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CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 + Phantom Liberty Expansion Thread


Mar 12, 2020
Basically if you get out of your busted car and fast travel somewhere then call it again it will be repaired.
And if I don't use the car altogether, it won't need repairing in the first place! :lol:


Jan 3, 2024
Just call your car somewhere it has to respawn. Voila. It'll be pristine again.
Since when? I distinctly remember my ride staying scratched and banged-up between summons, the only way to "repair" it was to blow it up or drop it in the river before recalling unless it's changed in recent patches.
I'll check when I get home. Except for the cool down after blowing up a car I don't remember it being that much an irritation.


Jan 3, 2024
Just call your car somewhere it has to respawn. Voila. It'll be pristine again.
Since when? I distinctly remember my ride staying scratched and banged-up between summons, the only way to "repair" it was to blow it up or drop it in the river before recalling unless it's changed in recent patches.
I'll check when I get home. Except for the cool down after blowing up a car I don't remember it being that much an irritation.
Just checked, works for me as I said - vehicle beat up pretty badly, then go far enough away where summoning it causes it to respawn. Pristine. I only played the game post-2.0, so don't know when it was changed, it's always been that way AFAIK. Are you running some scene version like Dodi or Fitgirl? Sometimes they dont include all the features from a patch despite "updated for 2.12 patch".


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
Yeah, cars from your collection in CP2077 magically get fixed when you don't use them. Maybe it was different pre 2.0 but having played the game for the first time when Phantom Liberty dropped, I only know this state of things.


Apr 18, 2007
Yeah, cars from your collection in CP2077 magically get fixed when you don't use them.

Which actually is a waste. Having to drive them to a garage to have them repaired for money would give you a money sink or maybe a reason to not only use one car of the many you own if it can be completely destroyed.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
cant say I took pleasure in vehicle combat, however i did spend some time in finding best weapon for it -> tech smg. They got no recoil while driving, very good in taking out enemy drivers


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
cant say I took pleasure in vehicle combat, however i did spend some time in finding best weapon for it -> tech smg. They got no recoil while driving, very good in taking out enemy drivers
Vehicle combat was poor indeed but it was nice to rush enemy location in an armored car, taking first wave of foes with my machine guns when they could do shit, then disembark and finish the rest with a katana.

Also, armed cars enhanced big battles against the NCPD.


Apr 5, 2015
Soy: drives pansy ass cars
Goy: drives on a bike which is much more faster and steal random car if there's a neeed for vehicle combat


Mar 12, 2020
Just checked, works for me as I said - vehicle beat up pretty badly, then go far enough away where summoning it causes it to respawn. Pristine. I only played the game post-2.0, so don't know when it was changed, it's always been that way AFAIK. Are you running some scene version like Dodi or Fitgirl? Sometimes they dont include all the features from a patch despite "updated for 2.12 patch".
Nope, I'm legit. Maybe the behaviour's changed in patches, I remember from way back that some disphit NPC would scratch my car and it'd keep spawning scratched until I destroyed it and summoned it back. This is before there was a cooldown timer.

Anyway, like I said to gurugeorge, if my "solution" to fixing my ride is to have to park, run away and spawn it again, it's not really a solution. It didn't use to be that big of an issue when driving was inoffensively pointless, but since CDPR "fixed" it with their popamole driving encounters drudgery (which often trigger literally the instant I get behind the wheel), it's become offensively pointless. Lacking a proper repair option is a design oversight that makes the problem worse, but the base problem is how the vehicle encounters work.

why not just keep stealing random cars?
Aside from the NCPD hassle, then what's even the point in the vehicle money sink? Might as well just get the Javelina with its mounted machineguns and maybe a single bike (since Jackie's drives like shit) and you're done, just ignore everything else. This is a recurring theme with Cyberpunk, the design was broken at the core and trying to deploy arbitrary low-effort fixes downstream just ends up moving the turd to different sides of the plate.


Dec 27, 2008
Does having your car damaged change much? Since your car uses your health instead of having it's own HP, I dunno if your car can even explode or change much other than perhaps driving worse if your tires are shot.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Does having your car damaged change much? Since your car uses your health instead of having it's own HP, I dunno if your car can even explode or change much other than perhaps driving worse if your tires are shot.
Did they change the way this works? It didn't used to use your hp, as far as I know. The only thing was the 33% extra vehicle health perk.


Mar 12, 2020
Does having your car damaged change much? Since your car uses your health instead of having it's own HP, I dunno if your car can even explode or change much other than perhaps driving worse if your tires are shot.
Did they change the way this works? It didn't used to use your hp, as far as I know. The only thing was the 33% extra vehicle health perk.
No, your car still has its own HP as it always has. If the bullets hit you through the windshield or like a missing door, you take damage, if they hit the car's body, it takes damage and will eventually blow up under you.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Does having your car damaged change much? Since your car uses your health instead of having it's own HP, I dunno if your car can even explode or change much other than perhaps driving worse if your tires are shot.
Did they change the way this works? It didn't used to use your hp, as far as I know. The only thing was the 33% extra vehicle health perk.
No, your car still has its own HP as it always has. If the bullets hit you through the windshield or like a missing door, you take damage, if they hit the car's body, it takes damage and will eventually blow up under you.
I was wondering. That change would've been retarded. :lol:


Dec 27, 2008
Alright then. I haven't experimented with vehicle combat much, but whenever they shot me, or I crash against something, the hp bar goes down, which I assumed it's mine, not the vehicle. I'll experiment further.


Jan 3, 2024
Just checked, works for me as I said - vehicle beat up pretty badly, then go far enough away where summoning it causes it to respawn. Pristine. I only played the game post-2.0, so don't know when it was changed, it's always been that way AFAIK. Are you running some scene version like Dodi or Fitgirl? Sometimes they dont include all the features from a patch despite "updated for 2.12 patch".
Nope, I'm legit. Maybe the behaviour's changed in patches, I remember from way back that some disphit NPC would scratch my car and it'd keep spawning scratched until I destroyed it and summoned it back. This is before there was a cooldown timer.

Anyway, like I said to gurugeorge, if my "solution" to fixing my ride is to have to park, run away and spawn it again, it's not really a solution. It didn't use to be that big of an issue when driving was inoffensively pointless, but since CDPR "fixed" it with their popamole driving encounters drudgery (which often trigger literally the instant I get behind the wheel), it's become offensively pointless. Lacking a proper repair option is a design oversight that makes the problem worse, but the base problem is how the vehicle encounters work.
Ah, there's no real issue, the game is working as intended, just your immmmurshun getting busted. Ought/is, dude. It ought to be one way, but is in fact another. That said, there were already a couple of mods suggested. Not perfect, but it'll get you what you want.
Oct 25, 2012
So, is this game finally worth playing after 3.5 years? Should I play it?

Few questions I would be happy to get answers for:
- is this playable without doing any shooting? I'm not talking about non-lethal playthrough, but maybe pure melee build, is it feasible? I hate shooting in games.
- any memorable moments the game offers? Stuff that makes you think about the game after you're done?
- are characters well written?
- how is side quest quality?
- how woke it is?
- can I play regular 2.0 and skip Phantom Liberty altogether, or would I be missing something important?

Thanks in advance.

I finished this yesterday clocking in 116 hours including Phantom Liberty, my observations:

- I hate Keanu Reeves now but I hate Idris Elba even more (fucking mainstream actors in a (fantasy) RPG I do not need)
- related to the point above: I found Phantom Liberty a bit tiresome and superfluous IMO just stick to the main game
way too many cut scene heavy quest lines (some in the main quest lasted like 2-3 hours WTF)
- technically it ran pretty well on a RTX 4060 gaming laptop @ 1080p: no major crashes or game breaking bugs (but I'm used to Bethesda lol)
- game looked very good even in ol' 1080p but content wise world felt fairly lifeless and empty without animals etc.
- the most memorable moment was the uninstall :P
- in the end as a RPG it's like 6/10, and 8/10 as a cheesable action game
- I will never replay it (I did play 3 endings).
I think it's an OK action game for 60 hours or so, if you really like it get the expansion but in hindsight I would just have been content with the main game so save yourself some shekels potentially. :keepmymoney:



Mar 12, 2020
Ah, there's no real issue, the game is working as intended, just your immmmurshun getting busted. Ought/is, dude. It ought to be one way, but is in fact another. That said, there were already a couple of mods suggested. Not perfect, but it'll get you what you want.
Well, if it ought to be one way but is a different way, that'd be an issue. But no, I'm sure the game's working "as intended", that's the problem, that the core design itself is bad. CDPR are quite spectacular in terms of art direction, but really don't get this gameplay shit. Me fussing over my scratched wheels might be an "immmurshun" thing, okay, but the driving encounters are objectively a crap design.

As for the two mods I linked (which would only address the paint job, not the encounters), they don't seem to be fully functional, their descriptions/comments point out that they can only "fix" body damage but won't restore parts and shit. No idea how that even works for the car's HP. So yeah, it seems I'm shit outta luck.
Mar 3, 2010
money sink
the first news i watched in the elevator mentioned some nanomachine treatment for the absolutely monstrous amount of 700k per month. you can earn that amount in a few days of just grinding random mooks who sit on sidewalks. this is perhaps the single one game which mostly needed survival elements, you should had been constantly strapped for money, crushed by everything being so damn expensive, instead you're told you have weeks to live but are in fact immortal.
the game has no economy since it's piss easy and drops are bountiful, outrageously so once you reach 40, since this game suffers from oblivion-level level scaling, but only for equipment. mobs keep being pushovers. i could grind cops forever, but what's the point if you don't gain loot and neither xp from them?
this game represents everything "cyberpunk" shouldn't be: you're the punisher. all you do is punish criminals, since even policemen are identified as "beat cop", and when you try to do otherwise you're railroaded into paladin life choices.


Dec 27, 2008
Isn't "beat cop" a word no longer relevant in Night City anyway, as the cops ALWAYS shoot to kill? Not that it can't blame them when everyone in the city can be a potential psycho with super-cybernetics.

That, or there's a gameplay limitation as the programmers couldn't implement jail time, as every GTA-style game since forever did.
Like regular GTA cops, NC officers are very twitchy and will attack you for sneezing near them.


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A "beat cop" is an area patrol officer, "beat" is slang for a regular area or field of activity
I thought it's coming from the cop beating the same path over and over as he is doing his patrol on foot.

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