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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 RELEASE THREAD


Nov 21, 2021
Just because she's bugged as fuck doesn't mean she's evil exclusive. In a month, she'll be working just fine if you skip the grove, but the goblin route will still suck balls.
If you slaughter tieflings with goblins you still went evil regardless of finishing off druids


Sep 22, 2022
Game is unfinished. People keep discovering so much cut content in the game. Act 3 super rushed with no ending slides.
Mercy, any moron who complains that the game has cut content is retarded. This is literally what the development process is all about, some things are dropped in the process for various reasons. Literally every game has tons of it, which is why no sensible developer brags about features years before release.
Otherwise you've got fairy tales like throwing explosives through a window to gas a room in witcher 2.
For this reason, getting excited about datamining is stupid, no one really knows how much of it will make it to the full version.


Nov 21, 2021
BG3 has possibly (hopefully not) cemented the "player sexual" romance shit. That is yuuuuge cringe and embarrassing for anyone who has defended that. It has the worst romance system in any game I've ever played. You literally can't have a true friend in the game because everything is soured by sex shit.

If there is a sexual element between two people it isn't a real friendship because the sexual element will always take precedence over the friendship. It compromises the whole thing. So in BG3 you can't have a real friend because we need to appease the small number of degenerate and dysgentic faggots on reddit who cry when male party member x doesn't want to sodomize them.


Apr 16, 2018
Gifted Shadowcooch a statue of Selûne (pronounced: /sɛˈluːnɛ/ seh-LOON-eh or: /sɛˈluːneɪ/ seh-LOON-ay) because I just love her so much.

Also not talking to Gale. Fuck you. Weave away.


Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
BG3 has possibly (hopefully not) cemented the "player sexual" romance shit. That is yuuuuge cringe and embarrassing for anyone who has defended that. It has the worst romance system in any game I've ever played. You literally can't have a true friend in the game because everything is soured by sex shit.

If there is a sexual element between two people it isn't a real friendship because the sexual element will always take precedence over the friendship. It compromises the whole thing. So in BG3 you can't have a real friend because we need to appease the small number of degenerate and dysgentic faggots on reddit who cry when male party member x doesn't want to sodomize them.

Apparently Bioware did it first in one of their Dragon Age games, no idea which as i haven't played any of them.

They really shot themselves in the foot with this shit. If they had made all the companions normal with good quests and personal backstories but picked one specifically to make gay (say, Astarion), and write that into the game and his story and quests nobody would have had a problem with that.

But then that wouldn't have appeared the reddit trubo fags.


Sep 22, 2022
BG3 has possibly (hopefully not) cemented the "player sexual" romance shit. That is yuuuuge cringe and embarrassing for anyone who has defended that. It has the worst romance system in any game I've ever played. You literally can't have a true friend in the game because everything is soured by sex shit.

If there is a sexual element between two people it isn't a real friendship because the sexual element will always take precedence over the friendship. It compromises the whole thing. So in BG3 you can't have a real friend because we need to appease the small number of degenerate and dysgentic faggots on reddit who cry when male party member x doesn't want to sodomize them.
I think Elex was much worse at this.


Feb 16, 2021
BG3 has possibly (hopefully not) cemented the "player sexual" romance shit. That is yuuuuge cringe and embarrassing for anyone who has defended that. It has the worst romance system in any game I've ever played. You literally can't have a true friend in the game because everything is soured by sex shit.

If there is a sexual element between two people it isn't a real friendship because the sexual element will always take precedence over the friendship. It compromises the whole thing. So in BG3 you can't have a real friend because we need to appease the small number of degenerate and dysgentic faggots on reddit who cry when male party member x doesn't want to sodomize them.

Apparently Bioware did it first in one of their Dragon Age games, no idea which as i haven't played any of them.

They really shot themselves in that foot with that. If they had made all the companions normal with good quests and personal backstories but picked one specifically to make gay (say, Astarion), and write that into the game and his story and quests nobody would have had a problem.

But then that wouldn't have appeared the reddit trubo fags.
Bioware's implementation of playersexuality is significantly better, because no one initiates romances on their own there. You pick whether or not a companion is gay when you click the flirt button, so there's no sexual element if you don't want it to be there. In BG3, everyone wants a piece of you, and they'll let you know about it unprompted.


Sep 22, 2022
BG3 has possibly (hopefully not) cemented the "player sexual" romance shit. That is yuuuuge cringe and embarrassing for anyone who has defended that. It has the worst romance system in any game I've ever played. You literally can't have a true friend in the game because everything is soured by sex shit.

If there is a sexual element between two people it isn't a real friendship because the sexual element will always take precedence over the friendship. It compromises the whole thing. So in BG3 you can't have a real friend because we need to appease the small number of degenerate and dysgentic faggots on reddit who cry when male party member x doesn't want to sodomize them.

Apparently Bioware did it first in one of their Dragon Age games, no idea which as i haven't played any of them.

They really shot themselves in the foot with this shit. If they had made all the companions normal with good quests and personal backstories but picked one specifically to make gay (say, Astarion), and write that into the game and his story and quests nobody would have had a problem with that.

But then that wouldn't have appeared the reddit trubo fags.
If I remember correctly it was DA2 and it was probably even worse than BG3 because of the dialogue wheel. Although here my memory may not be the best because I played it once in my life


Nov 21, 2021
BG3 has possibly (hopefully not) cemented the "player sexual" romance shit. That is yuuuuge cringe and embarrassing for anyone who has defended that. It has the worst romance system in any game I've ever played. You literally can't have a true friend in the game because everything is soured by sex shit.

If there is a sexual element between two people it isn't a real friendship because the sexual element will always take precedence over the friendship. It compromises the whole thing. So in BG3 you can't have a real friend because we need to appease the small number of degenerate and dysgentic faggots on reddit who cry when male party member x doesn't want to sodomize them.

Apparently Bioware did it first in one of their Dragon Age games, no idea which as i haven't played any of them.

They really shot themselves in the foot with this shit. If they had made all the companions normal with good quests and personal backstories but picked one specifically to make gay (say, Astarion), and write that into the game and his story and quests nobody would have had a problem with that.

But then that wouldn't have appeared the reddit trubo fags.
A small but vocal number of fags would have complained loudly as they have before. Everyone knows the Dragon Age games after Origins are complete shit and an utter embarrassment. Nothing from those games should have ever been emulated. If they did something like make every party romanceable by both genders, it was an obvious sign to never replicate that


Oct 24, 2021
They only were playersexual in Dragon Age 2 because EA put a gun to their heads and told them to make a game in 14 months. Never happened in any other Bioware game.

Ibn Sina

Jul 12, 2017
Strap Yourselves In
There is no question that Larian blew their load regarding class and race interactivity in act 1. Everything after falls sharply. By act 3 race or class rarely comes in conversations at all, and this is with Lolth sworn cleric drow no one comments on drow or lolth at all in act 3.


Dec 22, 2018
I'm playing bg1 and it has a day and night cycle.
Also it has no turn based combat and is just bland in comparison
Grunken.txt - has incredibly shit taste. Thinks comfy oldschool fantasy is bland.
Here, so you can update your txt: BG3 > BG2 > BG1
BG1 is bland as fuck, it's a fact, not opinion.

BG2 tho, when it's comes to atmosphere/exploration, definitely beats BG3. There are only few locations which evoke same feeling of wonder/adventure here, like Hag dungeon and Shar temple. But this, and arguably companions/soundtrack are pretty much only things BG2 does better. Overall BG 3 > BG 2 > BG 1 is probably a valid ranking.

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