Castlevania: SotN, Final Fantasy 5, Dark Souls. Definitive gameplayfag JRPG starter pack. Minimal story & cutscenes in the case of each, but good gameplay as well as plenty charm elsewhere.
The true starter JRPG is probably pokemon, but that's more ideal for kids arguably. To adults, start above.
So for example, under these rules I refuse to play any Persona as they are centered around teen high school drama & the art style is typical low effort anime. However, I enjoy Final Fantasy 8 as while it starts with high school drama theme it blends it with plenty action, hi-tech, sci-fi and fantasy themes from the get-go. Soon enough you're on a globe-spanning adventure visiting hi-tech futuristic cities, discovering ancient mystical burial sites, or even engaging in some fantastical time-travelling. The art is high effort as fuck, and the gameplay is rather complex and engaging despite its flaws, especially with mods.
so you missing best persona gaem - 2, because later games went school angle and instead play retarded ff 8 full of retards. way to destroy your own narrative.
Hey, I am simply unawares of Persona 2. I was actually considering it the other day, but was unaware it departs from the high school drama and romance shit, so thanks for informing me! It will try it. Whether it is actually good or not with genuine substance is another matter, we'll see.