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Blizzard announced "Classic" World of Warcraft


Mar 4, 2009
You have whales on one hand but also minmaxers on the other. Don't forget that, in this iteration of Classic, pretty much all post-release content has been cleared Day 1. The original experience is inevitably ruined by the expectation that people will follow the meta, both in terms of party composition as well as builds, which not only fucks the player but also pushes developers to gear content towards players who are going to absolutely wreck bosses that were designed around people who played pre-2010.


Oct 23, 2017
Anyone following the Classic+ pshard trend? This is more along the lines of what I wanted instead of just doing the expansions.
Project Epoch is coming out sometime this year/early next year and TurtleWoW has been running for three years.


Feb 26, 2016
Anyone following the Classic+ pshard trend? This is more along the lines of what I wanted instead of just doing the expansions.
Project Epoch is coming out sometime this year/early next year and TurtleWoW has been running for three years.
no tell me more
...but first a word from our sponsors! RAID SHADOW LEGENDS, its a MMO MOBILE MOBA SURVIVAL LOOT BOX SIMULATOR, with a fuck ton of champions, my favorite? Big tiddie bitch, cuz her massive dong!

Also don't forget to like, subscribe and smash that bell button, also tells us what you think in the comment sections, I don't actually give a fuck about it but it really helps me out!


Feb 10, 2023
been tempted to resub and pvp with the three fun alliance players that lurk in org

then i remember everyone and their second monitor has thunderfury...

the last time I tried to escape my pvp bubble and do some pve progression, some male hymen with thunderfury cried because I looted those armbands from rend, and his second account autofollow warrior should have got it instead... cause I'm arms

fuck wow classic lol... it would be rad if it weren't for the people that play it


Feb 10, 2023
private servers are waay worse... have you ever tried to compile that shitshow code?

those asshats are shoulder deep making code changes on a daily basis, introducing bugs, and you can bet doing some shady shit

and your character is gonna dissappear anyway

at least blizz will save my game

private servers SMFH


Jan 25, 2022
swim said xe gave turtle wow a try and it was more active than official servers and had good latency, encountered no bugs, was overall a good experience
turtle supposedly pays for server/dev costs with a cosmetic item shop that sells 'potions' that can make your character appear as funny stuff like an ogre, pirate, gnoll, and swim said it was funny to sometimes see a player ogre running around
and it seems to be doing well enough to afford somewhat consistent content updates

also swim said something along the lines of 'blizzard can eat my ass' and 'its nice to not be funding a crap company'


Oct 23, 2017
Anyone following the Classic+ pshard trend? This is more along the lines of what I wanted instead of just doing the expansions.
Project Epoch is coming out sometime this year/early next year and TurtleWoW has been running for three years.
no tell me more
Wish I knew a little more about all the Vanilla+ projects out there but I gave TurtleWoW a shot (1.12-based vanilla client) and it was a stuttering mess. Tried Duskhaven (3.3.5-based WOTLK client) Classic+ server and that runs well so I'm leaning towards Project Epoch since that will be on the same client. Duskhaven has a lot of half-assed half-implemented ideas but it does some interesting things like Mythic+ vanilla dungeons and heroic raids for anyone that's curious about that one.

Project Epoch will be having an open beta focusing on the 30-45 level bracket on the 27th.


Jan 6, 2012
They removed Blood Elves and Draenei in Project Epoch, but added Undead Paladins and Dwarf Shamans. Looks like they're into flattening faction differences. For the most part it seems like it's trying to port TBC changes to vanilla. It's keeping level caps at 60 and content in vanilla zones, but you get 10 extra talent points with TBC talent trees and they ported some TBC abilities to vanilla, it seems.
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Aug 28, 2008
Nirvana for mice
Looks like they're into flattening faction differences.
I hate this so much. This kind of flattening makes the game boring. Each race, class, and faction should feel unique. For example if it were up to me I'd make it so only female nelfs can be priests, warriors, and hunters, and only males can be druids; rogues would be available to both sexes since thematically it's a class that operates outside the norms of a society. But I guess we can't have nice things anymore and everything must be as safe and boring as possible so as not to offend someone.


Nov 2, 2021
RTX Remix seems to be compatible with 3.3.5 clients. I'll test it out next week on Project Epoch.

also for anyone that wants AI-generated voiced quest dialog, the mod has been ported over to 1.12 clients (Turtle).
Only adds 1.1GB to the install.


I don't get hyped for something these days very often, but this is pretty awesome.

This is the first time I liked RTX effect. It still deserves some care tho. During the day, there's too significant difference between lit areas and shadows as the light obviously doesn't get reflected from the surfaces. And it should be, considering the amount of white stone in the scene. The Stormwind tunnels are an obvious example. If they looked like that, I'd nope the fuck out and never went through.
During the night or in dark areas, it can be seen that sources of light don't illuminate much space. Those guard lanters should light up at least double the area they do.
With those two fixed, it would be perfect.

The AI voices are pretty great. Some of them don't fit that well, like the troll for example, but still, not bad at all. Just imagine what Blizzard could do with all their resources if they weren't total quacks these days.
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Nov 16, 2021
RTX Remix seems to be compatible with 3.3.5 clients. I'll test it out next week on Project Epoch.

also for anyone that wants AI-generated voiced quest dialog, the mod has been ported over to 1.12 clients (Turtle).
Only adds 1.1GB to the install.


I don't get hyped for something these days very often, but this is pretty awesome.

This is the first time I liked RTX effect. It still deserves some care tho. During the day, there's too significant difference between lit areas and shadows as the light obviously doesn't get reflected from the surfaces. And it should be, considering the amount of white stone. The Stormwind tunnels are an obvious example. If they looked like that, I'd nope the fuck out and never went through.
During the night or in dark areas, it can be seen that sources of light don't illuminate much space. Those guard lanters should lit up at least double the area they do.
With those two fixed, it would be perfect.

The AI voices are pretty great. Some of them don't fit that well like the troll but still, not bad at all. Just imagine what Blizzard could do if they weren't total quacks these days.

Not a big fan of the raytracing since the environments were obviously not designed for it, but the AI generated voice acting seriously makes my track marks itch. Even a mediocre execution would bring a considerable improvement to one of the weakest aspects of the game.


Apr 22, 2020
My wife is enjoying Diablo 2 Resurrected right now and I would like to show her World of Warcraft. Which servers would you recommend for TBC or WotLK experience?

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
My wife is enjoying Diablo 2 Resurrected right now and I would like to show her World of Warcraft. Which servers would you recommend for TBC or WotLK experience?
There are no TBC official server. WotLK is sadly quite inactive. The best idea at this point is to pick a server that has a high population, good ping, and suits you both (pve or pvp). If you want to get in on what most of the population is doing then you should consider hardcore classic. Here is the info I posted about HC classic a bit ago.

If you are on NA roll on Bloodsail Buccaneers
EU seems to be Hydraxian Waterlords

At a minimum get these mods (Scroll down on the bottom right hand side and select the "Wow Classic" download not the Wrath of the Lich King one.
Vendor Price
Hardcore Addon

Join one of these guilds.

If you are not wanting to play on official servers then just try Turtle WoW.


Nov 2, 2021
Looks like the only way to enjoy vanilla, in the end, is going to be this thing http://singleplayerproject.com/
Turtle WoW actually seems alright, if you need to play vanilla for some reason.

Project Epoch just looks like people who figured the "best of both worlds" was to have vanilla with the mechanics of TBC.
The last echo of Vanilla was Nostalrius and there's no repeating that with players of today. Everyone saw how shitty WoW Classic was. And I highly doubt private servers are any different but I'd gladly be proven otherwise.


Oct 23, 2017
Nostalgia-driven private servers always suck big time because there's a finite end to what you can do with them. Couple months of staggered content at best. Can't rebalance classes even if it's needed or else the purists will flip the fuck out. Turtle is Classic+ with significant custom content additions and rebalanced classes. If there's ever going to be something bigger than Nostalrius, it'll be one of these classic+/custom projects. Turtle has doubled over the past six months.
We're thrilled to announce that we've hit yet another milestone in Turtle WoW's history. There are currently 7100+ players online simultaneously. We would like to welcome each and every one of you for many adventures to come!

AI VoiceOver for Vanilla WoW

Exciting news! The AI VoiceOver Addon for the WoW Vanilla beta release is here! Big thanks to MrThinger for making this happen! Check it out to see what it does: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uNsFkRNZg8

A few things to note:

  • The Addon is currently in beta which means you can expect bugs. Please report them in #addons channel on our Discord.
  • The Addon currently does not have voice overs for all zones and content. We will be gradually adding them and updating the Addon, this includes custom Turtle content.
  • The quality of some voices is not yet optimal, we are aware of this and will also gradually improve where necessary.
Get it here: https://github.com/mrthinger/wow-voiceover/releases/latest
Doubt it will ever happen as it seems Blizzard is only willing to do the bare minimum but I would love an official Classic+ reimagining of The Burning Crusade/WotLK expansions without flying mounts and group finder. Alternatively go full OSRS alternate timeline and ignore TBC/WotlK entirely and do a Emerald Dream expansion or some shit instead.


Nov 2, 2021
Good showcase of the Turtle WoW AI voice acting but oh my god, what a faggot "Now that is good. I did not think they're gonna have a single female voice. I know that sounds bad but typically, you know, it's a male dominated sphere and it was going to be a disappointing concept."

He's not just stupid, he doesn't even make sense.

EDIT: Watching another his video and in an attempt to say "differentiation" he puked out "differentation".

I'm always taken aback by these midwits.
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