and people have repeatedly tried to intimidate those who don't like where this game is going into stopping to participate.
Please prove that. I have been following it too, and claiming that anyone was intimidating anybody else over an unreleased VIDEO GAME is asinine to the point of ludicrous. Bad troll at this point.
There has absolutely been intimidation. I have received a lot of private messages. Including Krispy who gave me a stern warning. Infinitron (turn based fanatic, constantly shows his bias for it over rtwp) banned me from participating in this thread because I spoke against a turn based game, which we all know he loves. He has also attached tags to my name to try to minimize what I say in the eyes of the people. All this because he's a Larian cultist, and use bias towards anything tb. That's a prime example of intimidating people into silence.
You fanboy fuckers even invaded the BG3-hate thread (which shouldn't exist in the first place) and downvote every "BG3-hater" there.
It's a great and valid thread. Not sure what you mean by this. But they absolutely TRIED to invade it. They can't have people say anything against their precious cult leader and his private studio. Even when it's easily out of their sight.
Why pay money for making a game in certain setting, when they could make game in theirs own setting for free?
Because they realized that it sucked. Passionate people don't spend some 15 years making their own universe only to drop it the second someone offers them a different one. Swen practically begged them for the chance to work on bg3 and Mike mearls was stupid enough to let him. Imagine developing a world for that long and then dropping it. If swen can't even maintain his own world and make it something he's proud and passionate about, why would you trust him with a different one. Imagine dropping something you've been working on for that long. Swen is spineless and has zero passion. He has no faith in his own product, yet his cultists will defend it until the end of time.