If he said that people go on forums and throw out their ideas that they think are "brilliant", when in reality none of these people have ever designed a game and don't understand some of the nuances/difficulties that go into the process of designing a game, that would have been a fair argument, though a bit of a cop-out. Just because someone hasn't designed a game before doesn't mean their ideas don't have merit. A good developer can parse the shit takes/ideas from the ones that have merit, and then take these raw, unrefined, ideas and build upon them/edit them/hone them, into something that is actually good.
Instead, people that have these ideas must be "insecure" lmao? I can see words such as arrogant, autistic, or Dunning-Kruger being used, but insecure is not how I would describe the psychology of the people he's describing in the video.
You see this kind of argumentation a lot more now. "Oh you're not a woman so how you can have anything meaningful to say about women's issues". "You're not black so you don't have any idea/contribution about the state of blacks and their culture in America". And so on and so forth. When someone who doesn't know shit about Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics tries to state bold ideas about these fields, an actual Physicist/Chemist/Mathematician would have no issues refuting their ideas/suggestions/theories in a well thought out and reasoned argument. For some reason though, we don't see the same thing in the social sciences, in politics, or in fields such as cinema and game development. I shouldn't say some reason, because the reason is obvious, these are fields that are far more abstract than the hard sciences, and they require a lot more creativity and philosophy to properly understand. This leads to many people in these fields not actually understanding/knowing the field/industry as much as they think, and when they are pressed to defend their beliefs/practices, they have to fall back on arguments from authority/credibility to defend themselves, since their actual capability/knoweldge in their field/industry/career/etc is not very high.