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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 RELEASE THREAD

Aug 10, 2023
I'm completely ignorant of what D&D is and so I'll run my mouth.

You'd be surprised since Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson were both Christians. Staunchly at that. Let me show you how wrong you are with the TSR Code of Ethics circa 1984.


Point 4. All scenes of horror, excessive bloodshed, gory or gruesome scenes, depravity, lust, sadism, and masochism shall not be permitted.

Point 6. Profanity, obscenity/smut, vulgarity or words or symbols which have aquired undesirable meanings - judged by contemporary standards - are prohibited.

I draw your attention to point 10. Nudity in any form is prohibited. Suggestive and salacious scenes are unacceptable.

Point 11. Illicit sex relations are not to be portrayed or discussed and sexual abnormalities are unacceptable.

Point 12. Rape or seduction are never to be portrayed or discussed.

Notice point 13. It clearly says Sex perversion or any inference to same is strictly forbidden.

So you just lied about what is D&D. 6 of 13 points says that you're a goddamn liar.

Did you have anything intelligent to add that actually pertains to the history of the D&D game?

Well, in that case BG/BG2 had already screwed the pooch (so to speak :) ) and this game is just a further slide down the slippery slope.

You should play this though James, there is some fun to be had with it - it's 70% well done responsive virtual world with great moments of immersion, 30% degenerate trash, something like that. It's more a good game than it is bad, and the good bits are sometimes very good indeed, fully as good (relative to time) as the BGs.

I think the reason why this is a hit is the same reason why the BGs were breakout hits - at its best, the CRPG is an adventure simulator and a gesamtkunstwerk (a total work of art using various different artistic forms), and the better the graphics the better that can be brought out. Because we can't yet have realtime (holodeck-like) simulation, we make do with abstraction, and abstraction has its own intrinsic charms, but fundamentally the holodeck is what most people really want, and CRPGs are occasional hits the closer they inch to that every few generations.

And as to the 5e issue, yeah it's streamlined, and yeah I like the quasi-simulationist intricacy of the older systems, but there's something to be said for combat that flows quickly and smoothly too. It depends on how you look at it, and sometimes just what mood you're in. Well it is for me anyway, I like all sorts of games and take them for what they are.
BG2 is a bit prudish compared to the incel shit in BG3 tbh. Who knew we would look back at Gaider and admire his restraint?
Because the old bgs never depicted the realms by the creator vision. And games at the time were aimed to teens. Wich is not the case for BG3. Bg3 is more true to the original FR creator vision.
Didn’t Dixon just establish Greenwood came later with his incel fantasy shit?
Ed created the forgotten realms.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Because the old bgs never depicted the realms by the creator vision. And games at the time were aimed to teens. Wich is not the case for BG3. Bg3 is more true to the original FR creator vision.

They actually did you moron. See the attached Code of Ethics that BG 1 & 2 were made under. I know lying is a sport for you, but even this one is a whopper.

The games were reviewed by TSR with David Zeb Cook writing the introduction. It's hilarious that such a readily available information shows you to be so wrong.

Then Gary agreed with Ed vision. Hat was what i posted. Wrong again.

He didn't and if Ed had tried this Gary would have sent him packing just like he did Jean Wells. Wrong again. I have the books you old grandma and you don't. I've played Forgotten Realms since 1987 when it was published. I have all the AD&D 1E and 2E books. What do you have? Nothing...

Didn’t Dixon just establish Greenwood came later with his incel fantasy shit?

I did. All of the incel fantasy shit came out after Wizards bought TSR. The Code of Ethics prohibited degeneracy from being published.

Ed created the forgotten realms

What are you two fucking years old? For a 50 year old hag you sure act like it.

Gary and Dave created D&D. They also created TSR that made the rules for Ed to use. If it wasn't for them or their company Ed never would have been published.
Last edited:


Apr 23, 2008
São Paulo - Brazil
My motivation to play has slowed to such a crawl that I'm still hanging around near the start of act 3, a few days after getting there. Probably my fault for playing so hard that I put about 60 hours in in four days, lol. 60 very enjoyable hours though.

I didn't like the brothel when you get past the first gate guards btw. First time in the game where I actually felt like an ideology was being forced on me by the writers, given that all your dialogue options are "I love this place! Sex work is real work! Prostitution is great! There is no such thing as exploitation of women!". Also lol @ half the brothel patrons being female, modern (presumably male) game writers love doing that even though it simply bears no resemblance to reality and is actually harder to believe than the existence of dragons and shit.

I decided to attack the proprietor anyway to make up for it. [INTIMIDATION] check deals with the guards, muahahaha.
Yeah, I just got through that brothel part. It was probably the lamest brothel I've ever saw on a cRPG (even the Ten Thousand Delights from Pathfinder WOTR seems good in comparison).

Aside from the wood nymph room encounter, everything else is pretty bland... even hiring the female drow sex worker, only thing you get is a badly written foreplay description with lights off "because she's new to the business and doesn't like to go all the way yet". Didn't try to hire the male drow because I was already too busy trying not to get buttraped by my male NPC companions, so why I'd pay to see if I'd get the very thing I was avoiding at first place...

Also, like you said half the patrons are female, you get 4 sex workers (plus a dead one) to attend all of them and by attending I mean they talk to you as in a sex therapy counselling 101 class. Even the bartender is a butch lesbian stereotype whose dialogue would fit better in a California bar than in a fantasy setting.


Dec 22, 2018
Btw. while I really like the game overall, and I think some locations even managed to capture the BG2 feel and magic (Hag quest for example, really damn good) I think the whole "new level of reactivity and C&C blahblahblah" thing that Larian fans promised, was blown out of proportion. So far it doesn't seem any more reactive than games like DA:O, and choices are mostly fake and lead to the same outcomes. Not to mention the devs clearly were expecting you would follow locations in certain order, and doing it differently makes a lot of quests and dialogues feel really weird and inconsistent, and in some cases straight up breaks shit.

In this aspect, Arcanum is still unrivaled. I wonder if the combat wasn't such a fucking mess and they had some more Bioware-like companion romances and shit, if it could've become a hit and make it to mainstream like BG3 did, instead of ending up as a niche "flawed gem" RPG that no one but few autists care about.
Aug 10, 2023
Because the old bgs never depicted the realms by the creator vision. And games at the time were aimed to teens. Wich is not the case for BG3. Bg3 is more true to the original FR creator vision.

They actually did you moron. See the attached Code of Ethics that BG 1 & 2 were made under. I know lying is a sport for you, but even this one is a whopper.

The games were reviewed by TSR with David Zeb Cook writing the introduction. It's hilarious that such a readily available information shows you to be so wrong.

Then Gary agreed with Ed vision. Hat was what i posted. Wrong again.

He didn't and if Ed had tried this Gary would have sent him packing just like he did Jean Wells. Wrong again. I have the books you old grandma and you don't. I've played Forgotten Realms since 1984 when it was published. I have all the AD&D 1E and 2E books. What do you have? Nothing...

Didn’t Dixon just establish Greenwood came later with his incel fantasy shit?

I did. All of the incel fantasy shit came out after Wizards bought TSR. The Code of Ethics prohibited degeneracy from being pA system is not ublished.

Ed created the forgotten realms

What are you two fucking years old? For a 50 year old hag you sure act like it.

Gary and Dave created D&D. They also created TSR that made the rules for Ed to use. If it wasn't for them or their company Ed never would have been published.
A system is not a setting.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
A system is not a setting.

This folks is the sad, tired old hag's final defense for all the idiocy she posted over the past four to five pages. It's a system is not a setting. Seriously, a one year old could come up with a better debate point for all the evidence showing her to be wrong.

Bravo Mebs for being the board retard.

If you have anything intelligent or worthwhile to add please let me know. I just enjoy the verbal beatdowns I give you and you must love them because you keep coming back. It's true that women love assholes.


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
People actually enjoy having sex, you know?

But it's a computer game, you're not actually having sex.

I bow to no man in terms of having indulged in the occasional Loverslab binge, but the question is should that sort of thing be normalized in a mass public product?

And moreover, should the most perverted forms of paraphilia be normalized in a mass public product? Granted, compared to some Loverslab stuff, this is still fairly milquetoast, but it's edging towards it.

The sort of shit that's in this game should remain risque, underground, it should not put on public display. Children should have no idea about any of this kind of thing until they're of an age to make their own informed, responsible decisions about it.

And the idea that it cannot be controlled - that it's all some ungovernable phenomenon, like the weather - is nonsense too.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
People fail to realize the old games were actually watered down by mature content by design. But the setting is not. They cry about degeneracy, but they show ignorance. Larian did only the sensitive thing by implementing a game with the content, as the old creator of the setting meant. Is it just that Interplay and Bioware at the time were pretty selective with the content in order to deliver a teen-friendly experience? So yes, when you complain about degeneracy, you clearly have no clue what there is and was in Forgotten Realms or D&D, and you are projecting your own false perception of how it was.

The game is pretty good; it has more choice, consequences, and character agency than any RPG could only dream about. It looks pretty and plays well; the only complaint I have is the UI. But you can get used to it once you learn how it works.
Also again why are you here?
We get it you don't like the game but no ammount of whining, crying and pointing finger will make us like less the game. All you will obtain is being laughting stock.

Wtf are you talking about? D&D is what you make it. There is no inherent degeneracy in the lore. In fact if you think about it, wouldn't some of these Gods and their clerics and paladins be against degeneracy and fags and trans. Or that doesn't fit your head cannon faggot?
Haem no.

"As to sexual attitudes in the Realms, there is indeed local prejudice against individuals who have “different” or “unusual” sexuality—bigotry and a dislike of change and “what’s not usual” is everywhere and is (unfortunately) part of being human.
Specific religions often invoke temporary abstinence as punishments for transgressions against the creed of the faith, but other matters sexual are usually ignored in doctrine, rather than policed by doctrine (consecration or baptism of willing, old-enough-to-choose offspring being an important exception; this is urged and promoted by almost all Faerûnian faiths).
Yet in a polytheistic setting in which everyone “believes in” and worships (in some fashion, even if it’s only “Here’s a prayer, now please don’t bother me today”) ALL of the gods, clergy avoid endorsing discrimination against someone because of sex. Which doesn’t mean they won’t severely speak to someone they think does something inappropriate, like trying to fornicate with grieving individuals at a funeral, or anyone forcing their attentions on someone except a recipient receiving such attentions as part of a ritual to Loviatar or Sharess or Sune or Shiallia the recipient has agreed beforehand to take part in, and knows what this will mean [[in other words, self-chosen submission is acceptable, but being on the receiving end of forced and unwanted sex is not]].
Shiallia wants all creatures to reproduce and multiply, which means fertile females should engage in sex with partners of their choice, regardless of their marital state (and all devout worshippers of the goddess should help in the feeding and rearing of said offspring); it does NOT mean those fertile females have to accept the advances of every passing creature.
In general, “anything goes” in the wilderness, the settled status quo is most valued (and adhered to) in small villages and towns, and as places get larger and have more contact with the wider Realms (market towns, being on caravan routes), the more tolerant and varied sexuality can be found and is tolerated/ignored. Bisexual characters exist in the Realms and always have done, as have “out” homosexual characters, May/December partnerships, polygamy, and just about everything else.

Yet matters sexual are seldom the “big deal” in the Realms that it is in any real-world area dominated by one faith, where clerics of that faith presume to tell others “how to behave.” The polytheistic nature of the Realms is one reason for this, and another is the D&D® game itself, that with its array of sentient races, presents what some would call “bestiality” or other terms for “coupling with other races” as a fait accompli (otherwise, there would be no “half-elves” or “half-orcs”).

Yes, this has all been discussed before, but that’s okay. The computerized search-fu in the Keep is frail, but the minds of its scribes are sharp, quick, and apt to dredge up old lines from older scrolls when the need arises.
The beauty of fantasy roleplaying, and the Realms, is that anyone playing in it can include or leave out or ignore or gloss over what they want to or are most comfortable with. The darkness creeps in when one player or group tries to impose their preferences on everyone else.

Some festhalls, brothels, and clubs signal whom or what they cater to, but most don’t; locals just “know” (and tavernmasters and innkeepers will discreetly answer queries as to “where to go” without misleading or reacting with hostility to such questions; correctly guiding guests without making judgments is just part of their livelihood). Carved signboards are the most common advertisement (depicting entwined, kissing couples or triads or quartets, usually in no more detail than heads, arms, shoulders, and bared breasts, with the participants indicating what “goes” inside: for example, two men together, or a lizard man and a human female, with a free hand raised to hold a glass if it’s also a drinking club, or holding a hand of cards or a platter of food to indicate a gambling establishment or that food is served, and so on)."

Ed Greenwood.
Shut the fuck up woman


Sep 5, 2019
I find it a bit strange that I have no need for a wizard in my party.

Just my impression or full arcane casters are less essential here?
I've thought the same. Party composition so far seems to be more of a matter of picking what utility you want and letting scrolls and potions fill in the gaps. Haven't encountered a moment where I felt I needed a wizard or sorcerer.
Aug 10, 2023
A system is not a setting.

This folks is the sad, tired old hag's final defense for all the idiocy she posted over the past four to five pages. It's a system is not a setting. Seriously, a one year old could come up with a better debate point for all the evidence showing her to be wrong.

Bravo Mebs for being the board retard.

If you have anything intelligent or worthwhile to add please let me know. I just enjoy the verbal beatdowns I give you and you must love them because you keep coming back. It's true that women love assholes.
No is logic. Gygax created DnD greenwood created a setting. If like you said Gygax agreed to publish that setting despite its contents means that guide he wrote was not even taken in consideration. 1+1=2
Is not rocket science.
Forgotten Realms are as they are and were always like that it is you that you are falling from the cloud and delude yourself to think otherwise because you have your idealized version of them that are far from reality.
Also if you dislike the game why are you even in this thread just to do virtue signaling? Thanks but no thanks dude.


Apr 16, 2018
Oh fuck it just gets worse, take a hint nigger.

If what I read on reddit is true, this thing here is pretty much the whole "poly" thing they advertised with romances. Every companion is monogamous, except if you also want to fuck Halsin, then you can have him convince the other companion to "share" and engage in bear fucking with you. Y'all thought companions are all playersexual, but they're also all bearsexual.

I have a really strong feeling that Halsin is just a self-insert of one of the Larian writers who's really into furry shit.
Nice drip tho. I need that for Astarion.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I bow to no man in terms of having indulged in the occasional Loverslab binge, but the question is should that sort of thing be normalized in a mass public product?
Going by the Steam forums, I would say no. Many are dissatisfied with this aspect, and the defenders can only harp on 2 points - calling people homophobes & saying you can turn down the advances, which is missing the point of pure camaraderie. I'm actually a bit surprised by this, I guess the limit for the public was BioWare-style romances, this is a step too far... apparently.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
A system is not a setting.

This folks is the sad, tired old hag's final defense for all the idiocy she posted over the past four to five pages. It's a system is not a setting. Seriously, a one year old could come up with a better debate point for all the evidence showing her to be wrong.

Bravo Mebs for being the board retard.

If you have anything intelligent or worthwhile to add please let me know. I just enjoy the verbal beatdowns I give you and you must love them because you keep coming back. It's true that women love assholes.
No is logic. Gygax created DnD greenwood created a setting. If like you said Gygax agreed to publish that setting despite its contents means that guide he wrote was not even taken in consideration. 1+1=2
Is not rocket science.
Forgotten Realms are as they are and were always like that it is you that you are falling from the cloud and delude yourself to think otherwise because you have your idealized version of them that are far from reality.
Also if you dislike the game why are you even in this thread just to do virtue signaling? Thanks but no thanks dude.

Do you speak English?

What logic? You haven't shown any. All we see is you running your mouth like an idiot saying stupid things with no proof. It's already been established that the sexual deviancy never would have been published by TSR. In fact, I have the entire catalogue of what they produced for Forgotten Realms and there isn't any.

The only one that's in delusion is you. You refuse to acknowledge the fact you are wrong and that I have all the facts on my side.
Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
I'm at the beginning of Act 3 now.. Just got my Nth meeting with Raphael and then my audience with Gortash.
Holy shit, how does this game keep getting better and better?

Best thing is that this stuff comes with the realization that this is the type of game that will ACTUALLY let you choose to stick with any of these allegiances and see the consequences of each play out to the end.
Aug 10, 2023
A system is not a setting.

This folks is the sad, tired old hag's final defense for all the idiocy she posted over the past four to five pages. It's a system is not a setting. Seriously, a one year old could come up with a better debate point for all the evidence showing her to be wrong.

Bravo Mebs for being the board retard.

If you have anything intelligent or worthwhile to add please let me know. I just enjoy the verbal beatdowns I give you and you must love them because you keep coming back. It's true that women love assholes.
No is logic. Gygax created DnD greenwood created a setting. If like you said Gygax agreed to publish that setting despite its contents means that guide he wrote was not even taken in consideration. 1+1=2
Is not rocket science.
Forgotten Realms are as they are and were always like that it is you that you are falling from the cloud and delude yourself to think otherwise because you have your idealized version of them that are far from reality.
Also if you dislike the game why are you even in this thread just to do virtue signaling? Thanks but no thanks dude.

Do you speak English?

What logic? You haven't shown any. All we see is you running your mouth like an idiot saying stupid things with no proof. It's already been established that the sexual deviancy never would have been published by TSR. In fact, I have the entire catalogue of what they produced for Forgotten Realms and there isn't any.

The only one that's in delusion is you. You refuse to acknowledge the fact you are wrong and that I have all the facts on my side.
When Gary Gygax "lost control of TSR in 1985, the company saw an opportunity to move beyond Greyhawk and introduce a new default setting".[9]: 87  In 1986, TSR began looking for a new campaign setting for AD&D,[5]: 72  and assigned Jeff Grubb to find out more about the setting used by Greenwood as portrayed in his articles in Dragon.
Gigax has nothing to do with FR.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
When Gary Gygax "lost control of TSR in 1985, the company saw an opportunity to move beyond Greyhawk and introduce a new default setting".[9]: 87  In 1986, TSR began looking for a new campaign setting for AD&D,[5]: 72  and assigned Jeff Grubb to find out more about the setting used by Greenwood as portrayed in his articles in Dragon.

Yes and the Code of Ethics remained in place until Wizards took control of the company in 1998.

Oh citing Wikipedia is idiotic.

Also, TSR bought Forgotten Realms from Ed. It was later bought by Wizards. Ed had zero control over the setting once he sold it just like Gary lost control of Greyhawk.

You still lose.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
Lae'zel frog jump OP as fuck as usual. "Oh no! How will we get past the second set of gate guards?" I'll tell you how, Lae'zel will fucking jump over their stupid heads, that's how. Now I just have to figure out how the fuck to get the rest of my party in, especially chunky old Karlach who can barely jump without breaking both legs.


Jul 14, 2023

I have a really strong feeling that Halsin is just a self-insert of one of the Larian writers who's really into furry shit.
He only exists as a companion/romance at all because twitter and reddit got so hot and bothered for him when he was just a camp follower in EA that they expanded his role, so it makes sense that his dialogue is so horny at times, he's pure fan service (confirmed by the VA https://twitter.com/DaveJonesActor/status/1678746026679709703)
Aug 10, 2023
When Gary Gygax "lost control of TSR in 1985, the company saw an opportunity to move beyond Greyhawk and introduce a new default setting".[9]: 87  In 1986, TSR began looking for a new campaign setting for AD&D,[5]: 72  and assigned Jeff Grubb to find out more about the setting used by Greenwood as portrayed in his articles in Dragon.

Yes and the Code of Ethics remained in place until Wizards took control of the company in 1998.

Oh citing Wikipedia is idiotic.

Also, TSR bought Forgotten Realms from Ed. It was later bought by Wizards. Ed had zero control over the setting once he sold it just like Gary lost control of Greyhawk.

You still lose.
Well i am glad they lose control then so Greenwood could envision its setting as he wanted. And once again i am nit wrong FR is as i said now back to your cope.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Well i am glad they lose control then so Greenwood could envision its setting as he wanted. And once again i am nit wrong FR is as i said now back to your cope.

This is what we call denial folks. A woman is delusional since she made the idiotic claim that D&D had always had perversion in it. When confronted with actual proof that it was impossible for it to be there she still clings to her delusion.

Ed doesn't have control you moron. Wizards does. I swear you have a defective brain pan.

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