If they do it like that, I imagine it overshadowing retail at one point, maybe around the middle of TBC or at the start of WotLK. It's not like it's unprecedented, classic Runescape is the template for that kind of thing. It HAS to progress, though, it gives meaning to the whole experience, perpetually sticking to vanilla will devalue it because there are no stakes at place.
Starting vanilla all over again when TBC launches is the best possible solution to all these problems.
No, it doesn't imply that at all. What I think about that is they are making a team now to develop classic servers and will then scale it down to provide technical support. There is no reason to think they'll make new content for it. And yes, these servers will have to progress to the retail expansion. If you don't want to play post-vanilla/TBC/WotLK then you'll make a new character in the expansion you want, that's the point of launching fresh servers for them.
And yes, these servers will have to progress to the retail expansion.
The current team is supporting retail, they don't have an excess of people that can casually go work on vanilla, that's just not how it works.
The one thing it has going for it is that it actually feels like an RPG which forces you to socialize with others in order to achieve your goals.
The one thing it has going for it is that it actually feels like an RPG which forces you to socialize with others in order to achieve your goals.
Nope, check out my post for details why. It also depends on what you mean by "goals". If your goals are going to dungeons and raids, you are "forced" to "socialize" for them even in retail. In vanilla "dungeons" and "socialize" means "LFG BRD Princess run", you don't have to say anything to each other after that. You have to "socialize" to be able to do Mythic raids and Mythic+ dungeons on retail, that's the real content, not LFG/LFR bullshit. If you are only doing LFG/LFR and are happy with that, then that's your problem, I don't see how it's the game's. I'm not defending retail, quite the contrary, it's extremely shit, but it's not due to lack of "socializing".
Vanilla had horrible class design
Yes I agree, it was more efficient to do non-elite quests alone, but on Nostalrius at least having to always race who gets the first hit on a mob was far more tiresome than actually having to grind another half a level due to lack of quests. Elite quests may be doable solo by some other classes, sure. Personally as a mage I always had problems doing them up until level 45+, when Spell Power gear actually started to drop.No, doing non-elite quests on your own is a) viable and completely normal, and b) encouraged by the game because it shares xp between the party members otherwise. The quests AREN'T difficult at all, I don't know where this misconception comes from. The fact that you get most of your xp from killing enemies due to the grindy nature of the quests also means you'll get severely less xp if you are grouping up and the quests WILL dry up before you are even close to 60.
Vanilla had horrible class design
That's why it was fun, balanced classes are not fun.
It isn't the solution because if you wanted to play vanilla and then transfer to TBC (for example), you'll be severely behind everyone who started on the server before you, years behind even, with no guarantee you'll find enough to people to start from Kara again. The competitiveness between the guilds will also be lost, I know people usually don't play on that kind of level, but I do and it's one of the few exciting things about classic servers.
All they have to do is have servers for each expansion. Once you've gone through all the progression, you can transfer your character. It is the only possible solution.
and when you reach the end then what ?
They could implement a sort of ladder-style of doing things, ala Diablo. Once a classic server reaches 1.12, you can either a) stay on it indefinitely, b) switch to an ongoing tbc server that's on whichever patch or c) wait for the new season to start and move to a fresh tbc server.
All they have to do is have servers for each expansion. Once you've gone through all the progression, you can transfer your character. It is the only possible solution.
and when you reach the end then what ?
All they have to do is have servers for each expansion. Once you've gone through all the progression, you can transfer your character. It is the only possible solution.
and when you reach the end then what ?
Than you stop playing, or re-roll. How's that different from now anyway?