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Baldur's Gate Baldur's Gate 3 RELEASE THREAD


Jan 25, 2022
I killed everyone who annoyed me and now my campsite is empty. I think I broke half the questlines in my log and I'm only 20 hrs through Act I. Can't stomach any of the dialogue or the characters which is a shame because discovering dungeons and delving them is quite enjoyable but I can't do them solo.


Apr 16, 2020
I killed everyone who annoyed me and now my campsite is empty. I think I broke half the questlines in my log and I'm only 20 hrs through Act I. Can't stomach any of the dialogue or the characters which is a shame because discovering dungeons and delving them is quite enjoyable but I can't do them solo.
add hirelings to your team


May 5, 2012
"Im not ACTUALLY defending the game BUT you're also not allowed to say bad things about it in my presence! :smug:"
Okay then
I am perfectly okay with people saying bad things about this game, I've said bad things about it. All I did was ask why you keep playing it when you clearly hate it and have been calling it poop for months now. I guess it's my bad for asking someone as autistic as you a direct question. Okay then enjoy your slop I won't interrupt your consumption anymore.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
"Im not ACTUALLY defending the game BUT you're also not allowed to say bad things about it in my presence! :smug:"
Okay then
I am perfectly okay with people saying bad things about this game, I've said bad things about it. All I did was ask why you keep playing it when you clearly hate it and have been calling it poop for months now. I guess it's my bad for asking someone as autistic as you a direct question. Okay then enjoy your slop I won't bother your consumption anymore.
And I carefully explained it to you. So you're just admitting to my posts making your asshole chafe.


Jan 25, 2022
I killed everyone who annoyed me and now my campsite is empty. I think I broke half the questlines in my log and I'm only 20 hrs through Act I. Can't stomach any of the dialogue or the characters which is a shame because discovering dungeons and delving them is quite enjoyable but I can't do them solo.
add hirelings to your team
But they all look retarded.


Apr 16, 2020
I killed everyone who annoyed me and now my campsite is empty. I think I broke half the questlines in my log and I'm only 20 hrs through Act I. Can't stomach any of the dialogue or the characters which is a shame because discovering dungeons and delving them is quite enjoyable but I can't do them solo.
add hirelings to your team
But they all look retarded.
You can make your own party of four through multiplayer look that up im not sure how to do it
Jan 21, 2023
I killed everyone who annoyed me and now my campsite is empty. I think I broke half the questlines in my log and I'm only 20 hrs through Act I. Can't stomach any of the dialogue or the characters which is a shame because discovering dungeons and delving them is quite enjoyable but I can't do them solo.
add hirelings to your team
But they all look retarded.
You can make your own party of four through multiplayer look that up im not sure how to do it
Step 1: have friends

Already impossible


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
The closer I look at all the spells and feats, the more it feels like I'm playing PoE. Your best choice always feels like the least shit one. I'd say every spell level has about 2 that are actually consistently useful, maybe 2 more that are situationally useful and the rest is completely shit and not worth even memorizing. To say nothing of those spell levels that only have 4 spells TOTAL.
I feel like it's mostly because of retarded concentration shit, if I see a spell having concentration, it's auto discarded, because it can NEVER be a better option than using my concentration on Haste or Bless. Concentration just invalidates majority of spells, because it makes them mutually exclusive, so you pick the best one and all the others might as well not exist.

I'm feeling the restrictive shittiness of the concentration mechanic for a CRPG more in this than in Solasta, because the aspiration here is for more spectacular and inventive gameplay, whereas Solasta was kind of low-key, so the concentration mechanic didn't feel so obtrusive.

But definitely with this game, I wish it weren't there. Haste, Bless and Spirit Guardians do just seem to be the un-get-overable best bang-for-buck concentration containers, at least with the Wiz, Pally and Cleric core combination I'm running with.

IIRC there's a mod to tone concentration down or get rid of it, but I'm trying to resist the temptation on my first playthrough as I always try to keep modding to a QOL minimum on first playthroughs, just to honour developers' hard work. But I'm definitely sorely tempted.

The trouble is, when one thinks of homebrewing it for oneself, one is all at sea. How should it all be shaped? I mean, I trusted the "boring" 5e system in Solasta and stuck with it, and it was rewarding enough in that lower-key context, but here I want more elbow room; in theory I should be trusting Larian's instinct for more spectacular and varied gameplay, but 5e in this game has already been Larianized so much - if one gets rid of some of the key 5e things like concentration, isn't one in danger of really just turning the system into a plain old Larian "fun-fun-fun" system?

I really would like to see a tiered kind of concentration where you can maybe use potions, or spells or in some cases progression by levels, to get more concentration "slots." Maybe 3 concentration slots max, something like that, by one means or another? The funny thing about that is, it's kind of true to the concept of Vancian magic, so in a way it's just duplicating the idea of having spell slots in the first place, just on another level (except with Vancian magic the idea is that you need memory/concentration to retain the spells, and you forget them after you discharge them, because the mental strain of retaining them was so great).

It's all a bit unsatisfactory somehow, one understands the reasoning, but it's just a tad too restrictive and discourages the kind of flashy experimentation the gameplay otherwise encourages.


Jun 5, 2023

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017


Feb 16, 2021
This guy is my favourite NPC in the whole game. My dwarf beating a bloated zombie in a drinking contest was too good, reminded me of this.


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