Dunno where to put so here it goes.
I played in beta.Play a Priest, Mind Control the Scarlet Monastery Paladin mobs, and you can see some of what the WoW beta Paladin class played like. It had a lot more offensive abilities. The whole Paladin class was nerfed shortly before WoW went live.They are derivative of the WarCraft III hero, not the knight unit. It took a decade of player feedback to turn retribution into a rogue with bubble instead of stealth.designers hated hybridsBut man, Paladins suck in WoW for anything other than buffing, dispelling, and healing. They're more healer than the Priest class is.
Blizzfags wondering why they got a cash shop after they all ran out to buy shit like Overwatch and open loot boxes like they were Smarties on Halloween.
Level 68 with my resto shaman, leveling only through dungeons. The tank shortage is very real and with the number of people playing healers, there's some days where where it's frustrating to get groups going... But I'll stick with the plan, hit 70, Respec to elemental and clean up all the quests for the extra exp to gold conversion, then I'll have enough for flying mount and Respec back to resto.
It was the introduction of the tradeable-for-cash WoW Token that paved the road for the cash shop.
This is the site I use for builds, crafting, leveling, gear recommendations, consumables and rotation advice - link to resto druid section:I'm grinding hellfire citadel now with my roommate. Switched to Restoration, and use this build: https://tbc.wowhead.com/talent-calc/druid/--50050350031500531351
I'm level 60 so I've got 6 points left. I've focused on being good in Tree of Life form, and love the power of my HoTs now. What other talents are good? I know you have to be outside the form to decurse in some dungeons and it'd let me use healing touch again so those talents might help out then, but outside of that nothing seems very useful. Maybe two in improved tranquility? Never used it before though. I never quite know how well I'm doing in general so any tips would be appreciated.
Good thing I've got a pocket tank in my roommate.
Level 68 with my resto shaman, leveling only through dungeons. The tank shortage is very real and with the number of people playing healers, there's some days where where it's frustrating to get groups going... But I'll stick with the plan, hit 70, Respec to elemental and clean up all the quests for the extra exp to gold conversion, then I'll have enough for flying mount and Respec back to resto.
Level 68 with my resto shaman, leveling only through dungeons. The tank shortage is very real and with the number of people playing healers, there's some days where where it's frustrating to get groups going... But I'll stick with the plan, hit 70, Respec to elemental and clean up all the quests for the extra exp to gold conversion, then I'll have enough for flying mount and Respec back to resto.
This is a group issue. I felt like tanking a dungeon or two during waiting the other day but both pugs were so nightmarishly horrible I just chose to stick with guild only groups.
Level 68 with my resto shaman, leveling only through dungeons. The tank shortage is very real and with the number of people playing healers, there's some days where where it's frustrating to get groups going... But I'll stick with the plan, hit 70, Respec to elemental and clean up all the quests for the extra exp to gold conversion, then I'll have enough for flying mount and Respec back to resto.
This is a group issue. I felt like tanking a dungeon or two during waiting the other day but both pugs were so nightmarishly horrible I just chose to stick with guild only groups.
I think its a bit more than that. There is little incentive to play a tank at 70 because little to no guilds need tanks for the endgame content, those spots are usually already filled while healers and dps are more sought after. So dungeon tanks are a dead end path unless you are planning on mostly running heroics or raid pugs.
Did you buy gold?A couple of my IRL friends that I haven't been able to get together with for years started playing so I bit the bullet. I hit 70 earlier this week on my shaman, pleveled my JC 80-350 in a day, got my flying mount, and I'll hopefully be raiding Karazhan tomorrow (as resto). I'm surprised not to see +healing and mp5 numbers being thrown around like they were back in the day.
Unless you're a third worlder or unemployed, you absolutely should buy gold. An hour of work in real life can buy you dozens of mind numbing grinding hours worth of gold in game.Did you buy gold?A couple of my IRL friends that I haven't been able to get together with for years started playing so I bit the bullet. I hit 70 earlier this week on my shaman, pleveled my JC 80-350 in a day, got my flying mount, and I'll hopefully be raiding Karazhan tomorrow (as resto). I'm surprised not to see +healing and mp5 numbers being thrown around like they were back in the day.
This poster lives in Belgium.I haven't been playing since they decided to cut off Russia. If they don't need me, I don't need them.
Dunno where to put so here it goes.
Well, if you're hard up for tanks, just tank with your Shaman. If there are too many healers around it's not a problem. Blizzard did nerf Shaman aggro tools (Earth Shock & Rockbiter Weapon no longer do additional threat) in TBC, in part because the WoW designers had a hard-on for pigeonholing tanks (even though the original vanilla WoW design was meant to allow for Shaman tanking), but it can still be done. Just use Windfury Weapon (which even in vanilla tended to generate more threat than Rockbiter if you had a decent weapon), Frost Shock (which now does bonus threat for some reason), and Lightning Shield to sustain aggro, really. If you're tanking with spell damage I guess you can swap Windfury for Flametongue Weapon.Level 68 with my resto shaman, leveling only through dungeons. The tank shortage is very real and with the number of people playing healers, there's some days where where it's frustrating to get groups going... But I'll stick with the plan, hit 70, Respec to elemental and clean up all the quests for the extra exp to gold conversion, then I'll have enough for flying mount and Respec back to resto.