Since FitGirl released her repack friday night I've downloaded it and played some 5/6 hours since starting it Saturday night
Since I hadn't any expectations or hype for this even when that first teaser dropped in 2013, there was nothing to be disappointed with
In fact, today I was a bit surprised because after that mission of rescuing the girl from the gang, when the game finally releases it grip on you and lets you explore and do shit, I actually had some fun with the game
Didn't saw that one coming
Provided it was a very flawed kind of fun, one that couldn't build up to something greater because the game keeps fucking breaking and interrupting those moments
But if one day this is fixed, I might very well enjoy it
In a sentence, this game feels like a Deus Ex inspired total overhaul mod for GTA
And I mean back when GTA were still good games
Cruising around the city, taking side jobs, wreaking havok and having the liberty to chose to how I want the PC to behave (even if it's mostly binary choices) is pretty nice
Those moments felt like I was playing the game GTA was trying to be (before R* ruined it)
I would even go as far as to say that the ''RPG elements'' are what's keeping this game from its true potential
Instead of having such a tacked on and shitty system they should've dumped everything related to the attributes and skills away and restricted the different play styles to the backgrounds
So that way if you wanted the aggressive, combat oriented play style you go with Street Kid; for the stealth, hacking and diplomatic approach you have the Corpo; and Nomad for whatever is between those two or even a hybrid play style (plus an increased influence of these backgrounds in the campgain)
You could still upgrade your character via augments and chips (the latter having either info or programs), but these upgrades should be something truly substantial (either due to a drastic change in stats, or the access to new actions, tools and content)
As it stands this system is dog shit, filled with redundant and bland upgrades, plus the fact V is already pretty good at most activities
The other glaring gameplay problems would be:
-Itemization is even more retarded and busted than the one used in Witcher 3 (so gear levels up, and you're showered it so much shit just from partaking in a generic combat encounter)
-Economy is garbage; after 3 hours of free roam I already have enough money to buy out weapons shops (not that they serve any purpose); plus selling prices are ridiculously low, and while the purpose is obvious the end result is laughable as weapons that cost thousands of dollars are sold for 20 bucks, but you can sell a fucking necklace for 750 eurodollars because they are a rarer item than military grade machine guns
-Vehicle handling is shit, they accelerate way too fast but are super heavy, which makes turning corners a pain in the ass
-Like everyone already knows the AI is busted or even non-existent in some cases
-Clothes shouldn't give you armor, they should just be a cosmetic choice
-Healing items are just too abundant, already have 50 of this game's equivalent of minor healing potions
-Ammo is also too abundant, I already have enough bulllets too wipe out a platoon, but I beileve this tied up to the next point
-Enemies are complete bullet sponges, it really takes away from the combat when you can fill a common thug with 5 double barrel shots at close range and he still has half his HP
-Samething for V, he is difficult to kill even this early in the game all you have to do to stay alive is maintain a good distance, take cover to heal and empty a few mags, and run circles around the enemies because their AI can't deal with that and base V already runs like a ninja
-not a gameplay problem but the UI sucks, even after getting aquainted it's too cluttered, badly organized, filled with useless info, has too many submenus and overall it's readability is a problem
But so far the technical problems of this just take the cake
I doubt it's as bad as Fallout 76, but it really is up here
Besides the shit optimization, the overwhelming amount of bugs (which I find happen mostly during the story set pieces as opposed to free roaming) and the glitches, what's really impressive is that this game is guaranteed to break at one point or the other during long sessions
All of the times I've booted it up, after at least half an hour of play the game WILL break
It might just come at a grinding halt and force you to close it down in the task manager, it might just shut down because of some error, it might force your GPU to restart (yes it happened), shit sometimes it even shut down my computer
Doesn't matter what it is, play it long enough and it will break
Fuck if I change any graphical setting I have to immediately restart the game because it will crash a couple of minutes later
That's why I am seriously considering unnistalling this and wait for all the patches to come out before giving it another
Shit, if they make modding tools for this, I think I'll wait until it's equivalent of the W3EE mod
But when things run smoothly the game does look impressive
You can tell that the devs took great care into building the city and bust their ass trying to make it "playable"
So kudos to them for that
Pretty cool even with everything on Low
It somewhat resembles Witcher 1
A flawed but well-meaning project that was just too ambitious for the studio's capacity