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Blizzard announced "Classic" World of Warcraft


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
The content being easy is not really the problem. While it IS a problem, as it's making you die of boredom faster, the aforementioned daily rotation of raids is what burns you out even without farming for consumables, among all the other bullshit that burns you out. I can't even begin explaining how mindnumbingly intertwined the whole shitty system is, with each factor making it worse. If you don't think at all and all you do is passively consume it like a zombie you might last the entire thing, but I can't.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
You guys are forgetting world PvP. Still have a place in my heart (and PTSD) for places like Stranglethorn Vietnam.

Russia is over. The end.

Sep 28, 2014
I ran around screaming today. But never mind that.

I had plans, I had a job, hobbies. Now what?

When Classic comes out, it's good bye Codex and everything else, be back in two years. I told my boss today when Classic comes out, I take an unpaid leave for a month. I was dead serious. He accepted.

But frankly, when I get back, I've no idea how I'll be able to play WoW for 14 hours and then work.


May 11, 2015
where east is west
People talking about the death of emulator servers are overracting. The people running Everquest have been doing progression servers for years and they haven't killed theirs off.

The only thing that could really harm those servers if Bliz uses it's extra weight it has over Daybreak Games and actively tries to suppress emulators and drive their population onto their servers as the only nostalgia trip, something which is the exact opposite DBG has been doing with emulators, often seeking the help of P99 for help finding ways of patching their servers to be classic when they're unable to figure a way around EQs mess of code.

And most importantly, 2 - There are only two possibilities and both are shit:
1. The server will have patch progression: eventually it'll reach the expacs that ruined the game. Some people think even Burning Crusade was already decline, but most'll agree that Cata is the hard drop that damaged WoW real good, and that's only the third expansion. Depending on their schedule it won't take that long at all for it to arrive. Even if it does, I hate the idea of playing on an expiration date, it goes totally against the idea of an MMO.

2. The server doesn't have patch progression: so... a static world that'll never ever change? An MMO with zero prospect of receiving content? How many times can you repeat Molten Core and Blackwing Lair really. If you already know everything there is to it vanilla Azeroth isn't that interesting to explore either, it's all about the difficulty and the much better economy.

1: Ironically this is where EQs multitude of expansions might have an edge over WoW, where prog servers release a new expack every 2-3 months. I know WoW often treated massive patches in the way EQ did expacks, I don't know how well that would mesh together.

2: You never can tell with many MMOs players. After releasing progression servers for the past 3 years that will progress until they finally fully catch up and so become "normal" servers, DBG released a fully static server this summer, Agnarr, that will stop progression once Planes of Power is released. That was EQs 4th expansion released in 2002, 3 1/2 years after the games lunch, and is universally considered the end of EQs classic, beloved time of popularity before the troubles Gates and Discord and Omens of War caused.

I'm skeptical of the servers long term health, but the problem is I can't fully tell, since the appeal of the game for many drops off after PoP and it's sadly entirely within my knowledge of EQ players that they'd love to have a server stuck at that stage. Bliz may very well go down DBGs path of releasing several progression servers to keep drawing in people that love to replay the classic era over and over from scratch for various reasons.

At the same time, I've played enough emulated servers to know that MMOs are not a permanent thing and it is the fate of all servers to decline and eventually fade away, official or unofficial.

Regardless, this will attract a ton of appeal from people who better enjoy the ride they go on since it won't last.

You guys are forgetting world PvP. Still have a place in my heart (and PTSD) for places like Stranglethorn Vietnam.

I miss the old open world PvP over seemingly meaningless targets, like overrunning Astranaar and wiping it clean of Alliance until enough built up to drive us back to the Barrens zoneline. No rewards, no permanency, but it was infinitely more rewarding for me than the bullshit that was Battlegrounds as it was actual, emergent, player driven roleplaying of the nascent conflict set up in the game, not some zone to funnel people into to get them to fight to gain points and gear.

The only thing missing was lack of cross faction communication to brag and smacktalk with.


Shitposter Bethestard
Sep 19, 2014
Vanilla is the best for one single reason.

2h windfury procc shaman in pvp

I never experienced the vanilla, i played in TBC and then WOTLK, so i will most likely try it as they gradualy destroyed my shaman in every next expansion.

Also it was pretty lame that both sides eventualy got shaman and paladin, i hope they will revert to true vanilla that Shaman was only for horde and paladin for alliance.
Last edited:


Shitposter Bethestard
Sep 19, 2014
Would be interesting if their 'classic' server had more players than their main 'wow' maybe then they would fnaly abandon the travesty

also 2h WF shaman, with badly edited movie and bad music choice, truly the 2005 experience



Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
The 2H enh shammy is a gimmick spec that only works on newbies with no gear. It's not viable in any other context, be it PvP or PvE. You might take only 1 on a raid for the totem buff, but I'd take a hybrid resto/enh instead.


Shitposter Bethestard
Sep 19, 2014
The 2H enh shammy is a gimmick spec that only works on newbies with no gear. It's not viable in any other context, be it PvP or PvE. You might take only 1 on a raid for the totem buff, but I'd take a hybrid resto/enh instead.

we will see when you get a wf crit in yo face......


Oct 16, 2016
"Classic"? :lol: Does anyone believe they will get rid of microtransactions and other "improvements" and instead bring the vanilla "go run on foot until you hit the 40th level"? That it will be run exclusively on monthly fees?


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
The only way I see this not being extremely shit like vanilla actually is is if they increase the speed of progression. Twice the amount of drops from raid bosses, twice the raid rep gain, twice as fast progression. BWL coming out only 3 months after MC, not 6. Then AQ20/40 3 months after BWL and etc. That way the overwhelmingly repetitive and fundamentally time consuming nature won't be as obvious. It will still have all its other problems, like meter whoring, daily raid rotations, economy being fucked, PvP being pointless and a time waster, the easy content, etc; but one of the major ones won't be as disgusting.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
If you want fast progression play retail. People like Vanilla for what it is for a reason. All this "you think you liked it, but you don't" or "it's just nostalgia, Vanilla was actually shit" was proven to be nonsense by the success of Nostalrius. There's free servers for every expansion but the popular one was still the Vanilla one.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
I haven't said it's nostalgia. Quite the opposite, I was a healer in the best guild on Kronos II and played through most vanilla content on a competitive level, taking a few server firsts, I quit around 2 months after AQ40 came out because I was pissed at the guild management, but I was burned out waaaay before that. Here's my character. I'm saying it's shit based on my very current experience. If you don't play it on any serious level, only logging in once a week for your BWL clear (if you can manage to clear it with a shitty no-name guild), then no, you won't see the problems at all, it will be a weekly 2-3 hour diversion.


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014
Eurogamer interview: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-11-04-wow-classic-blizzard-answers-some-of-the-big-questions

- Sounds like they are early in the process. They've got some infrastructure in place to run the Classic, game design details and monietization schemes are not decided. Naturally no ETA yet.
- They will have a separated team for this, and are hiring more people.
- "One of the things we do know is that by announcing this, we're in the WOW Classic business forever. Once that starts, there's a commitment on our end that we're going to continue maintaining those servers for as long as there is a World of Warcraft."


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
- People's behavior was far superior on the internet in 2003-2004 than it is now in 2017.
I doubt WoW Classic will change it. It was the people who changed, not the game.
I don't disagree. It is one of the main reasons why legacy servers won't be the same experience. Especially on their launch when they are flooded with derpies. Give it about two or three months for nu-WoW players to get bored and go back to their world quests then maybe the server's true population/community will reveal itself.


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
- People's behavior was far superior on the internet in 2003-2004 than it is now in 2017.
I doubt WoW Classic will change it. It was the people who changed, not the game.
I don't disagree. It is one of the main reasons why legacy servers won't be the same experience. Especially on their launch when they are flooded with derpies. Give it about two or three months for nu-WoW players to get bored and go back to their world quests then maybe the server's true population/community will reveal itself.
it'll be dead by then. there's hardly any more old wow players at all. the old ones coming back for the thrill of replaying vanilla may get bored sooner then the new ones. after all they played it already. they're not gonna stay around months for raids they already did. i didn't even know that was the plan. i don't think it's at all very smart to rerealease vanilla without content. it's stupid as fuck. the content was there already. it doesn't have to be rebalanced, redone, rewhatever. if they were stupid enough to not make full copies of every last version before each expansion few will be sympathetic.
plus, there's a whole lot of things we don't know yet. a whole lot of things that could and probably will be done wrong. if bethesda still knew how to make money off of the vanilla design decisions we wouldn't have had cata, pandaria, wod and fucking player homes with insta-inflation.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
- People's behavior was far superior on the internet in 2003-2004 than it is now in 2017.
I doubt WoW Classic will change it. It was the people who changed, not the game.
I don't disagree. It is one of the main reasons why legacy servers won't be the same experience. Especially on their launch when they are flooded with derpies. Give it about two or three months for nu-WoW players to get bored and go back to their world quests then maybe the server's true population/community will reveal itself.
it'll be dead by then. there's hardly any more old wow players at all. the old ones coming back for the thrill of replaying vanilla may get bored sooner then the new ones. after all they played it already. they're not gonna stay around months for raids they already did. i didn't even know that was the plan. i don't think it's at all very smart to rerealease vanilla without content. it's stupid as fuck. the content was there already. it doesn't have to be rebalanced, redone, rewhatever. if they were stupid enough to not make full copies of every last version before each expansion few will be sympathetic.
plus, there's a whole lot of things we don't know yet. a whole lot of things that could and probably will be done wrong. if bethesda still knew how to make money off of the vanilla design decisions we wouldn't have had cata, pandaria, wod and fucking player homes with insta-inflation.
"Dead" is relative. As long as I can find five man groups or a small amount of decent people I know from forums, etc. to play with then I'd have fun. I have little interest in raiding Classic again.


Doom Preacher
Jul 10, 2009
- People's behavior was far superior on the internet in 2003-2004 than it is now in 2017.
I doubt WoW Classic will change it. It was the people who changed, not the game.
I don't disagree. It is one of the main reasons why legacy servers won't be the same experience. Especially on their launch when they are flooded with derpies. Give it about two or three months for nu-WoW players to get bored and go back to their world quests then maybe the server's true population/community will reveal itself.
it'll be dead by then. there's hardly any more old wow players at all. the old ones coming back for the thrill of replaying vanilla may get bored sooner then the new ones. after all they played it already. they're not gonna stay around months for raids they already did. i didn't even know that was the plan. i don't think it's at all very smart to rerealease vanilla without content. it's stupid as fuck. the content was there already. it doesn't have to be rebalanced, redone, rewhatever. if they were stupid enough to not make full copies of every last version before each expansion few will be sympathetic.
plus, there's a whole lot of things we don't know yet. a whole lot of things that could and probably will be done wrong. if bethesda still knew how to make money off of the vanilla design decisions we wouldn't have had cata, pandaria, wod and fucking player homes with insta-inflation.
"Dead" is relative. As long as I can find five man groups or a small amount of decent people I know from forums, etc. to play with then I'd have fun. I have little interest in raiding Classic again.


Aug 3, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex
Vanilla is the best for one single reason.

Mankrik's wife


Never got the hype, i found her like 30mins after starting the quest, i had way bigger problems finding Isha Awak in the waters.

Also i loved the pig killing quests even though they where grindy as fuck, consumed by hatred was awesome.

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