I've just found out that the reflections, or at least some of them, aren't real.
In the Dewdrop netrunner store, the glass isn't reflecting the poster that's being displayed, it's a different one.
If someone needs proof I have a couple of screens I can up.
.....Just Fuck this game.
Most reflections are cubic maps taken during development. (A cubic map it's the planar projection of a 360° fisheye lens, so you just need 6x 'normal' textures). I remember using a lot of them in my days modding UT2003/2004 because just about every shiny object uses them in place of complex shaders (cubic maps are a technique available since DX7). I believe also Half Life 2 and all its Source engine derivatives use prebaked cubic maps for a lot of normal lighting stuff and the editor can generate them automatically. Much less intensive than having to redraw the level from the viewpoint of the reflected surface for each mirror object.
'True' reflections' computed by rendering again the the scene are usually reserved for special surfaces like a large body of water and even then, the in-game settings allow you to specify how much 'complex' these reflections should be. I'm pretty sure all those offices / interior spaces you see from the windows in Cyberpunk 2077 are also just cubic maps. They're very fast to handle as the hardware texture unit only has to retrieve the right texel in 3d space (u,v,w) instead of 2d (u,v) as for a traditional texture.
Ray tracing in hardware is not magic, in fact it's pretty limited compared to what an offline software raytracer can do.