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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 RELEASE THREAD


Oct 5, 2018
efinitely more of a male thing but if female players wanted to bring up that criticism I wouldn't disagree.

Implying women would know about real camaraderie.
Not to the degree that men do. Especially in the context of adventure and battle. That's more of a man's domain.

The one thing I learned in several work environments is that there is no glass ceiling but the inability of most women to form networks to help each other on their career path. Most women will always try to get a foothold in male networks, because that is much more easy.
Dudes rock


Oct 18, 2005
Codex 2012 Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014
But this, and arguably companions/soundtrack are pretty much only things BG2 does better.

I'm not familiar with the composer so maybe someone else can elucidate but why are the compositions so very simplistic? It's like it's babby's first synthesiser a lot of the time. Like much of BG3 there are flashes of greatness but we quickly return to something much more anodyne and boring.

Thats a fucking mystery for sure. It's the same bulgarian that did DOS2 and that game's soundtrack was fire.


Oct 5, 2018
efinitely more of a male thing but if female players wanted to bring up that criticism I wouldn't disagree.

Implying women would know about real camaraderie.
Not to the degree that men do. Especially in the context of adventure and battle. That's more of a man's domain.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
I was wondering if Larian would be able to resist the temptation to DOSify the combat, got my answer with the poz-worm superpowers. Its not as egregious as the dragonball z combat of high level DOS2 but its still a little :roll: . Between feats, gear abilities and worm powers, the balance even on tactician seems to quickly shifting towards overpowered.
They're not that OP. And they require sticking worms in your head.

The real superpowers come in Act 3, but only with a bit of a sacrifice. I'd call flying as movement very OP.
Meanwhile, if you pic a white male human, you'll see make 3 or 4 until somewhere in Act 2 or 3. Literally a minority on the Sword Coast.

Muh "Medieval" fantasy.
Vatnik Wumao
Oct 2, 2018
Did you get the mundane chest? I think it's in the Arcane Tower. That's the closest thing that I can think of.
Intend to once I finish with Grymforge and return to the broader Underdark. Have to restart the whole section after exploring most of it since the option to ally with that Duergar guy against Nere got bugged.


Apr 16, 2018
Karlach thing has people screaming.
I know that ''Lae'zel's arc'' got her fans and hater figthing lol.
Does this really need asnwering? Even Larianfags who couple days ago were singing praises about muh storytelling and OH THE DIVERSITY and screeching about the best game ever made, are now whining about the last act and ending, and feel cheated. Imagine how bad the ending must be, to make twitter tranny who just went through the 100 hours of the most woke experience in xir life, decide to stop simping and criticize the game. Yes, it's that bad.
Damn ,this sounds worse Kingmaker and Wrath last acts. And those were already pretty bad.
Kingmaker/wrath later acts were mostly disliked for mechanical reasons, bugs, too much statbloat in enemies, etc. their story wasn't much worse than the rest of the game, just consistently meh.

BG3 last act while also bugged and messy af, is mostly bad from the storytelling standpoint, it just gets absolutely retarded the further you go, and the endings are pretty much Mass Effect 3 "choose the color" ending tier crap.

There was alread an amount of data mining going on that is strongly hinting at much delayed end content due to "We have to get his out before Todd's Space Adventure".


Nov 21, 2021
efinitely more of a male thing but if female players wanted to bring up that criticism I wouldn't disagree.

Implying women would know about real camaraderie.
Not to the degree that men do. Especially in the context of adventure and battle. That's more of a man's domain.

The one thing I learned in several work environments is that there is no glass ceiling but the inability of most women to form networks to help each other on their career path. Most women will always try to get a foothold in male networks, because that is much more easy.
Women are much more catty and quick to turn on each other than men. Besides that I can tell you battle is more of a man's domain and it's a brotherhood, not a sisterhood. Even female soldiers are often catty and have a lot of drama with each other.

But there's also the fact the vast majority of players are men and regular dudes. Most of them romance shadow pussy based on the stats. So they're wasting all this time putting this faggot and female content in the game that the vast majority of players won't experience but they won't put a single bro moment in the game which would have much more appeal. Bioware was smart enough to always have at least one bro in their games (besides the trash DA sequels which I can't comment on since I never played.)


Apr 16, 2020
Karlach thing has people screaming.
I know that ''Lae'zel's arc'' got her fans and hater figthing lol.
Does this really need asnwering? Even Larianfags who couple days ago were singing praises about muh storytelling and OH THE DIVERSITY and screeching about the best game ever made, are now whining about the last act and ending, and feel cheated. Imagine how bad the ending must be, to make twitter tranny who just went through the 100 hours of the most woke experience in xir life, decide to stop simping and criticize the game. Yes, it's that bad.
Damn ,this sounds worse Kingmaker and Wrath last acts. And those were already pretty bad.
Kingmaker/wrath later acts were mostly disliked for mechanical reasons, bugs, too much statbloat in enemies, etc. their story wasn't much worse than the rest of the game, just consistently meh.

BG3 last act while also bugged and messy af, is mostly bad from the storytelling standpoint, it just gets absolutely retarded the further you go, and the endings are pretty much Mass Effect 3 "choose the color" ending tier crap.
Thats a fake news, wrath was so fucking bugged that i couldn't finish my playtrough on release and i had to start from the beginning after patch at least BG III allows you to go around bugs and finish the game even if that means skipping some quests or being forced to take a path that you dont want to


Apr 16, 2018
efinitely more of a male thing but if female players wanted to bring up that criticism I wouldn't disagree.

Implying women would know about real camaraderie.
Not to the degree that men do. Especially in the context of adventure and battle. That's more of a man's domain.

The one thing I learned in several work environments is that there is no glass ceiling but the inability of most women to form networks to help each other on their career path. Most women will always try to get a foothold in male networks, because that is much more easy.
Dudes rock

Gale approves.
Vatnik Wumao
Oct 2, 2018
I encountered some kind of bug and owlbear pup never appeared at my camp after the gobbos gave him to me.
He should first appear in a cutscene when you start a long rest at camp. After that, there's another cutscene or two that you'll get on subsequent rests and then he'll be roaming around the camp itself outside cutscenes.


Glory to Ukraine
Mar 28, 2010
That moment when you sold all that infernal metal in Act 1 because one didn't know it becomes relevant in Act 2 if you met Dammon again at the Last Light Inn. :0-13:
He did tell you so when you installed the first part in Karlach to save all the infernal metal you can find

Well, I killed Karlach on sight because those "Paladins" in the toll house and the "Blade of Tyr" were very convincing.

You get the sword when you loot their corpses after siding with Karlach. Along with all the rest of their shit.


Dec 22, 2018
Karlach thing has people screaming.
I know that ''Lae'zel's arc'' got her fans and hater figthing lol.
Does this really need asnwering? Even Larianfags who couple days ago were singing praises about muh storytelling and OH THE DIVERSITY and screeching about the best game ever made, are now whining about the last act and ending, and feel cheated. Imagine how bad the ending must be, to make twitter tranny who just went through the 100 hours of the most woke experience in xir life, decide to stop simping and criticize the game. Yes, it's that bad.
Damn ,this sounds worse Kingmaker and Wrath last acts. And those were already pretty bad.
Kingmaker/wrath later acts were mostly disliked for mechanical reasons, bugs, too much statbloat in enemies, etc. their story wasn't much worse than the rest of the game, just consistently meh.

BG3 last act while also bugged and messy af, is mostly bad from the storytelling standpoint, it just gets absolutely retarded the further you go, and the endings are pretty much Mass Effect 3 "choose the color" ending tier crap.
Thats a fake news, wrath was so fucking bugged that i couldn't finish my playtrough on release and i had to start from the beginning after patch at least BG III allows you to go around bugs and finish the game even if that means skipping some quests or being forced to take a path that you dont want to
Literally what I said retard


Oct 5, 2018
. Bioware was smart enough to always have at least one bro in their games (besides the trash DA sequels which I can't comment on since I never played.)
Varric was a bro.

Now see this right here is exactly why real bro camaraderie has vanished from all Western media


Nov 21, 2021
Meanwhile, if you pic a white male human, you'll see make 3 or 4 until somewhere in Act 2 or 3. Literally a minority on the Sword Coast.

Muh "Medieval" fantasy.
It's not a fantasy at all for British players

Living in Berlin, I also got that warm homely feeling.
I was on deployment/rotation in Germany before. I was talking to a bartender in Kaiserlautern and asked her about places in Germany I should visit. She said Berlin was weird as fuck with a bunch of sexual degenerates. I said you mean like men dressing as women? She said that's the least of it.

You're not even a little embarrassed of what goes on in your home? How far Germany has fallen.

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