Waster of Time
EDIT: I just noticed that they have the finished Washington Monument in the trailer. The monument was finished in 1884, Abe was killed in 1865. But I suppose if you lulzify Abe into a Vampire Hunter you don't give a fuck...
That was actually a pretty fun 3lX-D_LyQQ0
Well retards will consider Bioshock Infinite artsy. Anything that is a random stuff that makes no sense being thrown together is unique and artsy today in gaming due to tards.
I don't understand why this is deserving of a 'featurette' promo video. It's just a fucking weird enemy to fight. LOL LOOK WHAT WE MADE PLEASE BUY THIS GAME PLZZZZZZ
To be fair, this is kind of marketing's deal, not the developers' - I'm sure someone said "robo-Lincoln? fuck yeah, that'll go over well with the Kotaku crowd!" and decided to devote a trailer to it (or, more likely, shoehorn the idea into the game). It's still pretty stupid but I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt as far as how it fits into the main game... not that I expect it to, but I've seen enough stupid shit pulled by marketing to give Irrational a chance.
Instead of corridors it's going to be walkways on the magical flying city. I mean fuck they added actual fucking rails for you to hook onto and fly around. Not even hiding it anymore. Ken Levine let the BS (lol) praise go to his head and now he truly believes his shit doesn't stink.Oh, I'm well aware of that. Still, from what I understand BioShock kind of got shafted by the playtesting process (players were too stupid to understand a shooter with non-hostile characters) and basically turned from a semi-open survival-based shooter-RPG hybrid into a corridor crawler because 2K were afraid of releasing something vaguely adventurous. I don't have incredibly high hopes for Infinite but there's always a chance it won't be terrible.
About ten seconds of actual gameplay footage and two minutes of morons trying to act out the "making of" featurettes from DVDs.