Manjuice Nutella
Compare that to Bloodthirsty Savages reinvented-by-WC3 to Noble Savages, sharing land with weed-smoking Jamaican voodoo doctors, Schuonian Plains Indians, although quite beefed upcool
and, uhm... jews? Also 25% of Alliance races is fucking Gnomes. Even after all these years, it still boggles my mind.
That's the problem though. If Horde had the bloodthirsty savages from WC1/WC2 that had all sorts of crazy shit like suicidal Muslim goblins, evil (not this 'misunderstood' bullshit) undead that summoned tornadoes all over and ogre-magi then I'd roll Horde 100%. It's when they tried to make them look all noble and honorable that Horde became an uglier version of the Alliance.
They've been defanged. And Taurens are lame. They should've been ogres. We all know it.
Alliance has pretty much the whole Fellowship of the Ring in terms of races. Horde? They just have goofy caricatures that are rejects of society. Orcs are black people that destroy property, Trolls are Jamaican stoners that squat in other peoples homes which is double true since they don't have a capital city of their own, Tauren are Natives but don't smell as bad, Undead are school shooters.
But Alliance has you being Aragorn and shit. They even have Paladins. Literally the most HEROIC faction out there. Horde get Shamans. SHAMANS. "Me heal you. Me put rocks on your head and smear coconut juice over body. You heal up in morning or we move to frogs." LAME.
I pretty much disagree with every single point you have made, however I respect this opinion. No point though in expecting WC2 schtick when WC3 already laid down the threshold for entire WoW.
I however at any single point of even remotely thinking about Warcraft did not associate Orcs with nignogs. As a Potato, I always felt that Orcs are above all noble Polish Slavs, taking pride in their
Although I agree that the most original and fun race would be Night Elves, mixing Neolithic matriarchy with Celtic and Japanese influence in a most tasteful manner. Ashenvale > all of Eastern Kingdoms.
I seem to remember, although I am not sure on this point, that the majority of players (and how big of a majority I'm not sure) back in 2004-2006 rolled the "good guys" faction (if we look at it through the lens of all these people having seen the LotR trilogy not long before). IIRC Night Elf hunters and rogues were by far the biggest meme (Xlegolasxx etc.). I much preferred Horde back then, and it seemed that Hordies were more likely to be griefer types and GenX metalheads and shiet.
Now, it seems to me the normies prefer Horde.
Well, yeah, the whole "Xlegolasxx" thing was pretty much taken over by storm as soon as Horde got Blood Elves, point taken.