Not once have I played a western RPG with longer cutscenes than JRPGs. Most western RPGs don't have any cutscenes at all (the original Fallouts, Arcanum, Baldur's Gates, Might & Magics, Wizardries, Morrowind, Gothic, etc etc). And the dialog in western RPGs is presented in single paragraphs that appear instantly so you can quickly read it all and go on.Western RPGs have longer cutscenes than JRPGs. The main difference is presentation. WRPGs dump wall of texts, JRPGs try to play a bit with character motion. But JRPGs usually don't have prose, so reading time is smaller.Doesn't exist for me, I hate cutscenes, especially when they're frontloaded.I think where JRPGs really shine though is when the cutscenes aren't something you want to skip to begin with.
Most dialog in JRPGs is made by characters. If you don't like the characters, you will bore.
JRPG dialog is presented line by line with characters constantly bantering, and the text types out letter by letter, and you have to keep hammering on your keyboard to make it go faster, and it's just such a chore compared to the simple and elegant presentation of WRPG dialogs. And usually those dialogs aren't even interesting.
I played through some SRPGs because I love their gameplay but whenever a dialog came up I was just going click click click click to make it go past quicker. Horrible way of delivering story, I abhor it.