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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 RELEASE THREAD

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
> Second half of the Act III feels rushed. Not only bugs, just "let's wrap this up" feeling all over the place. At least the final boss is solid.
> Larian can make quality smaller "set pieces". Auntie Ethel and her swamp is top quality cRPG experience, everything comes together to create an amazing side adventure.
> On the other hand, I strongly believe this might be the worst written main plot in (non-indie) cRPG history. We had classicly bad things like ME3 before. But this is a whole new level of unexplored alien bad writing. This is bad writing equivalent of quantum physics replacing the old newtonian order of things.
This is why I want larian to start doing modules or at least games that are much smaller so they can't fuck it up. Their tiny adventures are so good but then when they go do the main plot they fall on their face. DOS2 had the same problem and the ending there was equally stupid and really soured the rest of the campaign. It's like they don't plan on how the plot will end they just keep adding and adding small shit to do and then realize there's a main plot they've ignored and have to rush to fix it

They could save themselves some troulble by not having a main plot in the first place.

Instead of trying so hard to make the players speshul they should make you play a nobody who just ends up in the world and discovers what's going on piece by piece. None of the people you meet should be special either. None of that "i fought in the hells but i'm only lvl 1" bullshit.

Lagole Gon

Nov 4, 2011
Retaken Potato
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Pathfinder: Wrath
More detailed rant about writing:

- Somebody clearly confused "more of everything" and "more epic" with quality.
- As a result the whole thing lacks focus and feels like a messy capeshit fanfic and not a level 1-12 adventure. FFS, Act II boss is an avatar of Myrkul. Short timespan of the adventure makes it even more ridiculous.
- If themes in this overbloated mess are explored, they often are undermined by awful writing.
Example 1 - Player character (optionally) turning into a good illithid, with a possibility of "I'm just the good old me!" roleplay ruins the alien horror of illithids. So does a shirtless illithid trying to seduce me, but at least it's an another type of horror.
Example 2 - Karlach's background makes hell sound like an alright place, because apparently you can survive it without a serious trauma (for 10 years!). All you need is a good attitude and some luv of fightin'.

- Three initial companions have "I was super cool and strong but now I'm weak again" background. Again, somebody on the team truly believes more "epic" means better. It's pointless. Embarrassing. They don't really do anything interesting with it.
- Some of these backgrounds could be a hook for a short module. Again, it adds even more to the overall mess. Shove more shit. Don't explore it properly.
- Companions are made worse because of bad design, bugs and cut content. Romances activating by having casual conversations, Gale talking about your night together that never took place, etc.

- Incoherence possibly caused by rewrites, mostly relating to Guardian, Emperor, tadpoles in general.
- Tadpole powers, lol. Also, this whole gimmick doesn't influence the story at all.
- Some stuff just makes zero sense and contradicts points made by the game earlier. Emperor has no reason to join the brain if you free Orpheus, it's a guaranteed slavery for him, he should just leave. Again, maybe a rewrite issue?

- Some pointless profanation of classic characters. Sarevok being a flat caricature of a bhaal cultist.
- I could do a whole rant about world building, but I will leave it alone for now. Sometimes it's hard to separate Larian problems from WotC problems.
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Nov 24, 2022
BTW, what kind of fucking name is Chrystal Ding? Is that a tranny?
Asians in the West typically take a White or White sounding first name to be used in mixed company, but they almost never do it for their surname. The results are names like John Wong, or Ashley Ling. Neither of them would use their Western name in their community though.

Chrystal Ding 100% does not actually go by that name in her normal life within her community.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
you really wanna kill goblins for 100 hours lol

There's absolutely a way to make low level DnD great. All you need to do is be as grounded as possible.

Not everything has to be demons this and dragons that to be special. Imagine you were making a game set in the historical middle ages. Now add some monsters and shit and you get your low level fantasy. If you can't manage to come up with interesting stories in a real world setting you should have no business writing for a fantasy game either.

Baldur's Gate 1 is actually a fucking case in point because the entire plot of Saverok and his political machinations was actual great low level fantasy stuff. While the writing was mostly silly that part was actually genuinely great.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Asians in the West typically take a White or White sounding first name to be used in mixed company, but they almost never do it for their surname. The results are names like John Wong, or Ashley Ling. Neither of them would use their Western name in their community though.

Chrystal Ding 100% does not actually go by that name in her normal life within her community.
I thought that was a Hong-Kong thing.


May 8, 2007

Game just dropped to 4/10

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
> Amazing combat. Great encounter design, especially in Act I. Great gameplay in general, but...
What encounter design? A bunch of dudes standing in a vague circle x 100?
The combat is only marginally good because 5E is a very gamified system to begin with. The AI is retarded by any standards.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017

Lagole Gon

Nov 4, 2011
Retaken Potato
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Pathfinder: Wrath
> Amazing combat. Great encounter design, especially in Act I. Great gameplay in general, but...
What encounter design? A bunch of dudes standing in a vague circle x 100?
The combat is only marginally good because 5E is a very gamified system to begin with. The AI is retarded by any standards.
Act 1 provides a nice varienty of encounters. You have gimmick bosses (auntie), use-the-mechanics bosses (giant spider), a possible siege, a goblin genocide that actually can be quite fun if you play your cards right.
It's much better than in most games. Untill it isn't.


Dec 15, 2020
Asians in the West typically take a White or White sounding first name to be used in mixed company, but they almost never do it for their surname. The results are names like John Wong, or Ashley Ling. Neither of them would use their Western name in their community though.

Chrystal Ding 100% does not actually go by that name in her normal life within her community.
I thought that was a Hong-Kong thing.

Not only. My wife has coworkers from mainland China and it's a very common thing.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
You have gimmick bosses (auntie), use-the-mechanics bosses (giant spider), a possible siege, a goblin genocide that actually can be quite fun if you play your cards right.
I can see what you mean but I played all those fights as "beat it until it dies". On Tactician.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
You have gimmick bosses (auntie), use-the-mechanics bosses (giant spider), a possible siege, a goblin genocide that actually can be quite fun if you play your cards right.
I can see what you mean but I played all those fights as "beat it until it dies". On Tactician.
I'll be fair. The first big map and the low-level adventure has been the high point. Shadowcursed lands felt way more linear than they should have been, and from what I've seen of the outskirts, it's a Bacchanalia of Woke fantasy fulfillment. As if they thought wokesters are a core demography. Actually, their writers likely did think just that.


Jan 25, 2022
I killed everyone who annoyed me and now my campsite is empty. I think I broke half the questlines in my log and I'm only 20 hrs through Act I. Can't stomach any of the dialogue or the characters which is a shame because discovering dungeons and delving them is quite enjoyable but I can't do them solo.
add hirelings to your team
But they all look retarded.
You can make your own party of four through multiplayer look that up im not sure how to do it
Step 1: have friends

Already impossible
I would never befriend somebody that plays BG3.


Nov 9, 2015
you really wanna kill goblins for 100 hours lol
Nobody is saying there should be no high level themes at all, you dumb and/or dishonest fuck.
says the guy who complains about writing in a video game lmao

It's a fucking story fag game if writing isn't paramount in a game like this where is it ever?
story is there to give you an excuse to keep going, yes it would be nice if it was better but it's not essential and imo bg3 writing is tolerable enough when you combine it with gameplay and visuals


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
They're not shitting it up. They're just exhibiting the true nature of the game.

The game is full of degeneracy and librulism, sure. But it doesn't have those goddamn HUEG eyes.
lol just had the druid fag tell me how i lifted the fog and now he loves me and want suck me off buahahahah

honestly can't wait to finish this "game" so i could experience the best part of it,writing a review and bitching about it. The only good thing so far is the graphics.

As I said.

Every. Single. Male. Wants. Dat. Dick.
Yeah,it is pretty disgusting game. It is a good mirror of the current times and the people in them.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I would also like to make an official apology to the nation of Belgium.
Turns out the problem was, as always, the eternal anglo.


BTW, looking at this list there's no wonder the game is disjoined. Why does this game need so many writers?

BG1 had like four according to moby lmao.


Aug 1, 2019
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.

Minthara is fixed now or it's all cosmetics?

Apparently they covered her tits more or some shit.

What you mean?

- Made Minthara's camp top ever-so-slightly less revealing.

She had some Side-Boob showing but that is no good! Massive tranny dicks, a-ok. Bear fuckers, fine. Side boob, RHEEEEEEEE!(cetera)

Pic related is FAR too edgy in a cis-hetero way.
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
you really wanna kill goblins for 100 hours lol
Nobody is saying there should be no high level themes at all, you dumb and/or dishonest fuck.
says the guy who complains about writing in a video game lmao

It's a fucking story fag game if writing isn't paramount in a game like this where is it ever?
story is there to give you an excuse to keep going, yes it would be nice if it was better but it's not essential and imo bg3 writing is tolerable enough when you combine it with gameplay and visuals

Bullshit. Story is primary in a game like this because there's no way you can skip it. Hell 90% of my game time with this thing has consisted with going through dialog choices i had very few combat encounters. I haven't seen a game this packed with writing in a long time and it's absolutely NOT something you can pretend to ignore to get to the "gameplay".

I'm sorry but the writing in this game is a major fuck up.

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