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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 RELEASE THREAD


Apr 16, 2018
It's common sense to keep all the items that are obviously meant to be armor crafting materials tbh, with or without a NPC bringing it to your attention.

I like money.

Not obvious enough that he tells you to hold onto it so he can make shit for you later? :D

I must have missed this conversation. I carried it with me for as long as mountain pass area. Well, learning curve. My bad.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
BTW, if you don't rest-spam I find romances to be progressing at a normal pace. From my wine-drinking date with Shadowheart to my gifting her the black orchid, I had about 25 realtime hours of gameplay. It feels like quite a lot of time has passed.
That isn't related to resting or lack thereof; Shadowheart has one scene at the celebration following resolution of the Druid/Tiefling/Goblin conflict in Act I, a second scene involving a night orchid in Act II, and consummation of the romance at the beginning of Act III, which for a completionist will be about 50 hours into a playthrough.

The only problem seems to be with Gale being able to come to you multiple times even if you've refused him, which seems more like a bug than anything else.
With Gale, it seems that refusing to experience the "Weave" nips any "romance" in the bud, but of course the player wouldn't ordinarily expect a seemingly innocuous request to lead directly into a romance. Similarly, Halsin might be shut down entirely if the player selects the rude dialogue option at the party, but encouraging him to drink and mingle is interpreted by the game's scripting as resulting in a come-on in his next dialogue followed by a second attempt much later in the game. Poor writing and poor scripting on the part of Larian, combined with the intentional decision to have every companion available for romance with every player-character.
Vatnik Wumao
Oct 2, 2018
It's common sense to keep all the items that are obviously meant to be armor crafting materials tbh, with or without a NPC bringing it to your attention.
I like money.
What do you even need it for tho? Most stuff that vendors sell is meh.
I'd love to buy a bag of holding if that becomes available later on. My hoarding ways make it extremely tedious to manage my inventory without getting encumbered quite often.


Just like Yves, I chase tales.
May 3, 2018
The land of ice and snow.
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
That isn't related to resting or lack thereof; Shadowheart has one scene at the celebration following resolution of the Druid/Tiefling/Goblin conflict in Act I, a second scene involving a night orchid in Act II, and consummation of the romance at the beginning of Act III, which for a completionist will be about 50 hours into a playthrough.
Whoever wrote Shadowheart's stuff is the only person getting close to the idea of "a writer", for me.

Literally all of the other ones should go back to writing school.


Nov 21, 2021

The only problem seems to be with Gale being able to come to you multiple times even if you've refused him, which seems more like a bug than anything else.
With Gale, it seems that refusing to experience the "Weave" nips any "romance" in the bud, but of course the player wouldn't ordinarily expect a seemingly innocuous request to lead directly into a romance. Similarly, Halsin might be shut down entirely if the player selects the rude dialogue option at the party, but encouraging him to drink and mingle is interpreted by the game's scripting as resulting in a come-on in his next dialogue followed by a second attempt much later in the game. Poor writing and poor scripting on the part of Larian, combined with the intentional decision to have every companion available for romance with every player-character.

Gays and trannies actually tried to argue we should have known checking on a friend who seemed down at a party was obviously sexual (even a friend of the same sex) and that you were socially retarded if you didn't understand it was sexual.


Mar 23, 2015
That isn't related to resting or lack thereof; Shadowheart has one scene at the celebration following resolution of the Druid/Tiefling/Goblin conflict in Act I, a second scene involving a night orchid in Act II, and consummation of the romance at the beginning of Act III, which for a completionist will be about 50 hours into a playthrough.
Whoever wrote Shadowheart's stuff is the only person getting close to the idea of "a writer", for me.

Literally all of the other ones should go back to writing school.
Didn't they write exactly what Swen asked them to?

Seems to be working.


Nov 21, 2021
I'd like the faggots and trannies who were defending the party and romance system before to admit they were wrong and that it's complete shit.


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
Whitoids that love niggers this much should be forced to live in the projects so they can be next to their "pets". Interestingly, the ones yelling the loudest have absolutely NO exposure to real "diversity", funny that...
I live in one of the highest immigration areas of the UK and I think the mod is retarded shit made by chickenshit racists who cry in terror if everyone in their game doesn't look like Hank Hill. I think everyone who downloads the mod non-ironically has the mental equivalent of AIDS. Furthermore, I would destroy you in hand-to-hand combat in real life.

My mod to make Shadowheart black will release soon, and I'll transmit it to your computer by any means necessary. I will use Elevenlabs AI Whoopi Goldberg for the voice acting. It's all over for you.

Similarly, Halsin might be shut down entirely if the player selects the rude dialogue option at the party, but encouraging him to drink and mingle is interpreted by the game's scripting as resulting in a come-on in his next dialogue followed by a second attempt much later in the game.
Is that intentional? I legit thought my game was bugged, I tell the fat Masters-of-the-Universe-looking bastard to go have a drink or whatever and the next day all my dialogue is me being like "u-um a-about last night... :3" even though nothing happened last night and I exchanged less words with him than the average person does with their houseplant. Thought it was just one of the many bugged triggers that seem to exist, like Lae'zel having no dialogue with me for the entire game.


Apr 16, 2020
Behead all those who slander BG I name, just reading characters bio and items descriptions allows player to immerse himself in beautiful fantasy world.


Sep 1, 2021


Apr 16, 2020

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
Yes I cant wait to see all the trannies and animal sex options Todd managed to add in a month, to beat BG3
Is it even an RPG at this point if it doesn't have customisable genitals?
Can't wait for Josh Sawyer to say "I would consider Fallout: New Vegas an RPG only by the definitions of its time. If someone were to make Fallout: New Vegas today, I would not consider it to be an RPG, since it lacks the option to create a tranny player-character."

SawyerInterview said:
A friend of mine who used to work in game design says that the biggest problem with roleplaying game stories is that developers mistake writing more for writing better and that other genres are better suited for interactive storytelling. What do you think

If the central narrative is meaningfully interactive, I would classify it as an RPG. That is, I consider interactive storytelling to be the primary defining characteristic of RPGs.

I don't disagree that some designers write too much, but I think that's an indictment of specific content, not the fundamentals behind the genre.

You would not consider old dungeon crawlers as RPGs, then? And do not many adventure games center around interactive storytelling?

I would consider them RPGs by the definitions of their time. If someone were to make Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord today, I would not consider it to be an RPG.


Dec 22, 2018
People in the sub really hate the endings.. Is true tho? The ending is THAT bad?
Does this really need asnwering? Even Larianfags who couple days ago were singing praises about muh storytelling and OH THE DIVERSITY and screeching about the best game ever made, are now whining about the last act and ending, and feel cheated. Imagine how bad the ending must be, to make twitter tranny who just went through the 100 hours of the most woke experience in xir life, decide to stop simping and criticize the game. Yes, it's that bad.


Jun 13, 2019
Karlach thing has people screaming.
I know that ''Lae'zel's arc'' got her fans and hater figthing lol.
Does this really need asnwering? Even Larianfags who couple days ago were singing praises about muh storytelling and OH THE DIVERSITY and screeching about the best game ever made, are now whining about the last act and ending, and feel cheated. Imagine how bad the ending must be, to make twitter tranny who just went through the 100 hours of the most woke experience in xir life, decide to stop simping and criticize the game. Yes, it's that bad.
Damn ,this sounds worse Kingmaker and Wrath last acts. And those were already pretty bad.


Apr 16, 2018
efinitely more of a male thing but if female players wanted to bring up that criticism I wouldn't disagree.

Implying women would know about real camaraderie.
Not to the degree that men do. Especially in the context of adventure and battle. That's more of a man's domain.

The one thing I learned in several work environments is that there is no glass ceiling but the inability of most women to form networks to help each other on their career path. Most women will always try to get a foothold in male networks, because that is much more easy.


Apr 16, 2018
People in the sub really hate the endings.. Is true tho? The ending is THAT bad?
Yes, no, maybe. It's no ME3 by far, but it's way less engaging than it should be. Boring almost. Also the Karlach thing has people screaming.

Imagine getting so attached to Karlach that you care about her ending. I ended her right there where I found her. Great character arc.

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
It's common sense to keep all the items that are obviously meant to be armor crafting materials tbh, with or without a NPC bringing it to your attention.
I like money.
What do you even need it for tho? Most stuff that vendors sell is meh.
I'd love to buy a bag of holding if that becomes available later on. My hoarding ways make it extremely tedious to manage my inventory without getting encumbered quite often.
Did you get the mundane chest? I think it's in the Arcane Tower. That's the closest thing that I can think of.


Dec 22, 2018
Karlach thing has people screaming.
I know that ''Lae'zel's arc'' got her fans and hater figthing lol.
Does this really need asnwering? Even Larianfags who couple days ago were singing praises about muh storytelling and OH THE DIVERSITY and screeching about the best game ever made, are now whining about the last act and ending, and feel cheated. Imagine how bad the ending must be, to make twitter tranny who just went through the 100 hours of the most woke experience in xir life, decide to stop simping and criticize the game. Yes, it's that bad.
Damn ,this sounds worse Kingmaker and Wrath last acts. And those were already pretty bad.
Kingmaker/wrath later acts were mostly disliked for mechanical reasons, bugs, too much statbloat in enemies, etc. their story wasn't much worse than the rest of the game, just consistently meh.

BG3 last act while also bugged and messy af, is mostly bad from the storytelling standpoint, it just gets absolutely retarded the further you go, and the endings are pretty much Mass Effect 3 "choose the color" ending tier crap.

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