the first news i watched in the elevator mentioned some nanomachine treatment for the absolutely monstrous amount of 700k per month. you can earn that amount in a few days of just grinding random mooks who sit on sidewalks. this is perhaps the single one game which mostly needed survival elements, you should had been constantly strapped for money, crushed by everything being so damn expensive, instead you're told you have weeks to live but are in fact sink
the game has no economy since it's piss easy and drops are bountiful, outrageously so once you reach 40, since this game suffers from oblivion-level level scaling, but only for equipment. mobs keep being pushovers. i could grind cops forever, but what's the point if you don't gain loot and neither xp from them?
this game represents everything "cyberpunk" shouldn't be: you're the punisher. all you do is punish criminals, since even policemen are identified as "beat cop", and when you try to do otherwise you're railroaded into paladin life choices.