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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]

Darth Valer

Jul 5, 2023
Healing potions can be thrown to heal a group... potions are made to be drank. Make it an oil if that is what you want.
This feature is so stupid. Making potions bonus actions as well implies that one can drink a pot per turn almost freely.
I'd have really liked if, especially for features such as these that require minimum effort to be changed, they kept the casual idiocy for Story mode or what not, and a more TT faithful experience for the others. Solasta's adherence to the PHB leaves next to nothing to be desired.

Darth Valer

Jul 5, 2023
To be honest the idea of the Trump wall comes to mind kinda easily in Act 1. My main gripe with it is that it lacks weight. Aside from the first encounter with the goblins at the gate, which feels more like a fun goblin butchering party under a sunny sky than a threatening skirmish, you don't live nor see the danger that the Grove supposedly suffers. It feels like a light-hearted summer camp where a grumpy witch wants to break everyone's balls. That diminishes the tension and makes the dilemma less interesting and more one-sided, while on paper it could work much better.


Feb 4, 2013
To be honest the idea of the Trump wall comes to mind kinda easily in Act 1. My main gripe with it is that it lacks weight. Aside from the first encounter with the goblins at the gate, which feels more like a fun goblin butchering party under a sunny sky than a threatening skirmish, you don't live nor see the danger that the Grove supposedly suffers. It feels like a light-hearted summer camp where a grumpy witch wants to break everyone's balls. That diminishes the tension and makes the dilemma less interesting and more one-sided, while on paper it could work much better.

It comes to mind easily if you're obsessed with American politics. Hey, maybe it's a allegory for the euro migrant crisis and policians like Marine LePen? Maybe it's no allegory at all? Even Non-Edge Gamers assertion that the Druid lady was given the same hair color as Trump is stupid, because it's not even true:


Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
It comes to mind easily if you're obsessed with American politics. Hey, maybe it's a allegory for the euro migrant crisis and policians like Marine LePen? Maybe it's no allegory at all?
Or maybe you're just asshurt that I'm right?

Even Non-Edge Gamers assertion that the Druid lady was given the same hair color as Trump
Never said that. I said she had orange hair. Not sure if what you posted is a mod or just a newer version.



Orange haired druid, meet orange skinned Trump. That's the reference. "Orange man bad", remember? 2020? Hello?

That and the wall--sorry, "barrier" she wants to put up. Does an allegory have to be exact for you to pick up on it?

Even if it had no reference to Trump, despite the fact that she literally wants to build a wall to keep outsiders out, to deport muh refugees and even to put muh kidz in cages, do you think the entire plot about a literal refugee crisis was just coincidence?

I know you don't. No one can be that dense. That's why you brought up Le Pen.

It's an allegory regardless of whether you admit to the specifics. It's lazy, bad writing. And if it isn't, explain how it's not. Don't just sit there and strawman comparisons to their hair color I never made.
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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Sorry, not gonna discuss this further.
He says, right before discussing it more with someone else.

Gosh, it's almost like you just couldn't come up with a response to my arguments.
I find people who give everything the most uncharitable reading and are paranoid about political messaging
He says, right before framing me as one of the "screeching right-wing Trumptards who suspect a wokester under every bed".

I just pointed out the allegory. Why are you so mad?
The writing in BG1 is fucking ass
He says, "preparing his orifices" for Karlach cock.


May 5, 2012
Does an allegory have to be exact for you to pick up on it?
Yeah I really need it hammered into my head like in asscreed odyssey with its bad guy politician who you know is bad because he has orange hair and says he'll make athens great again.


Feb 4, 2013
Never said that. I said she had orange hair. Not sure if what you posted is a mod or just a newer version.

Orange haired druid, meet orange skinned Trump. That's the reference.
No, that's just the lighting. View her in different light and you see that neither her skin nor her hair is "orange".

do you think the entire plot about a literal refugee crisis was just coincidence?

No, not coincidence. IT'S IN THE FUCKING LORE. The game takes place in 1492 DR, in the current D&D 5E FR setting. The refugees from Elturel made their way to Baldur's Gate, which led to all sorts of problems. I wouldn't be surprised if there was still more to come.

It's an allegory. It's lazy, bad writing. And if it isn't, explain how it's not.
Even if it was an "allegory", that doesn't automatically make it "bad writing". "Me no likey" is not the same as "bad" and by the way, if it was some sort of political morality tale about "muh refugees" then they hardly would have depicted the kids a thieves and scammers. If there is political messaging, it's sure as fuck all over the place.

Don't just sit there and strawman comparisons to their hair color I never made.
You made the comparison TWICE now.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
To be honest the idea of the Trump wall comes to mind kinda easily in Act 1. My main gripe with it is that it lacks weight. Aside from the first encounter with the goblins at the gate, which feels more like a fun goblin butchering party under a sunny sky than a threatening skirmish, you don't live nor see the danger that the Grove supposedly suffers. It feels like a light-hearted summer camp where a grumpy witch wants to break everyone's balls. That diminishes the tension and makes the dilemma less interesting and more one-sided, while on paper it could work much better.
Yup. Compare that to the iron crisis or the bandit crisis, both of which affect the player.

I prefer BG3's non-linear quest design to funneling the player through a series of linear plot points, but I say BG1's plot is overall better written and feels more personal. I don't know why we should save the teiflings or kill them if we can just skip it all and go to the underdark.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
No, that's just the lighting. View her in different light and you see that neither her skin nor her hair is "orange".
I posted two screenshots. Both are in different lighting. One is indoors and the other is outdoors.
No, not coincidence. IT'S IN THE FUCKING LORE.
And? It's still an allegory. You think refugees didn't exist in FR before this? Of course they do. But there's a reason we're sitting through it in BG3.
You made the comparison TWICE now.
Good grief. Learn to read:
Orange haired druid, meet orange skinned Trump. That's the reference.
I'm comparing hair to SKIN. Not hair to hair. And not even actual skin tone, but what the media famously said about Trump's skin.
Even if it was an "allegory"
Goalpost shift incoming.
that doesn't automatically make it "bad writing".
It automatically makes it lazier, ergo worse. And its obviousness, to anyone who isn't in denial, combined with the fact that it's in the game's main plot, makes it far more disruptive than the dumb joke quest about a guy on a cliff from BG1 you were crying about earlier.

Now, go on. Go ahead and do your "I'm not going to discuss this further" bullshit again. :lol:

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
To be honest the idea of the Trump wall comes to mind kinda easily in Act 1. My main gripe with it is that it lacks weight. Aside from the first encounter with the goblins at the gate, which feels more like a fun goblin butchering party under a sunny sky than a threatening skirmish, you don't live nor see the danger that the Grove supposedly suffers. It feels like a light-hearted summer camp where a grumpy witch wants to break everyone's balls. That diminishes the tension and makes the dilemma less interesting and more one-sided, while on paper it could work much better.
This was pretty much my impression of it. And as soon as I saw her nut out and try to kill some little girl over nothing I just rolled my eyes.

If you have two sides in a political issue, why present one as cartoonishly evil? This could have been more interesting, but as is, it's just a snooze.

Yet this is the writing Kiste says is so much better than BG1 and 2.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
In all fairness while she's a bit unhinged she doesn't exactly try to kill the girl. She tries to threaten and imprison her, but if things take a bad turn her serpent ends up actually biting.
You're right, but then she gives not a single shit after the kid dies lol.

That said, I know they made some revisions to the quest (and possibly to her appearance) since the initial release. My impressions are based more upon the first release than newer updates. I *think* they may have had her be remorseful eventually for the kid's death at some point. Been a while since I've played it. Still locked the kid up though.

Feel free to tell me the changes between versions, but I'm still sticking to my guns and saying that this bizarre rant about how much better BG3's writing is than BG1 & 2, and making that comparison using one joke quest about a guy on a cliff in BG1 is silly.
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Feb 4, 2013
I posted two screenshots. Both are in different lighting. One is indoors and the other is outdoors.

Want me to post 3 more images of her in different light?

It automatically makes it lazier, ergo worse. And its obviousness, to anyone who isn't in denial, combined with the fact that it's in the game's main plot, makes it far more disruptive than the dumb joke quest about a guy on a cliff from BG1 you were crying about earlier.

It makes it more "disruptive" to politically oversensitive cunts like yourself. Between the fucking SJWs tone policing everything from the one side and assholes like yourself determined to root out suspected wokeism on the other side, it becomes next night impossible to create any content that doesnt piss anyone off.

Yup. Compare that to the iron crisis or the bandit crisis, both of which affect the player.

And again with the "GREAT WRITING" of BG1, where the only reason you fucking get involved in anything is because every fucking retard your pick up for you group, none of which have a real reason to join you btw., tells you to go to Nashkel because they have business there.


Dec 27, 2020
Opinions about point buy vs. rolling also reflect basic philosophy about what a tabletop RPG should be. If you prefer rolling, the emphasis is on doing what you can with the character given to you in the expectation that all characters are fragile mortals unlikely to survive through the early levels. If you believe in point buy, a balanced character is important because either the DM will fudge for you, keep gutter-guards on the campaign with CR balancing, or will protect your character with save-scumming.

BG3 like BG1/2 are static campaigns with minimal random elements made with the expectation of saving and loading, so point buy makes way more sense because the characters are not expendable. The rules of the game allow players to effectively make every character invincible if they so choose by just reloading any poor result. The static issue is not THAT big of a deal because relatively static adventures are also a staple of tabletop, but what matters are player expectations.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Want me to post 3 more images of her in different light?
I've posted two. You can post 10. I think people can make their decision using their own eyes at this point. Same with the rest of your bickering.
And again with the "GREAT WRITING" of BG1, where the only reason you fucking get involved in anything is because every fucking retard you pick up for you group tells you to go to Nashkel because they have business there.
I usually solo the game. There are multiple NPCs that aren't in the party that will try to hint that the iron crisis is a problem. Same with the bandit crisis.

As I said, I prefer BG3's non-linearity, but the actual concept is better in BG1. I'd rather have an interesting quest than 3 or 4 ways to solve or skip a boring, allegorical quest that has nothing to do with me.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Opinions about point buy vs. rolling also reflect basic philosophy about what a tabletop RPG should be. If you prefer rolling, the emphasis is on doing what you can with the character given to you in the expectation that all characters are fragile mortals unlikely to survive through the early levels. If you believe in point buy, a balanced character is important because either the DM will fudge for you, keep gutter-guards on the campaign with CR balancing, or will protect your character with save-scumming.
Eh. I just like rolling more because I don't want to min/max. It's kind of why I don't like 3.5E and the spreadsheet builds people come up with.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
I once had a guy that simply could not roll well on his stats. Every time he rolled he ended up with fucking terrible distributions. I must have given him like 6-7 rerolls until eventually I was like dude just use standard array

Meanwhile the girl in the party, who had never played D&D before, rolled godlike stats first time for her Ranger and everyone was laughing about it

People can get really sore about rolling stats, I honestly don't know if it's worth the hassle

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I once had a guy that simply could not roll well on his stats. Every time he rolled he ended up with fucking terrible distributions. I must have given him like 6-7 rerolls until eventually I was like dude just use standard array

Meanwhile the girl in the party, who had never played D&D before, rolled godlike stats first time for her Ranger and everyone was laughing about it

People can get really sore about rolling stats, I honestly don't know if it's worth the hassle
I can understand that, but Volourn was saying he at least wanted the option of rolling, and I agree.

There's something that's just fun about rolling stats too. The gambling element of it. Of course, games kind of ruin that by letting you reroll ad infinitum, but still.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
I would like to point out that even if point buy is the better system for a CRPG, there's no reason not to offer rolling for stats as an option for players - it says a lot that they can't be bothered to implement that

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I would like to point out that even if point buy is the better system for a CRPG, there's no reason not to offer rolling for stats as an option for players - it says a lot that they can't be bothered to implement that
Too busy implementing pronouns, tranny demons and gay bear sex.

Priorities, pls understan :M

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