent. Calm down nigga.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Porn-addicted autists?
Yes? These are the same exact users who do fuck nothing but hype themselves over the sex scenes, the Astarion fanarts and the romance questlines in the game.

I mean, if you had linked to some other stuff like that "halfling" pedo sex modelling, sure.
Which incidentally, on the other hand, was made by someone who had plenty of useful and insightful things to say about the game mechanics across two years of EA.
But yeah, admittedly her obsession with halflings was vaguely disturbing at times.

Instead, you're arguing about a QOL camp/resting non-system that whisks you away to a pocket dimension instead of portraying a camp on the map a la Pathfinder.
I mean, yes, I have problems with that, too, but this is NOT what this discussion was about (it was more on the pointlessness of the resource management tied to it) so not sure what the fuck are you even rambling about now.

I mean, BG1/2 didn't even do that much, it just faded to a camp screeny and paused while any dialogue triggers went off. The pocket dimension camp is actually an improvement on that, imo.
BG2 didn't have a good camping system either. "That was garbage, too!" is not the brilliant endorsement you seem to think it is, especially since better solutions were designed both before and after.
But at least it wasn't actively artificial and detrimental to the sense of continuty.

Anyway, the only ones showing autism in your link is you and those who agree with you.
Oh, fuck off, you sad wanker.
What part of this statement is contestable with an ACTUAL argument?
- "Roleplaying it” is bullshit. It’s either that the mechanic is meaningful or it isn’t.
Right now it isn’t. The current resting system feels completely vestigial and it’s actively detrimental to the credibility of your “sense of adventure” ( meaning that it’s designed in a way that constantly reminds you “It’s just a videogame, here’s your immersion-breaking free pass to safety”.
Come up, let's hear your bullshit.

No one else seems to give much of a shit one way or another.
"I'm happy with shit" is not an argument, either.

TOILET CHAINNNNZZZ!! :argh::argh::argh::argh::argh:
Yes, you are right, That's downright retarded design as well.
Any sensible objection or you are just crying "Leve Larian alone" as if a radioactive Rusty bit your ass?
No, it's more that you're making accusations that don't mesh at all with what you're linking to and calling other people autistic for shipping characters or something, I don't know, when the only autist (besides rusty) that posts here much is you doing shit like this.

Anyway, you do you. Not sure why you spend so much time on those forums, letting people grind your gears and raging that Larian isn't listening to you or whatever you're on about.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
Leaving aside the average conversation in that board and what they focus on, I was literally having a back and forth with a moron with a "NSFW" reddit profile that, among other things, has a post history of complaining about his "crippling hypersexuality" and masturbating tooo much.
You: "Nuuu, how dare you call him out as a porn addict".

Not sure why you spend so much time on those forums, letting people grind your gears and raging that Larian isn't listening to you or whatever you're on about.
I mean, why do you spend ANY amount of time commenting anything about any game?
In fact, if discussing pros and cons of a game is something you have no interest in (or worse, it's a topic actively annoying for you as you seem to make it), why are you even here, exactly?


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Leaving aside the average conversation in that board and what they focus on, I was literally having a back and forth with a moron with a "NSFW" reddit profile that, among other things, has a post history of complaining about his "crippling hypersexuality" and masturbating tooo much.
You: "Nuuu, how dare you call him out as a porn addict".

Not sure why you spend so much time on those forums, letting people grind your gears and raging that Larian isn't listening to you or whatever you're on about.
I mean, why do you spend ANY amount of time commenting anything about any game?
In fact, if discussing pros and cons of a game is something you have no interest in (or worse, it's a topic actively annoying for you as you seem to make it), why are you even here, exactly?
To follow you around, of course. Lord knows I certainly don't speak about games, nevermind that saying that I don't share your specific concerns about a game (that many others also don't share with you) is actually speaking about games. You dumbass.

I'm sorry that your feelings get hurt every time you start sperging about something stupid like toilet chains.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
nevermind that saying that I don't share your specific concerns about a game
Except you didn't?
It's not like you made any point about favoring a design over the other.
You are just crying like a bitch because I "care too much", ironically enough.

It's fine, mate. There's no need to have a seizure because someone badmouthed your lord and savior Swen.


Backlog incliner
Oct 5, 2021
Stop projecting your problems, bro.
1- That's not what "projecting" means.
2- This is not about me.
It's about how we keep letting these porn-addicted autistics dictate the design of every game to come, according to standards tuned for the mentally disabled.

1 - Agreed. Camping that whiskers you away from harm is poor design compared to, say, what Pathfinder does. It diminishes the sense of danger and doesn’t require the player to make assessments and choices.

2 - Why are you being a fag on reddit? Do you like your internet with a side dish of shit?

3 - Happy new year.


Sep 6, 2022
Imagine having a reddit account wow


Oct 21, 2019
Fired subj up recently, planning to play more on holidays. And the UI just baffles me.

I mean, what is this uninspired, bland looking shit? Where is the art style, vision behind, any flair? I'd thought the first iteration was more of a placeholder but judging by this they iterate on it only in terms of usability (it's fine really and they've redone the party overview screen in a positive way) but not the looks of it. Icing on the dull cake are the mug shot-looking non-customizable char avatars. Hope they'll improve that at least. But they desperately need to allow us to customize the whole UI and ideally make some sort of skins for it in order to leave this banal boring shit to the masses.

What's interesting and for justice's sake that at the same time the game menu has the art style in the same cool darkish/mind flayer vein and some more flair which may be indicating they will rework the in-game UI eventually but it's not certain ofc.


Sep 6, 2022
Fired subj up recently, planning to play more on holidays. And the UI just baffles me.

I mean, what is this uninspired, bland looking shit? Where is the art style, vision behind, any flair? I'd thought the first iteration was more of a placeholder but judging by this they iterate on it only in terms of usability (it's fine really and they've redone the party overview screen in a positive way) but not the looks of it. Icing on the dull cake are the mug shot-looking non-customizable char avatars. Hope they'll improve that at least. But they desperately need to allow us to customize the whole UI and ideally make some sort of skins for it in order to leave this banal boring shit to the masses.

What's interesting and for justice's sake that at the same time the game menu has the art style in the same cool darkish/mind flayer vein and some more flair which may be indicating they will rework the in-game UI eventually but it's not certain ofc.
The new Divinity game looks DOPE.


Aug 20, 2022
Fired subj up recently, planning to play more on holidays. And the UI just baffles me.

I mean, what is this uninspired, bland looking shit? Where is the art style, vision behind, any flair? I'd thought the first iteration was more of a placeholder but judging by this they iterate on it only in terms of usability (it's fine really and they've redone the party overview screen in a positive way) but not the looks of it. Icing on the dull cake are the mug shot-looking non-customizable char avatars. Hope they'll improve that at least. But they desperately need to allow us to customize the whole UI and ideally make some sort of skins for it in order to leave this banal boring shit to the masses.

What's interesting and for justice's sake that at the same time the game menu has the art style in the same cool darkish/mind flayer vein and some more flair which may be indicating they will rework the in-game UI eventually but it's not certain ofc.
Looks like Diablo 4


Fired subj up recently, planning to play more on holidays. And the UI just baffles me.

I mean, what is this uninspired, bland looking shit? Where is the art style, vision behind, any flair? I'd thought the first iteration was more of a placeholder but judging by this they iterate on it only in terms of usability (it's fine really and they've redone the party overview screen in a positive way) but not the looks of it. Icing on the dull cake are the mug shot-looking non-customizable char avatars. Hope they'll improve that at least. But they desperately need to allow us to customize the whole UI and ideally make some sort of skins for it in order to leave this banal boring shit to the masses.

What's interesting and for justice's sake that at the same time the game menu has the art style in the same cool darkish/mind flayer vein and some more flair which may be indicating they will rework the in-game UI eventually but it's not certain ofc.
It would have been better if it were all sprites.


May 4, 2020
Belgium, Ghent
Fired subj up recently, planning to play more on holidays. And the UI just baffles me.

I mean, what is this uninspired, bland looking shit? Where is the art style, vision behind, any flair? I'd thought the first iteration was more of a placeholder but judging by this they iterate on it only in terms of usability (it's fine really and they've redone the party overview screen in a positive way) but not the looks of it. Icing on the dull cake are the mug shot-looking non-customizable char avatars. Hope they'll improve that at least. But they desperately need to allow us to customize the whole UI and ideally make some sort of skins for it in order to leave this banal boring shit to the masses.

What's interesting and for justice's sake that at the same time the game menu has the art style in the same cool darkish/mind flayer vein and some more flair which may be indicating they will rework the in-game UI eventually but it's not certain ofc.
I can guarantee you the final game will be looking a lot differently. Can't say much more.


Why is there a +3 weapon when the game only goes to lvl 4
In BG1, you get a +2 weapon at no later than level 2 for any character a +3 companion exclusive weapon. If you killed Drizzt, you get +3 and +5 weapons and you can do this at around level 1 or 2. This is excluding the cursed weapons of course. In Durlag's tower and Ulgoth's beard, you can get +3 weapons. The Ulgoth's beard one doesn't even require you to kill anything since you can just buy it.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Why is there a +3 weapon when the game only goes to lvl 4
There isn’t. Most Magic items currently available are at best +1 and at worst have some secondary Magic ability but no +hit bonus. And there’s a single +2 mace that comes with the curse effect to compensate.
Isn't that +3 sword that's clearly shown in the picture above, the thing that they added for killing the demon general or whatever that guy was in the tutorial? It's pretty easy to find pictures, etc. of people having his giant flaming sword equipped right out of the gate.

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