On the connection between Oedon and Jizz..
"Oedon is a portmanteau of Odin and Oedipus, both male mythical figures who lost their eyes. Odin lost his eye for Insight, and Oedipus put out his own eyes due to madness from killing his male parent and impregnating his female parent.
Just as it is no coincidence that most of the human characters are female, so are most of the Great Ones. Kos (or as some say, Kosm). Ebrietas. Rom. Moon Presence by inference. While some like Amygdala may not have an explicit gender, Oedon is the only one with an explicitly male gender. So hard to imagine him being connected to fertility.
Now I could see one connection between Oedon and fertility. We know he does father children. And we know that he was involved in Laurence and Wilhem’s discovery in the ruins of the “pale blood”. Now blood is usually not white, and blood usually does not make you pregnant.
So what is pale in color, viscous like “oozing mucous blood”, and gets you pregnant?
Jizz, or as some say, Jism. Seriously. This game is so full of period blood as a substance, and we have three different kinds of aborted/miscarried fetuses as items in the game that it wouldn’t be that crazy to have jizz as a major game element.
As you could imagine, censorship would prevent you from ever calling it jizz explicitly in the game. Blood is okay to advertise, period blood is too gross to advertise but okay to strongly reference in the game, and jizz would have to be very vaguely mentioned.
Again, how could you have a game that constantly talks about period blood, pregnancy and yet never mention jizz? That’s be weird. So I think they do mention jizz, and that it is Oedon’s jizz that is the pale blood they found and cures what ails you. Now they eventually have both Great One jizz and actual Great One blood. One cures stuff and one turns you into a beast. I think the jizz is the good one and the blood is the bad one.
And the church secretly work to bait Oedon to show up using fertile women so they can collect his jizz again. There’s plenty of Great Ones to collect blood from. Just go outside and slice open an Amygdala’s finger. Boom, Great One blood. Or get it from Ebrietas. It’s available. Yet the pale blood is rare. Why? Because it is Oedon’s jizz, so only way to get that is bait him to come.
And for the record, I am 100% serious in this fan theory.
Edit: one more thing. Yharnam is crawling with female Great Ones to get to Oedon. They know he comes in Yharnam for the humans. He was the first and only Great One in Yharnam during the time of Pthumerians. But as he started making waves in this space, female Great Ones gathered in waiting to get his jizz first. They are jealous of the humans like Hera. And yes, again I am being serious.
And another thing: the Church keeps the truth a secret. The obvious secret they keep is that the blood comes from Eldritch horror things. Maybe. But they advertise its ancient mystic blood. Surely they’ve had people ask “so where does this come from? What’s in it?” When they’ve been given blood. I think the Church reveals some details that it is blood from higher beings. They may not be explicit about how ugly those beings are, but the fact that it’s supernatural is not the secret.
I think the secret is that it is jizz not blood.
Could you imagine America’s Bible Belt using angel blood to cure the ‘rona? Absolutely. Could you imagine them doing it if they were told it’s angel jizz? No way. So the secret is that it is jizz not blood because jizz is too gross."