The game starts off fairly tame but each act ups the bigger and women quota and of course adds nigger-coded non-Human races. Act 3 is full on Coontown.
Well good for me I have no issues with women or niggers.
You would if you weren't a faggot.
I almost quit NWN2 because i objected to a woman being the leader of the city guards. It's not only anachronistic, but women shouldn't lead anything even remotely connected to anything military. It's as unnatural as faggotry.
As for niggers, they don't belong in muh Eruopean based setting either. I knew this even as a kid, since i was completely non-plussed by the sorcerer in Diablo 1 but the black skinned paladin in Diablo 2 pissed me off to no end. I knew nothing about politics then, i just recognized how unnatural it was, kinda like a samuari being portrayed by a Scandinavian. Fantasy or not, those games are based on real historical archetypes and should reflect that. Robert E. Howard did it perfectly here. But then he was a racist so he was based.
A) Forgotten realms are not inherently European.
B) Forgotten realms have very powerful male and female figures in the setting, both heroes and villains.
If you quit NWN2 for that, you clearly made a mistake by buying the game in the first place, as Forgotten Realms and many other classic fantasy settings, Hyboria included (Conan the Barbarian), always had females or males in positions of power. Imagine expect historical accurancy in a Fantasy Setting.
You are beyond retarded pal XD.